#ill let y'all know if things go well during the actual competition
fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
currently debating whether or not i should stop to meet tom kenny or not
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shibalen · 4 years
(1/4)I’d like to request a matchup for Kuroshitsuji, OHSHC,&Free please. I’m an INTP bisexual female with slightly above shoulder-length black hair and a fringe. (Although, I do have an undercut as well so it’s a bit “odd” to most people. Basically, with my hair normally, I look like a young Japanese school girl but with my hair tied-up, I look like “a delinquent.”) I also need glasses however, I tend to avoid using them unless I’m on a device of sorts or reading for a prolonged period of time.
(2/4) I’m a 5’1 Capricorn and as such, I am known to be a very independent person who gets what they want done. The downside to this is if I’m forced to do something, my efficiency drops dramatically and so I’d think it’s quite useless to tell me to do something I have no interest in. Also, people who have met me for the first time tend not to take me seriously when I speak straightforwardly or pointedly because of my short stature. English is my 2nd language and Japanese is my 3rd.
(3/4) My hobbies include reading, writing, painting, drawing, and anything within the field of arts. Because of this, I’ve been told that I’m quite smart as I can ace an important exam without having studied seriously prior. Most of my time goes to my hobbies and so I don’t really bother with academics so as long as I don’t fail nor let my grades fall too low, I don’t put for much effort in school. I prefer to be alone or with another individual rather than in groups when it comes to working.
(4/4) or simply conversing as I tend to get overwhelmed with too much company (which, sadly, makes me more irritable and snappy at people.) I’m a classic(?)introvert case and because of my disorganized emotional nature, people tend to think I’m bi-polar. Sometimes, I’d like to be left alone since I prefer working seriously but I also like being affectionate towards people I like or cherish. Thank you for entertaining this long ask and I do apologize for it as well. Have a nice day!
♡ matchup for @vincent0kirishima
hello! i'm glad to have gotten to your matchup at last! i once again apologise for the delay °~°
future requests keep in mind that i only accept two fandoms per request. also, remember to send max three asks. i made this an exception because i forgot about the rule myself for a moment.
|| Kuroshitsuji: i match you with . . .
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You give me such a strong vibe that I think matches incredibly with Beast's intense personality
A badass and beautiful woman with a smaller but just as powerful and independent woman ♡
Beast has quite an ill temper but I think your nature can balance it out well – your presence naturally soothes her fits
Then, during the times you're snappy she'll be the calm one to help you feel better
If you ever start feeling overwhelmed by crowds (or anything really) you know she will be there for you. Beast is an extremely devoted lover and cannot bear seeing you in any type of distress
She couldn't honestly care less about many other people but for you she'll be soft in a heartbeat
"Are you feeling all right?"
"This crowd is making me tired."
"That's all right, we can leave . . . Hey, bastards, you'd better shut your traps! y/n and I are going!"
A D O R E S your intelligence
Beast herself is quite smart as well but is used to working hard to get what she wants
She won't tell you what to do but will be stern when it comes to keeping your grades where you want them
But please don't get her wrong! She's there to remind you of your deadlines and homework, knowing it will save you from unnecessary stress later on
Also keeps and eye out whenever you need to wear your glasses
She just wants the best for you ♡
Arts are straight up Beast's alley! She'd be more than happy to watch to you indulge in your interests. Even more she'd love to take part in them with you
Quality time is extremely important to her so if you spend your day painting or drawing together she'd be over the moon ♡(> ਊ <)♡
Writes a lot of poems and lets you read them any time you want. If another person dares to sneak a peek though they might as well be dead
Some of the poems she creates are especially for you. She puts them into an envelope scented with her perfume and leaves them by your bedside in the mornings ♡
Imagine showing you her preforming act before the big show and asking for your opinion on improvements. Beast values your ideas and accepts your constructive criticism
Betty likes you too, and, unless you're afraid of her, she will nuzzle up to you ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
May whatever force out there have mercy on the poor soul that doesn't take you seriously because Beast certainly won't
She'll tear them to shreads if they dare to belittle you
She knows well how much you're capable of and won't allow anyone to think any less of you
Although I think she would prefer parties, I also believe that it's fine, seeing as you need your alone time. While Beast is out socalising you're usually at home recharging or working
At the end of the day you'll be affectionate in private – holding each other, talking about your day and just enjoying each other's presence
Loves holding you late at night
She still takes you out from time to time though. Amusement parks and carnivals at night are a favorite of hers: there aren't many people around to bother you but at the same time there are lots of fun activities for you to emerge yourselves in
Your appearance was a bonus that drew Beast in! It's cool af the way you can look sweet or more like a "delinquent" depending on your hairstyle
She loves adding touches of makeup to match whichever look you decide to go with (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Overall this is a more balanced relationship than what it may appear at first. You have just the right amount differences and similarities
I still can't get over the badass aura y'all would emit
So here, good folks, we have a couple you do not mess with
runner up: Sebastian Michaelis
|| OHSHC: i match you with . . .
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Kyoya Ootori
Smart couple™ that everyone goes to for homework answers
It was definitely your go-getter attitude that made me pick Kyo for ya (ba dum tss). You're smart and driven just like him, which is great trait to share
You're both goal-oriented, knowing better than to let small problems in your relationship cause conflict
This strengthens your bond, proving to be something that brings you closer ♡
He helps keeping your emotional state in check
Probably didn't take you seriously either the first time you met I'm sorry it was too amusing for him to watch as you explained something from all the way down there
But in the end you proved him wrong and how so
Next time his smile was different, finding you interesting in a much better light
Never again fails to acknowledge your smarts. He doesn't need to tell you what to do or how to do it because you know those things for yourself
Finds it hot attractive as heck
Still, he wants you to see that you're able to achieve much more in academics and encourages you to bring out the best in yourself
Will talk to you in whichever language you'd like. He's an educated boy and has no problem speaking English (or probably any widely-spoken language)
Supports you wholeheartedly should you want to learn Japanese more in depth, and loves it when you speak it
Respects your introverted nature. Kyoya isn't a party person either so rest assured he won't be dragging you around to socialise. He understands well how being around a crowd can effect your mood
If you must make an appearance along side Kyoya, he makes sure your stay is as short as possible to ensure you wouldn't be overwhelmed by the mass
You gradually grow used to the rest of the funky members of the host club so you still hang out with them on your free time
Cue you and Kyoya silently watching their shenanigans unfold and making profit from them
Kyoya doesn't get jealous easily but it does internally annoy him a great deal if Tamaki along with Hikaru and Kaoru gather around you to ask all sorts of questions. Yep that's definitely not jealously.
But if the two of you are alone together you either choose to paint or read together (seriously, he could go about it for hours with you) or possibly study for an upcoming exam
This is where Kyoya encourages you to read the textbook just a little longer, solve another question, using, of course, bribing
Tickets to a theatre, writing utensils – anything you have wanted for a while
Kyoya naturally knows all the right strings to pull to motivate you, it might get a bit annoying every time he pulls that sly smirk
You get him back by putting ridiculous theme ideas into Tamaki's head, that are fun for everyone else except Kyoya
Just, you two could con 2 million out of a casino and no one would be surprised
There is overall a lot of playful competition between the two of ya
Plenty of witty and sarcastic remarks – everyone can see you're made for each other ♡
"Full marks yet again? I must say I'm impressed."
"It's only a natural talent. What, is the great Kyoya Ootori in need of a tutor?"
"Only if the session is private and you're my teacher."
Just kiss already
And get a room
Because Kyoya isn't a morning person, it's up to you to gently wake him up with some coffee and sweets and a smooch
He may grumble underneath the covers but it's one of those rare moments he's actually flustered
So soft (*´ω`*)
runner up: (sorry, i was bribed to erase this part. tehe c(⑅ ◔ڼ◔)っ)
thank you for requesting! i'm sorry i didn't draw a clear conclusion with the second match but i felt ending it like that was fine (please agree) ^^ i truly hope you liked it! have a good day, dear ♡
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