#ilsa faust || about
etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
where should you be kissed?
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Ilsa Faust: knuckles
it feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
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Steven Carlisle: palm
you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
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Ellen Sutherland: cheek.
you are made of light. your cheeks hurt from grinning, sun-kissed and lifting in a bubbling laugh. you should be kissed there. and often. a reminder that you are a joy to be around, and that your smiling face is a gift.
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Ben Hernandez: knuckles
it feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
Tagged by: @xxj0kerxx Tagging: @ghostsxagain || @thefvrious || @blumhouses || @radicalrascals || anyone else who would like to do this!
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twelverriver · 1 year
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Ilsa Faust + being a ghost (or why I think she's still alive)
Fallout Script / Dead Reckoning Part One / Dead Reckoning Part One Soundtrack / Dead Reckoning Part One / Mission: Impossible (1996) / Light The Fuse Podcast: Interview with Christopher McQuarrie / Dead Reckoning Part One
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stardustinthesky · 1 year
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It's my first time in Venice. Mine too.
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sluttyhenley · 1 year
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You should walk away.
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - FALLOUT dir. Christopher McQuarrie
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driftershunt · 16 days
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Me and the bad bitch I pulled by continuously ending up in life-threatening situations and needing to be rescued by her
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fishy-strawberries · 4 months
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I want her, Lark 🤍
I know I’m slightly late to the I Prefer Girls redraw trend but consider, Ilsalanna is good for my soul ☺️
(This is on my main blog instead of my art blog on purpose! It just feels better here)
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madisoncounty · 6 months
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we could be the way forward, and i know i'll pay for it
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helyiios · 4 months
i love ilsa i think she’s just so funny. she shows up she ruins ethans plans and then she goes “r u sure u don’t wanna leave w me” and he goes “no” and she goes “ur loss” and then she ruins his plans some more. hysterical
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 year
Rewatching Fallout and it’s so funny how Walker tries to get in good with Ilsa AND Benji, but both are them are like “sorry, you do NOT pass the vibe check.” And he clearly knows better than to try with Luther, who’s an impenetrable wall of friendship.
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jedinightsister · 2 months
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
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Ilsa Faust
Fandom: Mission Impossible
Occupation: MI6 Agent
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ilsaafaust · 1 year
Thoughts on Ilsa Faust in DR. Spoilers.
Thinking about Ilsa Faust's fate in Dead Reckoning and director Christopher McQuarrie's comments about it in the Empire Podcast. As a fan of the franchise and with Ilsa being my favourite character, I feel like I had to write a little something based on the movie and his reason for it. A lot of fans are upset (including me) and I want to write something properly, not just the angry tweets and posts. 
To start off, they wanted Ilsa to die already back when they were making TGM. And his reasoning seems to be that he didn't want Ilsa and Ethan to be romantic. Just that baffles me, if you don't want romance, how can you not just write a script where Ilsa and Ethan stay platonic? They handled it well in Rogue Nation and Fallout, you can see they care for each other deeply, but they don't act on it. We could have had Ilsa on the team, she could have gotten out of the game but was brought back in for some reason, she could have had literally any other story. But the fact that the only thing that seemed to come to mind if he didn't want to make them romantic was to kill her off seems very odd. 
He also talked about wanting to work with Hayley Atwell for over ten years and this fact seems a little too convenient when thinking about why he had to kill Ilsa off. But we'll come back to Grace later. 
He explains that they killed Ilsa off before they even knew the reason why. They killed off one of the most popular characters of this franchise without even having made up the reason behind it. We know that they work without a script, but making such a huge and impactful decision (he says he knew the fans would be upset) without even knowing why baffles me. 
I also need to point out, I would have been fine if she had been given a decent, meaningful death. Yes, I would have been sad, but had it felt worthy it would have been one thing. With how they handled her death in this, I can't be sad. I am just mad. Frustrated. Confused. 
Let's talk about Ilsa's storyline in this film. At the end of Fallout, she got out. In this film, she is disavowed for some unknown reason, and she is brought back into the game with the whole thing about the key. Kittridge says some weird comments about Ethan and Ilsa's relationship, that Ethan has saved Ilsa over and over when it is clearly the other way around. Let's go with this just being Kittridge getting it all wrong and not McQ but.. what do I know.
Ethan finds her in the desert and the whole scene is very rushed, they barely even talk, and.. she just hands him the key? What was Ilsa's plan? Ilsa's purpose? We don't know and we never find out (at least not in part one). Maybe there was more to it, more to Ilsa's story, we know they cut a lot of the movie, and we know for sure they cut at least two of Ilsa's scenes. 
Then she just shows up in the van in Rome before they end up in Venice. 
In Venice, we have Ilsa and Ethan hugging on a rooftop and holding hands on the gondola on their way to the party. For someone who claims that they didn't want Ilsa and Ethan to be romantic, I have a lot of questions. Especially since we also had the desert hug where she is literally on top of him. She is clearly a romantic interest, there's no questioning that. And to be honest, that is basically her only purpose in this movie. 
Now things get a little messy because we arrive at the party. I have always been a fan of McQ's writing of female characters. He did absolutely fantastic in Rogue Nation, Fallout and Edge of Tomorrow. At the party, the villain gives Ethan the choice between Ilsa or Grace. One of them has to die. 
Now, we know Ethan cares about Ilsa a lot, so the choice should be simple, her compared to this woman he just met who kept running away from him over and over and left him to die on a train track handcuffed to a car. The thing is, Ethan Hunt can't make that choice. He cares about each and every individual. 
We've now arrived at the reason why Ilsa dies. And I cannot begin to express my distaste for the cliché writing of having a male character choose between two women, one who is a love interest and the other who is so obviously made out to be the new female lead (and potentially, a new love interest, Ethan/Grace share some suspiciously weird longing looks but the fans are divided if it is romantic or not). 
Ilsa or Grace. Apparently, there can only be one woman on the team, which the previous films have shown us, too. 
I just need to add that they're working against an all-knowing AI, so why isn't "the choice" between Luther or Benji? Ethan's two very best friends, two brilliant tech minds who must be a bigger threat to the entity as well?
In the end, it all comes back to that it's not people that Ethan loses - it's women. And there is only space for one brunette woman on that team. 
So let's talk about the bridge scene. First of all, Grace has been running the entire movie, why would she suddenly stop running when there is a man literally trying to kill her? 
Anyways, she holds him off surprisingly long considering she's just a thief and with how in the previous action sequences she kind of came off as a damsel in distress. Eventually, Gabriel knocks her down the stairs. 
Enter Ilsa Faust. Highly capable spy, Ethan Hunt's equal, a woman who we know is lethal in hand-to-hand combat. We saw her take down Janik Vinter in a knife fight at the end of Rogue Nation and we saw her take down Solomon Lane in Fallout (tied to a bloody chair). 
She even has the advantage of a sword compared to the villain who has a tiny knife. They fight. For some reason, Ilsa manages to get in way too close several times (watch the choreography for the RN knife fight - she's quick, get in, slash, get out, you can't linger in a knife fight) and she somehow doesn't seem to be able to hold off the old villain longer than Grace. 
She gets stabbed in the chest. Ethan finds her dead on the bridge. In the next scene, Ethan looks sad on a rooftop for a few moments. Benji wipes a tear. They never talk about Ilsa again. It's underwhelming in every sense. 
But what makes it worse, is the fact that in the next scene, the team asks Grace to join the team. Not going to get into the writing of that whole scene, but the thing is, they do it in a way that is basically "look what happened to Ilsa." and the things they say honestly make the team seem very cold-hearted considering Ilsa just died. And we know the team is not cold-hearted. Yes, there's a mission and they need to focus on the job, but they really didn't have to do it like that.
When I tell you I have a bad taste in my mouth, boy, do I mean it. Ilsa dies and in literally the next scene she is replaced by Grace. 
Now comes the talk about her death which McQ describes as "very heroic". I'll admit, in one way, I get why he thinks it is a heroic death. Ilsa sacrificed herself to save someone else, that would be a worthy ending for someone who dedicated their whole life to saving the world, saving people. 
What baffles me is how he doesn't see how poorly executed the whole ordeal was, which is what fans and a lot of critics are upset about (see list of articles criticizing it here:  https://www.tumblr.com/rebeccalouisaferguson/723559978545414144/list-of-articles-criticizing-ilsa-fausts?source=share ) 
Is it fridging? In one way it is; Ilsa is Ethan's love interest and we know "the choice" between Ilsa and Grace happens because Ethan cares about her. McQ also mentioned it happening to up the stakes, so..
Yes, she also died because she decided to save Grace, but there's more than one reason for her death.
I feel like what also needs to be mentioned is that article with editor Eddie Hamilton who said they cut a "badass" line from Ilsa when she arrived at the bridge. They cut it because it lowered the audience's expectations for what they were about to see. "In the audience's mind, you know that Ilsa is going to kick some serious ass. She kicks a bit of ass, but not a lot. It's not a complete, devastating, ass-kicking, which you hope Ilsa is going to give at some point." They later removed this bit from the article because of backlash. We, the audience, know that Ilsa is better than and so do they. 
We know they're doing damage control, a lot was cut from the delayed Empire part two podcast. Somehow, the more they talk about it, it gets worse.
I know this movie is only part one and there might be more explanations for all of this in part two. But with what we've seen in this film, they fumbled her death so badly that the one thing that would make sense is that it is all a trick and she comes back in part two. There are many theories on that, but I'm not going into details or speculating on that here. 
A testament to how badly they executed her death is that people literally can't believe they'd fail her character this badly. McQ who we all thought was a brilliant writer. McQ who wrote one of the best female characters we've seen in years only to throw her out as if she was garbage. No matter what happens in part two, one thing is for sure. 
Ilsa Faust deserved better.
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mlady-magnolia · 1 year
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This is canon, Rebecca Ferguson said so herself-
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snovyda · 1 year
Truly a weird notion from a lot of hardcore fans to try to make the character they claim to be a fan of into a blank stereotype and willfully erase the very traits that make that character interesting in the first place.
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sluttyhenley · 1 year
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Please don’t make me go through you.
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - FALLOUT dir. Christopher McQuarrie
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stardustinthesky · 1 year
my mom joked about how it definitely wasn’t ethan and ilsa’s first time in venice during That Scene in MI7
and then added, ‘they got married in venice. the first time. the REAL one.’
so now they’re married sorry we don’t make the rules
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