#ill fight for anyone clsoe to me if asked to
pechaberriesandsoju · 9 months
Gonna say this now; if I see anyone harassing my friends/mutuals or being rude as hell to them?? I'm stepping in to give you a piece of my mind. You want to cause shit? Come talk to me asshole. I have time to waste, even though you're probably not worth a spec of it. But just to make things clear;
Don't mess with my friends, I'll bite for them if they let me. And I won't hesitate to do so.
Anyways, that is all! To all my friends and mutuals reading this??? I love you and your f/os love and adore you!!! Stay awesome!!!!
Pro.ship and com.ship, racists and transphobes, do not interact with this post. Get blocked.
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