spidercato · 4 years
“I dunno.” They shrugged, unsure why Gary would lie. They scuffed their foot absentmindedly as they waited in silence for HUE to speak once more. When he finally did, they simply frowned once more and shook their head in dismay.  “I hope they’re not in trouble.” They cringed. “Though leave it to Gary to turn an unathorized supply run into something potentially dangerous.”
They glanced back up to HUE and nodded, already heading for the exit of the ship. “I’ll get some guns.” They said with a hint of eagerness in their voice. Any opportunity for unnecessarily large weapons was quickly seized by the overenthusiastic, young Ventrexian.
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“We’ll find the others and you can try out your new body. A win, win solution.” -to a problem that shouldn’t have come up to begin with. But nonetheless, something like this was bound to happen eventually. And what better way to test out HUE’s new form then a potentially dangerous rescue mission?
⚠“I can’t say I am thrilled.” HUE looked distraught as glowing blue eyes scanned over the mess of flames and garbage that littered the floor, KVN beaming proudly up at him with not a single- functioning circuit in his head. 
“It’s art.” 
“I do not believe art typically requires so much fire.” HUE tilted his head to the side. This was a very annoying turn of events. He needed some of those parts that were now blazing before him; they were important. 
“Ch,” KVN scoffed. “You don’t understand art. You’re,” he paused for dramatic effect, “A robot.” HUE blinked behind his sunglasses. 
“KVN, we’re both robots.” 
“Yes but I have the soul of an artist!” 
HUE sighed to himself, trying to determine if keeping KVN around was actually logical, or if he should cut his losses through disabling him entirely. He was the stronger AI, though... KVN was made, in a sense, to destroy AIs... 
“Little Cato,” The Ventrexian happened to be passing by at just the right moment. HUE figured he needed an organic creatures opinion. “Is this art?” 
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spidercato · 4 years
They didn’t believe the other for a second. You can’t trust anyone but yourself. That was one of the first things their father taught them. They weakly got up to their knees, hands placed firmly on the ground in front of them as they tried in vain to catch their breath. Their chest rose and fell with frantic, shallow intakes of breath as they tried their damndest to stand to their feet. They managed for a moment before falling back to the floor, letting out a broken sob as they hit the ground. This was it. After surviving for so long, this was where and when they died.
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Their ears swiveled to the sound of the strange green creature approaching closer. They raised their head up to glare weakly at the other who was too close. The offer was met with a confused silence. They frowned, raising a hand up to rub furiously at their eyes to rid them of tears that just continued to fall.
“I dunno why I should trust you.” They said honestly, eyeing the other wearily before finally sighing with defeat. They gave a small, bitter laugh that was devoid of any genuine humor. “But I don’t really have anything else to lose, so why not?” They shrugged before nodding to the other as means of giving permission. If they were going to die, it would be nice to die in the warm arms of another. Gods, when was the last time they had even touched another living being?
Well, yesterday’s beating certainly didn’t count. That touch was anything but consensual nor kind. That was a fist against their cheek. Reminded of the injury, they raised a thin paw up to their jaw, wincing as they found the bruise with ease-hidden beneath their ginger fur. They’d likely have a black eye as well, though it wasn’t evident beneath the matted fur.
“So where are you taking me?” They asked absentmindedly, seeming to have already calmed down considerably as their childlike curiosity took over. The other was a completely foreign strange being and they were positively intrigued by their appearance and voice. “Are you wearing armor? Your everything,” They gestured vaguely to the other’s head and spines. “is all spikey.”
Starter for @a-bitter-resentment​
Another day. Or night. Honestly, Little Cato didn’t really ever know what time of day it was. One of the perks of living in this five star resort known as The Lord Commander’s dungeon. That was sarcasm, by the way. A thing Little Cato was growing increasingly reliant on to survive. Sarcasm, sass and those little bits of kibble that was sometimes mixed in with the rest of the mush given to them for food. 
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Life was definitely rough for the young 13 year old Ventrexian right now. But, it had been pretty rough before. Their dad had almost shot them. And before that they got to watch as all the friends they had made on The Lord Commander’s military base get murdered in front of them. Just a normal day in the life of Little Cato.
Okay, so life sucked sorta bad. They’d been trapped down here for two years, fed maybe four times a week if they were lucky and constantly beaten and thrown around by the self centered guard outside their cage. But it was fine! Everything was okay. They could deal with it. Just as they had dealt with everything else life had to throw at them.
Their father was probably dead. Otherwise he would have looked for them by now...Or maybe their father didn’t want anything to do with them. That was okay too. Who were they trying to kid? None of this was okay. They knew they certainly weren’t okay. They’d tried numerous ways to escape, including the most cowardly way of all out of pure desperation, but nothing had worked. That damn man kept Little Cato alive-just barely so too-as if out of spite.
Little Cato hated it all. But there was nothing they could do but sit here, staring at the same three walls and cage bars, and sulk.
But then their ears perked up, swiveling towards the cage bars as a new sound came from down the hall. They sat up straighter, fear filling their chest as they backed away into the furthest corner of the cage. Footsteps meant pain was coming soon.
They hastily curled up in the corner, knees draw up to their chest and face mashed in their knees as they hid the best they could. If I can’t see them, they can’t see me. It was childish, but they were a child. A scared one at that.
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spidercato · 4 years
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“Who wants to get their shins destroyed?”
the Best Day of the year has arrived
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spidercato · 4 years
👤 for @spidercato please if you're still doing this!
Send me a 👤 and I’ll make a promo banner for your blog
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spidercato · 4 years
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spidercato · 4 years
//Replies will be a bit slow; but please know that I appreciate your patience and will get to everything as soon as I have enough time and mental energy! I appreciate all of you and all the new followers I’ve gotten!
Life has been busy and I’ve been working on some maintenance in the house with my family. as soon as things slow down a bit and I can function normally again without having to parkour my way through the house-I’ll get to drafts!
love ya’ll!
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spidercato · 4 years
♗ for @spidercato
Send me a  ♗ and I’ll use my icon style to make an icon of your muse
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@spidercato Here you go :^D
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spidercato · 4 years
Their entire body stiffened as they listened to the unfamiliar voice call to them. What did the stranger want? Their body began trembling as they buried their face deeper into their knees, curling tighter. A single ear perked in acknowledgement to the other's words, struggling to understand the other through their peculiar accent. 
They simply listened to the stranger speak for a moment, tail curled around their ankles as they hugged their arms tight around themselves. They lifted their head ever so slightly, nodding at one of the questions and eyeing the other wearily. They didn’t trust the other. But...the other was offering escape, and Little Cato would be foolish not to either accept or slip past and escape on their own.
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"A-Almost t-three years." They stammered, voice shaky and uneven as they finally answered one of the stranger's questions. "And i'd understand y-you better if you spoke like a normal person." They added, giving a small huff. "Why do you talk like that anyway? I've never heard a person talk with a weird voice like that." They hadn't exactly heard a great number of accents during their imprisonment. Let alone really *any* other voices besides the one guard who enjoyed verbally abusing them.
They hesitantly uncurled, shakily standing to their feet in a defensive position. "Why should I trust you anyway?" They demanded, trying to sound strong and brave but simply looking like a frightened kitten caught in the headlights. "You just come barreling into here, murdering all the guards-which, thank you; I might add. Bob over there definitely deserved that kick to the balls you gave him-and then you expect me to trust you? Hell no." Their tail whipped back and forth in agitation.
Their back pressed against the wall and their ears remained lowered out of fear. As much as they loved the idea of trusting this stranger and leaving this wretched place to get food, they knew better then to get their hopes up. After all, their hopes always got crushed. It was simply a fact of life.
They eyed the other wearily, hands coming up to rub at their arms self consciously. Why was the stranger so much taller then them? Why did they have to be so damn short? Their chest rose and fell with quick, uneven breaths as they found themselves on the verge of panic. But they couldn't let themselves spiral. Not now with an opportunity to escape!
So they hastily built up their nerves and made a dash for it, scrambling through their cell and towards the exit, trying to squeeze past the stranger and dart off. Their movements were panicked and their footsteps uneven. They hadn't run in such a long time and their legs were so feel from malnourishment so they didn't make it very far.
They skidded on the floor, slipping as they finally left the confines of the cage only to slip and fall face first with a tiny "mrow" of pain. Great. They'd practically served themselves in a golden platter to the stranger. Wonderful. Rest in pieces, Little Cato; finally killed by your own damn stupidity.
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spidercato · 4 years
Starter for @a-bitter-resentment​
Another day. Or night. Honestly, Little Cato didn’t really ever know what time of day it was. One of the perks of living in this five star resort known as The Lord Commander’s dungeon. That was sarcasm, by the way. A thing Little Cato was growing increasingly reliant on to survive. Sarcasm, sass and those little bits of kibble that was sometimes mixed in with the rest of the mush given to them for food. 
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Life was definitely rough for the young 13 year old Ventrexian right now. But, it had been pretty rough before. Their dad had almost shot them. And before that they got to watch as all the friends they had made on The Lord Commander’s military base get murdered in front of them. Just a normal day in the life of Little Cato.
Okay, so life sucked sorta bad. They’d been trapped down here for two years, fed maybe four times a week if they were lucky and constantly beaten and thrown around by the self centered guard outside their cage. But it was fine! Everything was okay. They could deal with it. Just as they had dealt with everything else life had to throw at them.
Their father was probably dead. Otherwise he would have looked for them by now...Or maybe their father didn’t want anything to do with them. That was okay too. Who were they trying to kid? None of this was okay. They knew they certainly weren’t okay. They’d tried numerous ways to escape, including the most cowardly way of all out of pure desperation, but nothing had worked. That damn man kept Little Cato alive-just barely so too-as if out of spite.
Little Cato hated it all. But there was nothing they could do but sit here, staring at the same three walls and cage bars, and sulk.
But then their ears perked up, swiveling towards the cage bars as a new sound came from down the hall. They sat up straighter, fear filling their chest as they backed away into the furthest corner of the cage. Footsteps meant pain was coming soon.
They hastily curled up in the corner, knees draw up to their chest and face mashed in their knees as they hid the best they could. If I can’t see them, they can’t see me. It was childish, but they were a child. A scared one at that.
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spidercato · 4 years
//quick little update on how I portray Little Cato. Thanks to an rp with one of my good friends, I’ve gotten used to writing him as they/them instead. So he is now a they; aka nonbinary aka nyan-binary because cat. As a nonbinary myself, I’ve grown to very much enjoy writing them this way. So if you have an issue with that, feel free to unfollow! <3
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spidercato · 4 years
A devilish grin spread across Little Cato’s face as he beamed up at his father. 
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And thus did the younger Cato rush off to find and capture the poor, unfortunate robot. HUE would never be the same.
@spidercato​ liked for a one liner!
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“W-Why do I smell smoke?”
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spidercato · 4 years
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"Totally not because I set the kitchen on fire with that experimental flame thrower I made to bake cookies faster..."
@spidercato​ liked for a one liner!
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“W-Why do I smell smoke?”
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spidercato · 4 years
       He said :                         ❝ go dry your eyes                            && live your life like there is no tomorrow, son ❞
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spidercato · 4 years
Ask Box Trick-or-Treat
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Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat! This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphic of your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together, a moodboard based on one of our threads, or some other goodie! Happy Halloween!  Let’s celebrate!
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spidercato · 4 years
‘Trick or Treat! 🎃’ (@spidercato) happy spooky month friend!
Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat! This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphic of your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together, a moodboard based on one of our threads, or some other goodie! Happy Halloween!  Let’s celebrate
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(( Happy spooky month indeed! ))
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spidercato · 4 years
A good sense of humor and defensiveness were two of the primary things that had kept Little Cato alive so far. So even if it meant making jokes at inappropriate times or being considered rude, he’d still act in such a manner despite it. 
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A quirked brow and intrigued look is Raymond’s initial response as Little Cato thinks for a moment. “First off, the name’s Little Cato. Not Crisp.” He says, brows furrowed. “Secondly, I haven’t really read many books so...” He rubbed his arm self consciously before shrugging.
“But I get the idea. So Halloween is about scary stuff? Why would anyone want to be a part of something like that?” He asked, perplexed but nonetheless fascinated. 
@spidercato​​ liked for a short starter from Raymond !
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     ❝ ... what’s with the costume?  It’s not Halloween quite yet, crisp. ❞
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spidercato · 4 years
Little Cato raised a brow, tail flicking with irritation. “Well I’ve been...otherwise occupied for the past three years, so...” He trailed off, shifting uncomfortably.
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Occupied being imprisoned for three years, that was.
He folded his arms over his chest and frowned forward at the other. “So are you gonna explain whatever it is, or what?”
@spidercato​​ liked for a short starter from Raymond !
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     ❝ ... what’s with the costume?  It’s not Halloween quite yet, crisp. ❞
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