#im also missing a whole day of work and thats gonna SUCK for my paycheck
bosspigeon · 11 months
i am sick on Halloween and that is homophobia of the highest caliber.
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96xie · 5 years
a whole summary of this difficult year
2019 was full of unexpected good and bad surprises along with lessons and experiences.
spent good time with mocha, wayo and brian
had such a good time with guildies from our game
met up with some other ppl from the same game and didnt feel too good bc i was never good with crowds and/or groups that were already well established
tried tinder for the first time because i thought it would be nice to put myself out there for once
continued my tinder journey and actually had fun with it. it was pretty scary at the same time because it was such a new experience talking to other people and to have them notice you? because i always knew and felt that i wasnt really the desirable one.
actually hooked up with a guy from last months meetup and hung out twice. thought it was going somewhere because he, too, showed signs to progress further ((was wrong because he lied and showed red flags later))
one major red sign to me: no response after genuinely saying thank you for rides and dinner. im the type of person who always says thank you because im honestly grateful for the little and big things. he basically shrugged it off.
also, a huge liar. yah, big no
i brought him to my friends birthday bc they and himself wanted to meet each other, it was fun while it lasted but stuff happened
towards the end of the month, i cut my ties off with him for being awfully mean to me and also cut ties with my “friends” for having really bad assumptions of me.
i was frustrated with myself at that time bc his cats gave me a bad breakout and i felt super ugly. also i wasnt sad over him, but over the fact that i let myself be treated like a second option. eventually i learned that it was good that i didnt let things go further and that i only deserve the very best.
even though i was hurt, i thought it was a good experience, esp since i havent really been in the “dating game” for years. like it was a just a small step to putting myself out there once again
a week later after that a classmate asked me out and got tons of compliments from him and wondered “the universe really works in crazy ways”
met some cool people through the same mobile game on a discord server and they were much better than the first group.
also met this really funny dude in the same group. like he was so fun to talk to and he understood my dumb lingo
remember when my classmate asked me out on a date? it turned out a bit weird. but considering this was my first date in YEARS i thought it was a cool experience. got some carne asada fries outta him
i had the dude i was talking to call me so i could leave the date tho LOL ((he helped me lots, esp how to deal with awkward situations with my classmate. also at this point, i really liked talking to him but i wasnt rly sure if i wanted to date other guys bc i had been hurt previously)
this month was pretty much dedicating most of my time talking to him and i enjoyed it alot
also went to pubs for the first time to hangout with my coworkers. such an interesting place
tried rollerskating for the first time ever, ended up with a bunch of bruises but it was cool!
also tried 7leaves for the first time and instantly fell in love with mungbean
also went clubbing in sf with my friends and it was such a fun time like i had SO much fun
i got auctioned off of SAD! that phase was just a crazy ride. while there was many that dm’d me, there was only one special person that i only replied to and continued to talk to him on a daily basis
((honestly, i was scared that i was taking things a bit further with him because a part of me was like “are you ready for this?” and “have you really recovered from that guy?” or “can you give this guy your all?” just alot of overthinking))
spent 4/20 at sf with my friends, and overall had a GREAT time. took too many hits and drank so ya gorl was crossfaded. not sure if i wanna do tht again tho
unfortunately woke up with a swollen face and it lasted for a LONG time.
so my face is still swollen, still bad, red as a tomato and at this point i was really hesitant to meet up with the guy ive been talking to. i mean!! my skin was SO bad. i felt like i was gonna make a fool out of myself by scaring him away
but,,,, he was still willing to see me despite my appearance and : ( he was so accepting and typing this makes my heart ache bc he is SUCH a good man : (
i met up with the guy towards the end of the month in sj and first thing he does when i walk up to him is give me this great warm hug and so many smooches !!!!!!! like my heart is melting
eventually we became official !!! he got us an airbnb for the night and we jus spent time cuddling on the bed and honestly i : ( i like him so much
my birthday wasnt rly that like “wow” it was actually kinda annoying
my bf flew up to sf where we met up, explored the city and slept the night in at an airbnb. next day went to oakland where i introduced my friends to him!
went to my first festival with several with my friends, including ppl from our same guild from our game and it was SO fun
rolled for the first time and it was SUCH an experience. redosed like twice and ended up hallucinating which is something ill def not do again
also i really wished my bf was with me at that time : ( while i had an extremely fun time, i wish i shared that moment with him : (
went to vegas for my cousins 22nd bday. shit was wild
also rolled there.
also threw up for the very first time
a fight broke out at the club and that shit was fuckgin CRAZY and it was RIGHT next to our table
also used alot of my money for the whole trip in which nobody really told me about so …. i was like ok.. fuck …
also my skin was still bad during these past months so it was pretty hard masking it
like really hard. with someone with terrible eczema, its just extremely hard to hide it
bf flew to sac!!! he met my mom for the first time and we explored the city and stuff
and went on an ikea date! and! honestly i just really loved spending time with him :c
we also spent time with my friends! they came over also! and ate some fuckgin bomb ass waffles
and then took bus down to la to meetup with some friends from our guild towards the end of the month!
it was pretty nice to be able to stay with my bf in his apartment !!!!!
also some scalding tea but thats rly for another time
to make it super short tho: our friend that we’ve known much longer than the girl he met (less than 3 months) dropped our friendship SO quick lol
cousin bonding @ beach, too cold for tht doe
towards the end of the month, my bf flew me down!!! so i spent the weekend with him and like always, only had a good time with him!
during this fall semester, i took online classes and one of them was a 8week class. there was a topic about mental health and how we can take care of ourselves better and i just thought it was such an important thing to cover. i feel like its not talked about enough
spent thanksgiving with my family down in morgan hill and ate good food! honey ham has a special place in my heart.
went black friday shopping first at walmart, lowkey disappointed in myself because i was bummed out the apple watches were sold out. the materialistic part of me jumped out oof
slept at my cousins then went to the mall! didnt get anything besides really good bulgogi fries. i hated going into stores tho cuz everything was literally crowded. hated it !!!!!!!
went to a small festival in sacramento with my friends at the end of the month and this time is 7 of us (than the usual 5)! it was sososo fun.
also took my coworker with me, it was actually amusing to see bc our group were all asian and he’s the only tall white guy
made hotpot at home and we also went out for milktea and waffles again! sooo good.
flew down to see my bf again and only had a good time! went to this garden with beautiful lights and ! ugh! SO pretty!
cried in his bed before my flight back, cried on the plane, cried at home and cried before i slept. i miss him
also racked up alot of hours so i could pay for my tuition and my family’s bills. kinda sucks bc im pretty tired but i gotta do what do i gotta do.
christmas was a bit lonely bc my mom went to the philippines and i dont rly talk to my brother but my kuya came the next day and we ate n watched stuff
overall, it was a whacky year. but im so glad to have met ed. he means SO much to me. a part of me was so hesitant to date him because i mean, he’s man with his life set. i dont have a car, im still in school, i have this part time job where im giving my mom all my paychecks and which the only money im keeping is just my tips (not much), i still have issues with myself and other conflicts and honestly theres much to do, learn and grow from. but he’s so supportive, understanding and loving and i love and appreciate him from the bottom of my heart. most of the time i wonder if im doing and if im being enough for him. i worry about that alot but he’s so patient with me. i laugh alot when im with him and i feel so happy.
did i mention that we are long distance? him being in la and me in sacramento. so the only thing thats connecting us is facetime. maybe once every two months will i see him in person but yep. when i had my first panic attack, i really wanted him right next to me. at that moment i felt even more sad because of course you’re gonna want you’re significant other during a moment like that. but anyways, i always miss him and i always want him next to me and i always love him. i want to hurry up and get my education done with so i can be with him. not to sound like omg im so madly infatuated with him type of thing tho. he’s someone who understands me and knows how to love me.
i hope 2020 treats me well despite all the challenges ahead of me.
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primadonnatartuffe · 8 years
RYAN: *it's time to face the music... she said she'd talk to russet later, so here she is, later, dropping in at russet's place unannounced. maybe because she hopes she'll miss her to avoid doing this just a LITTLE bit longer... but ultimately she does want to, she's just scared. taking in a deep breath, she knocks on her sister's door.*
RUSSET: *No such luck Ryan, she happened to be home in her small little town house on her day off. She had been sipping tea and looking over her outline plan suggestions for the next Odimist fund raiser when she heard the knocking at her door. Mmm, it could be a few people really, but Russet had a bit of a hunch as she gets up from her table and goes to open the door.*
RUSSET: Oh hey =8I *She looks Ryan up and down.*
RYAN: hellooo... *says a little meekly and sheepishly* you busy?
RUSSET: Not really *She hesitates a moment before stepping aside.*
RUSSET: You wanna come in?
RYAN: yeah. *nods before she slowly starts to amble inside, looking around at the interior with interest and awe. russet must be doing well for herself...*
RYAN: i just wanted to... you know.
RYAN: follow up on what i said id do.
RYAN: and talk about... everything?
RUSSET: *Her etsy shop does do well to help fill out her bank account after her usual paychecks. Who knew so many people would want fridge cozies? The main room is rather minimalistic in design style, but just so you know her bathroom is space/galaxy themed.* Mm. Thats cool.
RUSSET: *Shuts the door behind the both of them.* I can reheat tea if you want any.
RYAN: yeah okay i could go for some tea i guess. *despite feeling antsy, she plops herself down on a couch or chair just so she's not standing around.*
RYAN: ... i like your place.
RUSSET: Thanks. *The couch is covered with pink and gray colored thick cableknit blankets, very soft and comfy. Russet briefly vanishes into the next room and a few minutes later she returns with two mugs, one being hers reheated, and another fresh cup for Ryan.*
RUSSET: *She wordlessly sets the mug in front of Ryan and then takes her on seat on the soft swivil chair to the right.*
RYAN: *by the time russet comes back, ryan is completely consumed by this fluffy cozy couch. but she can still reach out to grab her drink.* thaaanks...
RYAN: ...
RYAN: im not... super sure where to... start...
RUSSET: *She sighs over the top of her mug.* I guess I can start. Probably should say sorry for how I was being at the party. Wasn't really the place to hash this out anyways.
RYAN: *shrugs* i mean... its not unwarranted.
RYAN: i know it had to suck seeing me there before anything else.
RYAN: like not to throw a pity party for myself or nothing but i was just really stressed out about coming back.
RYAN: i thought if i just showed up at shindig itd be easier somehow? i guess i didnt expect to see you and finn AND jack all at the same time. the only thing that woulda made it more overwhelming was if dorian was there too. *wilts thinking about dorian... she really made an ass out of herself around him ages ago, and now he's nowhere to be found.*
RUSSET: *She too droops her shoulders at the mentions of Dorian. Why is their whole family troubled with disapearences?* Yeah well. You probably could have thought that through better yeah.
RUSSET: *Sips tea.* ...You said you're staying with dad?
RYAN: *nods slowly* yeah... i dont really know where else to go.
RUSSET: Im sure hes happy to have you around.
RYAN: ... i think hes still pissed at me. *sips also and keeps her mug close to her chest*
RUSSET: Well duh. A lot of people are gonna' be pissed. But even if he's mad hes got to be happy you're back home and safe and not gone with the wind.
RUSSET: Unless you plan to run away again. Not sure how well that might go over. *Sips at her.*
RYAN: *stares down at her mug* no...
RYAN: theres no point in me trying to leave again.
RYAN: there was no point to begin with.
RYAN: it was stupid...
RUSSET: Yeah. It was.
RUSSET: But you still did it.
RYAN: ... im sorry.
RUSSET: *She looks down into her cup, pulling her legs up into the chair with her so she can sit cross legged, and goes silent for several moments.* .............
RUSSET: Why did you do it?
RUSSET: Why did you run away again?
RYAN: i dont know i-- *draws in a sharp breath*
RYAN: it was so long ago now i barely even remember what was going through my head.
RYAN: of course i might remember it better if i hadnt completely fucking fried my brain lmao.
RYAN: *huffs another sigh* i just know i was like... overwhelmed...
RYAN: between jack and me... and with all my bullshit.
RYAN: i just know i wanted to hide from it.
RUSSET: *She listens, and tries to find ways to sympathize with Ryan. Her little sister did have a few problems, and Russet could wrap her mind around feeling overwhelmed by stuff, but running away for years? That was too much.*
RUSSET: You know there are other ways you could have handled it. Without ditching all of us.
RYAN: *eyes start watering. no... she's wearing mascara, she can't have this.* i know that... i know that /now./
RUSSET: *heavens not the mascara. See this is why Russet likes her circle shades, they do well to hide too much emotion.*
RUSSET: I guess at least you learned that much. *Produces a napkin and holds it out to Ryan.*
RYAN: *takes it* ... yeah. *she learned plenty more than that, but she doesn't want to make it seem like she's fishing for sympathy. she doesn't deserve that. she just tries to think of ways to update russet without it coming off that way.*
RYAN: i got into a lot of shit.
RYAN: i made a lot of mistakes.
RYAN: i had to go to rehab. *shrugs*
RYAN: thats why i came back.
RUSSET: Wait... What?? *Sits up more in her chair, frowning pretty harshly.*
RUSSET: Rehab?
RYAN: ... yeah. *dabs at her eyes with the napkin* i got really fucked up and this girl i was seeing made me go.
RYAN: and then she you know broke up with me.
RYAN: but again i dont blame her.
RUSSET: Thats...
RUSSET: Mm. Wow. Sorry I'm trying to like.
RUSSET: Form the right words to respond to that.
RUSSET: ......Thats rough, Ryan.
RUSSET: *Nailed it.*
RYAN: *shrugs* you dont have to say anything its fine. it is what it is.
RUSSET: Yeaaahhh but its still shitty. I mean, I'm mad at you but still thats difficult to go through.
RUSSET: Does your mom know?
RYAN: *nods slowly* yeah... i told her and dad first.
RUSSET: Thats good. I'm glad you told them.
RYAN: kinda have to tell people. you know... to reconcile and all that?? its all part of the program.
RYAN: but i want to anyway.
RUSSET: Oh. Well thats better then just coming back to complete the program.
RUSSET: .......I'm glad youre back. Even if it doesn't seem like it.
RYAN: *hearing that makes her eyes water more and her voice squeaks a little when she speaks* cool. yeah...
RYAN: im glad im back too.
RYAN: and i really...
RYAN: i really am... really sorry.
RUSSET: *Ryan you better not start crying, gdi. Russet is too much of a bleeding heart for this.* Thanks. I believe it.
RUSSET: I um... I dont know how long I'm going to be mad at you about this. I forgive you but also dont at the same time its really confusing. And its hard not to still feel hurt because until now I didn't have any idea why you ran away, and I didn't get to think about it too much because I felt like I had to pick up the pieces of everyone else, so I'm kind of bitter? *Says it like a question, shes figuring it out as she goes and just holds her mug closer to herself to feed off the warmth.*
RUSSET: I want us to be okay again, eventually. Because I thought we were getting to some sort of level of okay with each other until you ran off.
RYAN: yeah... i know i fucked it all up. *she's crying, she can't stop it now. she's bottled it up too long, and if there's one person she really feels guilty about, it's russet, for all the reasons she just mentioned.*
RYAN: i wanted things to get better... i was just--
RYAN: fuck...
RYAN: im just so sorry. i dont wanna be dumb or petty or awkward anymore.
RYAN: i missed you... i missed you nagging at me and i missed your cute little craft things and all your motherly lil habits.
RYAN: i didnt realize how much i needed people like that in my life to keep me grounded.
RUSSET: *Well heck. Shes turning a little orange now, a combination about Ryan saying all these nice things about her meddling, and then there is the whole choking back emotion because if Ryan is crying shes NOT going to cry. Because if they both start bawling it will never stop she knows it.*
RUSSET: Well shit. =B'I
RYAN: *wheezes out a watery laugh at that response.* i know... damn... really unexpected hearing ryan get all sappy.
RUSSET: *Nods and sniffles just a little.* It is. I think someone might have to pinch me to make sure this is real.
RYAN: would... a hug work?
RUSSET: *She thinks about it and then places her mug on the glass coffee table before opening her arms wide.*
RUSSET: Yes. =B''T
RYAN: *HHH she puts her mug down as well, wiggling out of this couch and then shuffling over to fit into her big sister's arms.*
RUSSET: *Wraps her arms around Ryan and gives her a big squeeze. This hug is pouring in the warmth and love of all the hugs she hasnt been able to give Ryan in years. Enjoy Russet's watery, emotional, bug chirps in your ear because its too much!!.*
RYAN: *the chirps are a comfort and she responds with more soft giggles. she sighs, relaxing into the hug and letting the warmth comfort her and convince her that things might finally start to be alright...*
RYAN: is it okay if i hang out here for a lil while...?
RUSSET: *She nods into Ryan's shoulder.* Mhm. I'm not doing anything today.
RYAN: okay cool cuz im gonna impose like hell for as long as i can get away with it. *pulls away, smiling softly as she flops back onto the couch*
RUSSET: *When she and Ryan part Russet breifly sneaks a finger under her glasses to wipe at her misty eyes.* Fine by me. But you shouldnt stay too long past dark unless you are getting a ride somewhere.
RYAN: *she's gotta dab at her eyes some more too...* yeah okay that can be arranged. *AND SO she gets settled in, drinking tea and catching up on some of the more positive things that have happened.*
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to be honest I'm fucking BIG MAD today. I dropped my phone in a bucket full of water last night at work and now its permanently stuck on headphone and the whole screen is black so i can't see anything that I'm doing. So that phone is dead and gone which sucks because this is the month i decided to actually take care of my phone bill and it’s on autopay so I'm gonna have to pay for the service and still have no phone! my face is breaking out around my lip area because i probably came in contact with something I'm allergic to and it’s still inflamed and irritated and not getting any better. I feel like I can't ever find things when i want them and things that mattered to me before don't seem to matter at all. I just barely had enough to pay my rent and now my rent is going to be 2 days late because of how my paycheck is set up and i promised my leasing office that i wouldn't have a late payment again, so they're going to be fucking pissed. No one really seems to peak my interest romantically because I'm dead inside and my feelings for anyone i ever have, always feel lukewarm. The only person i ever loved is 2000 miles away and i don't plan on ever talking to them again so theres this giant whole in my chest and I'm not sure what to fill it with. Im always broke because I'm reckless with money to the point where it makes me nervous. I also had to by an umbrella yesterday and left it on my porch to dry and someone has taken it. so that’s another $20 that i didn't have that’s just gone. Or its my nosy ass roommate who moved it and didn't tell me. She doenst know how to clean up and she never puts her up when shes done so theres always empty bags everywhere. I have to spend time with people i don't like because i have to work with them, where as i never get to see my friends that i actually enjoy being around. I can't find my iron medication that i have to take to donate blood because my iron is always low and because i forgot my wallet in the house i missed my appointment today. I'm not sleeping well. It’s been uncomfortable to sleep in such a big empty bed with just me in it. It’s not like I want anyone in there with me but I used to put mountains of clothes on my bed and I'm trying to get out of that. And why does it seem like i can never catch a break? I had to walk 2 miles in the rain yesterday and my shoes were so soaked I'm lucky i didn't catch pneumonia. I can't ask my parents for any financial help because they’re drowning in debt, so i’ve been on my own for years. I find it unbearable to be around older friends whose parents pay for everything because they're not relatable and i get upset just being in their presence. I’ve isolated myself because it calmed me down but now I'm a prisoner of my own home, barely able to leave if it doesn't involve work. My relationship with any higher power is weak right now, and because i don't really know how i feel i can't decide what I'm going to do about that. And now I'm back to blogging because the few people i thought i could talk to turned out not to be people i can talk to, and it’s left me in this weird unsatisfied state. I don't have time to meet anyone new and I'm always responding to messages late because I'm so emotionally worn out even a call from someone i like can wear me out. And because of how much weight i’ve lost, i have tons of loose skin that i’ll probably have to pay $16,000 to remove! I also feel like i never have any food in my house and because there was a time where i was very poor i still get a lot of anxiety about being food insecure and running out of food, no matter how full my pantry is. Some days i feel really numb, and don't feel much of anything no matter how much i want to. My dissociation has gotten better but it’s still hard for me to focus on things if i think to hard about it. I have this chronic anxiety about bad things happening to me the moment anything good happens to me because it always does. I also resent my parents even though i try not to. I think i still resent most people. I can't seem to get a win, even when i need it most. Im trying to my best to stay positive, but even that feels fake sometimes. And now I'm back to blogging long post like this, because i don't feel theres anyone i want to unpack these feelings on. There used to be, but I'm all alone again. Thats fine, i need time to refocus on myself. But with valentines day coming I'm up, I'm sure i’ll shed a lot of tears over the next few weeks. I don't express any of this because i need comforting, but i did need to get these thoughts out of my body. Im going to do my best to take it one day at a time, but i always feel thats so hard for me to do. Im glad i didn't lash out and get angry at myself though. that never works. 
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