#im about to be such a menace to the arena meta
cuppajj · 4 months
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spidersandtomatos · 3 years
Hello! I just discovered your blog and I love your kirby gijinkas! Especially your Galacta Knight comics. You've mentioned that Galacta Knight and Meta Knight end up a couple, how does that happen? Like what's the story there?
thank you! :) (the comics are pure self indulgence my boi needs more love kjsndkjdfbafjd)
Im going for an Enemies (one sided enemies anyways lol) to friends to lovers trope, I have a few headcanons that play on this which are:
-mainline game MK has never encountered GK but GK has encountered alternate Meta Knights (the ones from the metaknightmare games and maybe MK from return to dreamland's true arena) but Meta has a very vague idea of who Galacta is.
-GK was aligned with the Jambandrans so info about them was mostly erased or downright edited to make them seem like a cosmic scale menace.
-The Mage sisters are an obstacle for Meta bc they just don't trust him to not start shit with Gala so they are always with them.
After Galacta gets ripped from Morpho's grasp (Morpho was well meaning but they really don't understand morality very well...), Gala leaves for a while then returns to live with Hyness and the Mage sisters (lots of things to catch up to! and Kirby wanting to be friends with them).
What kickstarts Meta's interest on Galacta is an incident with Susie, it's kind of complicated but let's say it say it involves time traveling, Mr Haltmann and Gala giving her a well meaning warning (and only because she is Flamberge's friend and she was worried for Susie) that she didn't listen to, all Meta knows about this is that Gala managed to make Susie avoid them at all costs.
I would say it's kind of a slow burn thing, at this point is like a work in progress for me Im not good at serialized stuff and Morpho's arc would be long on it's own kdasjnfajk, I still want to make one shots of this or at least pics bc Im starving for metagala content.
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doorianpavus · 7 years
Hey there Favourite avengers movies scenes? Favourite captain America movies scenes?
Im gonna count Age of Ultron and the first Avengers in here tbh, AIW hasn’t came out yet but that trailer has me LIVING.
Avengers 1 had a couple of good moments. The last battle and Natasha Romanoff vs the Gangsters were really good. I also loved Steve in the boxing arena, with all the flash backs although i think it was very short. Short but sweet. The first time Thor and Iron man battle in the forest was hilarious, i loved it. All time fav scene from Avengers one though, is when Loki and Tony have that convo in his towers. Like, leading up to it with Loki on the Balcony and Tony staring him down as he was de-armored was intense. Also, it was so cool to see Tony try and keep calm and quippy when facing down Loki. I kinda got the impression Tony was bluffing the whole way through it, like i defo didn’t think he was expecting to get thrown out a window. (This is of topic, but i LOVED how Iron man 3 tied in so well with Tony in the Avengers. Like tbh, Tony is the only real human avengers if you take Clint and Nat of the team. Theres a god, a super soldier and the hulk. Then theres plain old human Tony who got thrown of Stark tower from the highest window and flew into a worm hole to save New york. I love how IM3 explored that being an Avenger fucked him up a bit.)
To be perfectly honest though, Age of Ultron was good when i seen it because i was still in that hazy, “Marvel is everything and i love them” phase. Now, i can see that its just not a good movie. It was great to see Steve and Sam again, and Nat and the into of the Maximoff twins but the movie was defo flawed. Our expectations were too high and ofc, it was never going to live up to Avengers 1. If i had to pick a scene, it would be the opening one where the Avengers assault the Hydra base. The party scene was also amazing, it really humanized everyone and was real entertaining to watch, honestly i could have just watched 2 hours of that party instead of 2 hours of Joss wheadon jerking all over Natasha Romanoffs characterization from Avengers 1/iron man 2
The Captian America Movies are the best in the Mcu in my opinion. Like, i stan Steve and Buck TO THE GRAVE, but when it comes down to it, their movies are just good. No ifs or buts because they are mcu movies. The Cap movies are genuinely good movies. All 3 of them have Bucky and Steve at the centre of it. The cap movies are about Cap, yeah, but they are also about Steve and Bucky. Everything Steve does is in direct response to Bucky. He literally travels across Europe in the first one to save him, he brings down Hydra in the second to save him and he goes toe to toe with Iron man and the might of a small African nation to save him. Steve Rogers Loves Bucky Barnes, the point that Steve puts his safety above everyone elses, even his own. In the first movie, i LOVED the musical number Cap does. The Star spangled man with a plan is iconic and Steve obvi loved it. I also loved all of Skinny Steves scenes. My fav though, is when Steve and his buds storm the Hydra base to save Bucky and they get trapped on the other side of the bridge. Bucky lands safe and Steve tells him to go. Bucky, with the most conviction i have ever seen, tell him NO, NOT WITHOUT STEVE. Its a PERFECT summery scene of their relationship. Bucky is going no where without Steve. I loved that Scene, the acting from Seb and Chris and the Reveal of the red skull is ICONIC and i loved it. 
Tbh, all of Cap 2 the winter soldier is brilliant. It is a wonderful piece of Cinema and can stand on its own as a good movie. It has so many good scenes. Robert Redford is a PERFECT villain as Alexander Pierce. He’s spine chillingly evil in the most stoic way. You grow to like him and then its like, oh…hes a Nazi and an abuser so….yikes. Any scene with The winter soldier in it is amazing. I really fell in love with him here. Bucky in Cap 1 was handsome and charming. You liked him. Though in Cap 2, hes not Bucky, not really. Hes the Winter soldier. And at first, hes this menacing assassin who is unstoppable had has literally shaped the world into what it is now…and then you find out its Bucky. You find out that this Machine was Bucky Barnes. The Bucky Barnes that Steve loved and grew up with and shared his entire live with. An abused and brainwashed Bucky Barnes was turned into a killer he never ever wanted to be. Sebs acting is on point in this movie, he kills it as both the heartless assassin and the longest suffering victim of abuse and torture. So any Winter soldier scene. Though my fav is probably the scene in the hellicarrier, when Steve and Buck finally meet and Bucky isnt wearing the Mask and hes not even Bucky. Hes the winter soldier who looks like Bucky and Steve is visually shook. This is the last thing he wants but the Winter soldier doesnt know better. Steve has to deal with 101 emotions in that moment. The winter soldier only deals with one. Then slowly, over the course of the fight, Bucky starts to try and break down the walls. “Im with you till the end of the line” is what tips him over the edge. The Winter soldier finally broke and Bucky is trying to get back out. Bucky is seeing what he has done to Steves face. The face of the man he swore to protect and love and care for all those years ago. And he’s beat it to a pulp. It was an amazing scene and viewing it a couple of times makes it so much better.  Again, Seb and Chris shine as actors in this scene. They take it from good to amazing.
Civil war, while i loved the drama between Buck and Steve, my fav scene was the one in Bucks apartment. It was awesome to see some Buckish meta, the little gadgits he had in his kitchen and the diary he owned. The action that followed the Bucky/Steve reunion was A+ and it was the longest scene of Bucky we’ve had up to that point. It was nice to see him in action, not quite as the Winter Soldier but not Quite as Bucky either. Tbh, anything Bucky or Bucky related in the MCU im all about it. 
Sorry this got really long but i got carried away. If i loved Bucky Barnes anymore than i do already i’d be Steve Rogers, and if i didnt already wanna equal parts die and kill for Steve Rogers, i’d be Bucky Barnes. 
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