#im Izari if anyone else plays & wants to be friends
kabutoraiger · 5 months
on a whim i went with an ikemen dating sim VN called "lovebrush chronicles" as my latest mobile game and. friends, i need to tell you. my ass was not prepared for what this narrative is like.
like haha yeah the MC gets isekaid to be the kings bride, sounds normal -- no. you fool. if only it were so simple. actually she's been brought there to be a human sacrifice in a ritual to transport part of the population to Another planet to escape the eternal winter that's constantly causing everyone to die horribly. there's 20 different levels of fucked up fantasy political intrigue & murder going on. every single romance route seems to end with these anime prettyboys willing to perform a lovers suicide with you to give someone else a faint chance at life or some shit like that.
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me who just wanted something to tap on mindlessly while watching youtube videos: 😧
and the translation work is just as out of pocket, they are like camped out on thesaurus dot com for this one. truly never expected to be playing a mobile otome game that uses the words 'sangfroid' and 'stentorian' repeatedly.
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genuinely though i think this game understands the teen girl/young adult woman audience better than like any other similar media ive encountered like this is exactly the level of romantic angst i would've ATE up as a teen. and though at this point i am too old to find these bishies particularly appealing i am still on the edge of my seat following the plot ngl
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