#ill queue this for a bit then thatll be it!!
roadkillrave · 7 months
deleting tumblr off my phone
maybe thatll help
queue will run for a bit.
25 days or so.
maybe ill be back
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moved-pokemonwhite2 · 7 years
i realized that i still have a lot of followers in this blog & i just wanted to remind you that i remade a long time ago. my new blog is @phobe now
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matoitech · 5 years
gonna be away for medical reasons for about a month and i won’t have my phone reliably so
Tumblr media
tell me if i miss anything fun when i’m gone lol
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faeson · 6 years
🌲 mini hiatus (8/19/18)
i've just realized i'm spending too much time on tumblr lately, so i think i'm gonna take an impulsive little break. i only plan to log off for the upcoming week but if it goes well i may just extend the hiatus for however long i feel!
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hermadnessty · 6 years
PORTRAYAL. As you may have already wagered, this is a blog for the character Jennifer Goines from the TV series 12 Monkeys. I am in no way affiliated with anyone involved in the making and portrayal of Jennifer Goines in film. I’m just a lowly college student who has succumbed to yet another muse.
ACTIVITY. My activity on this blog will be low and sporadic, mainly. I have obligations outside of being on Tumblr as well as multiple muses, so where I’ll be will very much depend on my current muse levels and the level of interest there is in interacting with Jennifer. I'll potentially build a queue that’ll run semi-frequently at some point, but that’s very low priority for me at the moment. If you see me active and I owe you a reply, though, don’t hesitate to give me a little nudge. Sometimes my procrastinating ass needs one.
FORMATTING. With each new blog I make I adopt a new kind of formatting style.  The one I use right now is one that I’m very happy with and probably will not be changing anytime soon. Please don’t feel obligated to match this. I’m not super picky about the aesthetics of my blog, and the only change I’ll make ( if ever ) is from normal text to small text. I personally DO NOT use the super small text but if that’s what you like to use it’s fine. I’ve got very little trouble reading it and it doesn’t inconvenience me. I will mirror-format ONLY in some cases and ONLY at the writer’s request.
One other small request I have with regards to formatting is that if you want to continue an ask as an RP that you create a new post and link back to the meme than reblog the ask itself. This is simply personal preference from an aesthetic standpoint as it looks cleaner on my blog. Thank you!
STATUS. As of right now this blog IS mutuals only, but how strict I am with that rule will vary depending on how large this blog becomes. However, all starter calls posted are open to ONLY MUTUALS unless stated otherwise ( those, however, will be rare ). Memes will be open on a case-by-case basis no matter what. PLEASE do not like a starter call not marked for non-mutuals if you are indeed a non-mutual. Send a meme in instead. I’m selective in my immediate follows so interaction through asks helps me gauge if we might be compatible. My IMs are also always open to everyone, and chatting OOC is another good way for me to gauge potential compatibility.
SHIPPING. I’m shipping trash. I love ships as much as the next person, honestly. Chemistry is key though. On both sides. If I’m feeling it but you’re not, please let me know. I’m more than happy to do something unrequited or even just try to tone things down all together. Likewise, if I’m not feeling the chemistry either, I’ll do my best to approach you the same way. Romance is great, but it’s not everything. Friendships. Hate ships. Family ships. All of these are great too and I’m always happy to explore those as well.
AS A NOTE, however, I’d like to make it clear that when it comes to Jennifer, I am fairly set in which ships from her canon that I enjoy and which ones I don’t. Or rather, how I enjoy them and how I don’t. The 12 Monkeys RP fandom is pretty small, but if it ever grows then hopefully the following information is helpful.
Deacon/Jennifer is my OTP. Platonic. Romantic. Everything in between. I fell in love with the ship before watching the show and their chemistry on it only made me love it more. It is VERY likely that this ship will be referenced as part of my main timeline, at least with regards to how I see Jennifer’s feelings toward him. If this is ever a point of discomfort for you, let me know. I can shift accordingly.
Cole/Jennifer I only ship platonically or in the same brief, one-sided context that we were given in canon. I can’t see my views on this ship ever shifting beyond that mindset, so I would appreciate it if the topic is never forced.
Cassie/Jennifer is something I primarily ship platonically, but I see the romantic potential behind it and am more than willing to write it out should the right chemistry develop with my partner.
MEMES. I LOVE MEMES. Seriously. If you want to send in the thing, please do. I will most definitely appreciate it, even if I take three billion years to respond. Memes are ALSO a great way to start RPs with no prior plotting or even prior interaction, so I do really encourage you to send them in! Meme me up, Scotty!
EXCLUSIVITY. As of right now, I am NOT muse exclusive with any blogs and have NO intentions of doing so in the near future. I will, however, consider practicing ship exclusivity in certain cases and am open to having mains as well.
CREDITS. All icons on this blog have been cropped and edited by me using a PSD made by honeypsd. Border is from a glorysoaked pack. Any other blog related graphics will also most likely have been made using templates and PSDs made by honeypsd.
FINAL NOTES / MUN INFO. Congratulations! You’ve finished this brick! Little bit of info about me, the mun. My names Elli. I’m 21 years old and currently studying to become a high school math teacher. Color and winter guard are my life, so if you’re familiar with either please pop in and scream with me about them.
To sum up I’m super friendly and harmless, so never be worried about approaching me via IMs. Sometimes I may come across as a handful, but I’m actually a very chill person and do my best to give everyone in the community the utmost respect. This is a very do unto others type of blog, so if there’s ever an issue with me please don’t hesitate to bring it up. Social cues aren’t the easiest for me to pick up on, so just be frank with me whenever possible and I’ll do my best to do the same with you.
No password is necessary because I’ve always found them rather awkward, but I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. As I’ve said before, I’m always open to interaction and plotting so feel free to hit me up whenever! If we are mutuals you are also always free to ask for my Discord! Have a lovely day!
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