#ill try not to cry too much so i can enjoy every spent cent
catboyrightsdefender · 11 months
got a ticket to see mitski (!!!!) but holy fuck last year i paid 18€ to see her and this time it was fucking 60€. more than triple the price. what the absolute fuck
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So y'all don't know and I'm just beginning to remember.
Thanks to Mike Salinas yelling about his bathroom.
We spent 8 months with them in 1992/1993
Traveling trying to clean them up. Make sure no crimes or human trafficking was going on
Fights all the time, we would ref, me and the Queen, award prizes for best knock out, best defense, neat foot dance. We tried to award both sides.
Even if we didn't like them.
But shit Now we old! Come now. So now they're rich, too.
So we weed them out, make them use their own money!
Take self responsiblity for their actions.
NHRA ain't the best with them 3 second races but dam we kept busy in them pits!
Shit we'd take bets
I was what? 7?
We were probably worse than the adults but we ran circles around them!
And gave prizes!!
We had fun.
Id magic turn Mike Salinas hair green in the morning shower. And I'd tell kids go pick up scraps outta so and so's place go give it to that guy picking aluminum cans in the stands
"Who? Who?"
"Mike Salinas -- the guy with the pink hair" or whatever color I'd turned it.
We Robin Hooded that place every weekend.
Mike Salinas to this day don't know why that little "witch bitch" always played pranks on him.
I'm not gonna say why.because hes got more surprises.
But I'll tell you this. He never complained. He thought the fights where over all bad.. He would watch
But he'd rather pick cans for cash.
So i told the Queen. That kid over there ain't like us
Ahe said leave him alone
I said i don't want to, give me a list of who you hate.
She didn't want to.
So I said ill give you mine. Be a mom. Just agree ir disagree.
Alex hid behind the trash can writing down her agrees
Couple other people asked their list that we didn't have.
We had 74 people on it.
So we narrowed it to 22.
And we paid the kids half what Mike got per can 10 cents per piece of metal they took to Mike to turn in,
We gave them the list. We said "these people don't pick up trash either. So you see anything metal on the ground you go and pick it up, if its shiny its probably metal"
Cruz and Tony's hair would change colors, too. Same color as Mike's.
Because those bunker kids we took out for fun instead of Chinese food, really cleaned up.
First day. The first day. Mike Salinas had a 20 foot by 24 by 5 foot tall haul to recycle.
It looked like a million bucks, like you. I told him.
"Yeah with green hair. Thanks allot kid. I know it was you. I heard you laughing when i was in the shower. How you get in my bathroom anyway?"
"I didn't. Enjoy your recycling"
"Yeah sure and im the thief around here!".
"The biggest! And don't let anyone tell you any different!! ROBIN HOOOOD!!" I was walking away with the kids. "Come on let's go see Snoop and show Mike Salinas how much money you earned"
He had dollars and rounded it up.
$5 per kid was all he had on him. He said we would go on a toy shopping spree too free of charge,
So i told the kids "be brave and strong and show him the money yourself. Tell him how you earned it"
"Look! I made this much helping you!!"
"Oh! What you teaching these kids?? To steal and earn money! You bad witch you!"
"Sir not all of it was for you. We got 5 cents per piece. Half of what you make. And all we did was clean up. She gave us a list of the messiest places out here and so we worked. We earned it, and we get to go shopping too! And get toys! Snoop said he will pay! This is just fir us no ine else! No sir! We wouldn't steal!"
I could tell, although I was standing behind him, a fence between us, his head down lowered to that 5 foot Mark and the way his shoulders shook. I knew he was crying. I rubbed his shoulder as if he was a lamp and a genie would pop out and Grant him wisdom "oh there Mike Salinas. You're gonna be okay. That i promise you"
"Go on then! Get outta here! Take that money and stuff it up --- in your pockets! Go on Now! Get out! And have fun, too!!" He couldn't look at them. He was crying so and that was the Best Thank You that poor sad lonely wise boy could muster up.
"Come on kids, Lets git! I got some work to do"
"That man was crying! How so? We did something nice and without him asking!!"
I touched his shoulder and he stopped walking i leaned down to his face "ain't no one ever been nice to him yet. He didn't know how to react!"
"Silly Mexican! Are they all like that?".
I looked back at Mike. "Wait. I want you to see something real quick. Let me bend and untie my shoe. Hey stop walking! Turn your face and look at that old man now"
"Man! He smiling!! He'll learn. Well teach him" he turned off to walk
I wrapped my arm around his small shoulders. He was half my height but his wisdom made him tall. "That's the best of it kid. That's the best"
By the end of the summer that kid had grown from me bending down a few inches to him to reach my armpit to taller than me.
Hed tell me "that old man bossing us around! We are free contractors! Independently owned and verified! I know because i went home but i still come down to earn a buck and a lemonade. Lets go get him one too he needs to chill out"
That boy was Antron Brown. One of the few African American racers and one of the best in Top Fuel.
So if you have a missing child take your DNA4U and you'll earn $2,200 this year just for caring!
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