#ill edit this bitch later xd
the-desert-beast · 5 months
im a dipshit who deleted his last
pinned post
instead of just unpinning it uuuuhhhhhhgggggggggggggggg
HI i have a few ships with friends :3 -> KynwylxFedsy, KynwylxNephele, KynwylxZayvis, KynwylxLusarim; SakuraPolycule
-> MaelgwynxConyvld, MaelgwynxLysyldur, MaelgwynxQuinn
-Conyvld, Lusarim; straywyvern's ocs!!!! Zayvis, Quinn; sunsrefuge's ocs!! Lysyldur is mabaki's!! and nephele is dotmander's!!!!!!!!! go check them out they are my fwends and i luv them
every idiot of mine has a tag in the format " Name (pro/nouns)"
#Maelgwyn (he/any). but sometimes im lazy and only write their names. thats usually for shitposts/funny posts that i think relate to them somehow.
-> #my ocs | #friends' ocs | #my art | #friends' art
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
So, I know I mainly do reader inserts but I've shared my slash stuff in the past on this blog, and I wanted to share an idea I came up with when watching Buffy and Criminal Minds with a friend. There are some Major Spoilers for Criminal Minds here and some minor spoilers for Buffy. I'm only on season 2 right now, so this is all very early Buffy characters, nothing for later, but I will add to this when I get there. I hope you like it! And I'm not stopping with the reader inserts! I just had this idea and I had to discuss it with my friend who knows more about Buffy than me and write it down XD
Buffy: Trans Spencer Reid because like, a double subversion just like buffy herself. He lived in Las Vegas with his Mother, Diana Reid, since his father left them when he was a kid. He grew up with his Watcher, Jason Gideon, train him to be the slayer. Spencer goes to school at a normal pace because Gideon doesn't want him to be too far away from the vampire nest that's sprung up and won't go away in Las Vegas. Gideon treats him like a son until he starts getting bullied at school and comes out as a trans man, pulling away and ignoring him, using him like a weapon. After Gideon died in front of Spencer, he resolves to never become the slayer. 
Willow: Penelope Garcia. Everyone loves her and she's definitely gay, and she's a whiz with computers. Her home life is nothing special. With two absent parents she practically raised herself with her best friend, Derek Morgan, there to watch over her. She finds out Vampires are real, that Spencer is the slayer, and that he's killed people, no- vampires before all in the same minute. 
Xander: Derek Morgan. I love him, but he's also a TOTAL ladies man and doesn't always know the right thing to say. Grew up in a loving home with his mother and two sisters, but was sexually abused by the local football coach and no one believed him, causing a rift between him and his family. He grew up with Penelope, and while they flirt a lot, they never have any romantic feelings towards one another. He also finds out about Spencer with Penelope, hiding behind a bookcase in the library. 
Merrick: Jason Gideon. Spencer's first water, he comes from the watchers council, a very conservative group of men taught to train the slayers as they arise. He pretended to love Spencer as a father to get the young boy to trust him, but as time goes on, he drops that facade and backs away, leaving Spencer practically alone. He died in front of Spencer without so much as a goodbye, blaming him for his death, almost permanently breaking Spencer. 
Angel: Aaron Hotchner. That one's obvious. He's broody and doesn't get along with anyone but he has a good heart and soul, wanting to right the wrongs he may have committed in the past. He also doesn't want to enter into a relationship with Spencer, despite the pull they have to each other, because of how much older he is, and how much power he has over the boy, but when Spencer reveals he's the slayer, they're on the same playing field. 
Giles: David Rossi. But like, a super rich Giles who publishes a lot of books for the watchers and for non-supernatural people. Also he's a such a good dad. He wants to understand Spencer, and will listen when he has problems, even if Spencer is hesitant to open up because of what happened with his previous watcher. He accepts that Spencer is trans and actually does a lot of research on it to help the boy open up more. When Spencer met him, he was conflicted because he wanted to fanboy about ahow he's read every single one of Rossi's books, supernatural or not, but he's also conflicted because his last watcher left him, just like his father, and he doesn't want that to happen again. 
Kendra: Elle. People either love her or hate her and she leaves way too early. She's from Italy, having been taken by her watcher when she first showed the signs of being a slayer. She has a hard time interacting with people and more often than not rude and quick to anger because of it. 
Joyce Summers: Diana Reid. She supports her son fully and even with her illness she never gets her son's name or pronouns wrong. She's back on medication and doing better than she previously was, but Spencer sometimes still has to take care of her if she has an unexpected episode, causing him to have to forgo his slayerage if his mom needs help. She doesn't know he's the slayer and thinks that him sneaking out (because let's be real, even with slayer powers, that boy has two left feet and would not be stealthy at all) to see friends that he now seems to have, a big step up from Vegas. She moved to Sunnydale for her son, because she would do anything to make him happy and comfortable with himself. 
Principal Snyder: Erin Strauss. She's a huge hardass on all of them but Hotch and Spencer specifically. She doesn't know about Spencer until later when he starts destroying things at school, and she hates him. Having access to his records, he knows that Spencer is not his legal name, and knows that he's trans. While she never uses his Deadname, she does pay extra special attention to him, for all the wrong reasons. Also, she knows way more about the supernatural world than she lets on. 
Cordelia: JJ, but it's another subversion. She's the gorgeous blonde haired popular girl and everyone thinks she's a bitch but she's actually really really nice if she trusts you. It's hard for her to trust however, so she's curt and rude at first when the Scoobies save her, and she's traumatized from being almost killed multiple times, but when she finds out what Spencer is and that the supernatural is real, she opens up and lets them in, dropping her tough girl facade, showing that she's one of the nicest people ever. It's all a defense mechanism, and she never wanted to be popular in the first place, she was just inducted into the group because she's always been gorgeous. 
Oz: Kevin Lynch. He loves Penelope and gets along with her so well. He's also super nice and considerate and nerdy, and can't you see Kevin playing guitar in a band? Also, werewolf Kevin is an amazing concept that I think is a perfect contradiction to his normal behavior, just like with Oz's. 
MY FRIEND HAD THE AMAZING IDEA THAT HALEY IS DARLA AND I LOVE THAT! Like, Hotch comes to town because some big event is happening and he has to let the slayer know except, uh oh, he doesn't know who that is because the slayer is a girl and the only one who feels like they could be the slayer is a young teenaged boy named Spencer who's definitely not a girl. But he knows that Rossi is the Slayers watcher and Spencer hangs out a lot around him so he tells Spencer what's coming, and because of this big event, his ex, the one who sired him, Haley Brooks comes to town to terrorize him and bring upon this big event. I wanted Haley to still be the sire because how I imagined it was, Haley pretended to be in love with Hotch to get him to do what she wanted, but when she changed him, he realized what she was doing, the demon in him realized, and so he pretended not to, and just started hating her for it, and saw how she didn't love him, and used him.
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fencer-x · 5 years
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Okay I’m home now so no more memeing from the phone. YOU GET LEGIT THOUGHTS NOW. THOUGH THOSE ARE PRETTY MUCH JUST MORE MEMES.
So I went to see a showing with @shigacajun today, and WHOOBOY. First off, I’m REALLY GLAD I read a thorough summary beforehand. I was able to remain relatively unspoiled for exciting scenes while managing to understand what was going on despite not really being able to keep up with the dialogue at a few points. I consider myself reasonably skilled in Japanese, especially hearing, but if you’ve seen this movie, you know that 97% of the dialogue is had under LOUD CONFUSING BATTLE CONDITIONS. So yeah. Also that fun font? Really hard to read in Japanese, let me assure you XD;;;;
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At our theater, they gave out these super nice glossy big postcards. LOOK AT LIO AND GALO IN THEIR MATCHING SEMINUDE LOOKS. Lio needs to up his belt game, tho.
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We were hoping to purchase pamphlets, but the theater we chose was a bit dilapidated and had long since sold out of the pamphlets, so instead we grabbed one of the free flyers. It had a lovely foldout pic too, as well as lots of details about the movie.
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NOW! @shigacajun and I had no idea what to expect going in, as far as the...editing???...of the movie. So we didn’t know that the movie had been altered somewhat by several new scenes being added. This led to A FAIR BIT OF CONFUSION on our part.
I’m not sure how the global release was edited, but in the Japanese release, two extras were added to the main movie after its initial release: Side Galo and Side Lio, which give backstory on both characters. These were actually really helpful and gave some insight, so I’m glad they were added, BUT they were treated like separate little mini-movies with their own intros and roll-credits lmao. So we were very confused until we realized that they must have been extra video added later. 
Was this the same presentation in the global release? With the production house tags in front like you’d see with any big movie and then separate credits after each one like it’s the end of an anime episode? @shigacajun and I were quietly dying of laughter after the second one because it was just so absurd XD;;;; But for the content, I really loved seeing Lio’s introduction. THOSE BADASS ARROWS, I WAS SOLD.
Overall thoughts on the movie: My god this thing was GORGEOUS. The COLORS. The ANIMATION. It was so rough, but it fit the fast, brash action style SO WELL. And I melted at that smooth CGI animation like you see in the new Eva movies, it looks SO GOOD. Burnish’s fire was beautiful, Lio’s dragon gave me chills, and in general I just cannot fathom how this thing exists. Much like I cannot fathom how Into the Spiderverse exists. I will take 500 more of these oversaturated neon color eyegasm animated films, please. They’re absolutely spectacular and a pleasure to watch. This may also not be a popular opinion, but I KIND OF wish the movie as a whole had a little more serious tone to it. I think it’s great as-is, but I would’ve liked to have seen a little more emotion from Lio and Galo, especially when Lio is lying there in pieces, dying. 
Overall thoughts on Galo (de) Lio/Lio (de) Galo: HEY. CANON SWITCHING, LOOK AT THAT. Galo is definitely the kind of character who, for me, could easily get on my nerves. That classic stupid shonen protagonist. It’s the way he plays off of Lio (and vice versa) that really made me enjoy him in this movie. I joked earlier that he’s a big brash stupid Gryffindor and he REALLY IS. (also I fucking died after the kiss. Thought he was going to do the classic, “omg I didn’t kiss you cause I liked you gross that was to save you!” when SIKE he was just annoyed it was the first time he’d ever CAUGHT ON FIRE. Like okay my guy, that wasn’t your average mouth-to-mouth but sure.) When he and Lio team up to pilot the Deus Ex Machina (....my god was it difficult not to literally LOL), though, that was when they finally really shone together. That was some Starfighter shit there. 
Overall thoughts on Lio Fotia: This is my son, no one shall speak ill of him. He sits on a throne because he is 100% That Bitch, and while he may complain, he WILL craft for you from pure sentient flame the biggest baddest phallic object you could ask for, as long as you whine for it in just the right tone. Your husband WISHES he had this much audacity.
Going with @shigacajun to trawl Ikebukuro tomorrow for first- and secondhand goods tomorrow. We’ve also DEFINITELY agreed we need to see it again, but we’ll be waiting for the 4DX release in mid-October so we can have more choices of theaters and get that fun 4DX experience :D
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