#im always completely fine during the movie like im not spooked at all
jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Yugyeom would include
Dating GOT7 would include |  SERIES
Just based off my observations/my perception of him. Obviously I have no idea what dating him would be like but thought it would be fun to do. This is more playful than romantic bc what is romance???
Literally never shutting the fuck up
Having meaningless fights about little things and then going back to normal 
Having your own language that makes no sense to everyone else
Laughing til your stomachs hurt and trying to recreate what just happened but laughing again 
Roasting each other as a sign of affection 
Too many nicknames that have weird origin stories that y’all can’t remember 
Both needing to get your ways so you’ll pout until one of you budges 
He is such a simp tho 
Mocking each other after someone says absolutely anything
Dance battles
saying “YOOOOOOOU” like soulja boi
Resting his chin on your head
BOYBOYBOYBOY ((((you kno like when they yell like a siren)))
Having to make the hard decisions for him 
Not being able to complete a task bc you’re both so annoyingly distracting 
Something that should take 30 minutes to finish takes 3 hours instead 
Both being confused all the time so you discuss how things should be done and then fight over it
he’ll purposely hide things to make it hard for you 
Holding things over your head bc he wants to watch you jump 
“You’re a bully” “you’re a bully too” “ya but it’s only okay if I do it” 
Saying the same shit at the same time and hitting each other in excitement
He’s funnier than you but you won’t admit it 
He has a meme folder and has a meme for every occasion 
Bro he’ll MAKE memes using pictures of you 
If he doesn’t reply within a few seconds it’s bc he’s trying to find the perfect meme or making one 
A never ending game of iMessage connect 4 
How he’d annoy you:
Rock Paper Scissors to get out of doing something but even if he loses he’ll refuse for a bit and then do it
Acting shocked even though he knew something you didn’t 
acting like he’s listening but really he’s doing something else
making you call him oppa or he’s not listening
Laying on his shoulder during long car rides
He makes a big deal about your birthday and will plan everything to a t
He sucks at surprises though bc you he tells you everything
it’s always either by accident like he slips it in
OR you’re like “tell me” “no” “fine” “OKAY I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE WE’RE GOING ON A TRIP TO PARIS”
Gossiping with him and he hates all the people you hate and then will also bring up something he heard about them 
he would tour new places with you on facetime and bother everyone in the process
the facetime photos you guys take are so frightening and confusing to look back on bc there’s so much movement and emotion on your faces
buying you dessert/pastries when you’re sad
Every single one of the boys know he’s whipped and he’s embarrassed but also you’re his person so who wins now
he’s literally so thoughtful
he knows all your favourite songs and makes a playlist
flowers and flowers and flowers
he’ll drop anything he can to be with you
will remember your childhood stories better than you
can finish your sentences
messages you every time you post a new picture
“hey this thing made me think of you” text
gets you guys matching chain bracelets/rings
finishes the food you can’t
doing tiktok dances but not posting them bc you’re both embarrassing
but he will start the video literally ANYWHERE.
on the plane? in the parking lot? at a restaurant?
His hand is always on you especially when you’re walking through a crowd
having to ask him to slow down bc you have short legs
Tippytoing to kiss him 
innocent flirting that turns dirty really quick
he definitely likes being small spoon
he talks in his sleep
he has the most irrational fears in the world
doing something cute and HE’S JUST SO EASILY LIKE “I LOVE YOU”
always wants to slow dance with you to any song just so he can hold you and lead
he’ll whisper in your ear just to get you hot like fuck offffffffff
his skincare routine takes soo long to do he’ll be in the washroom for 30 minutes
“You’re such a kid”
“Are you a baby?” “YA YOUR BABY”
One of you will start singing and the other joins in but the boys are like shut the fuck uppppp
I feel like he’d like to play wrestle bc this man chooses violence every single time
he can do a perfect impression of you 
both of you will up the cheesiness when u notice that it’s making everyone else cringe just to make them cringe more
be prepared to kill the spiders 
also be prepared to watch scary movies with the lights on bc he is spooked!
Always saying “woooow” sarcastically when someone does something unimpressive
he is an attention whore so when you’re ignoring him he will do cartwheels🤸🏻‍♀️ and try to be funny
making him blush is so easy it’s like a superpower he just gets flustered 
Making a bad decision and saying “yolo ✌️😗”
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Hi! Could i get a match up with any mha male character. I’m a female about 5’2 and ive got long straight hair. I’m not too shy like i still find it hard to talk to people but if im more comfortable im really talkative. I’m a capricorn. I am really impulsive I once woke up and decided to get three ear piercings. I’m a dancer that specializes in ballet and I love playing the piano and the violin. I also am really clingy and love to cuddle. For the autumn drabble could I get scary movies and rain
I’m SO sorry this took so long. Matchups are so hard for me to do and I was a little too ambitious with adding the drabbles at the end. ;w; Here it is! I hope you like it!
I match you with: Denki Kaminari!
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-Maybe you sometimes find it hard to talk to people, but this boy is going to make it incredibly easy for you to feel comfortable with him. He just has that aura to him; it’s like you’re meeting up with a long lost friend you haven’t seen in ages when in reality you barely even know him. But he makes it feel like you’ve known each other since kindergarten, like you two were best friends your whole lives. You two are cozying up to each other in no time.
-Impulsive? PERFECT. Kaminari is that friend who will push you around in a shopping cart through the middle of the store on a dare you made 3 months ago that the two of you suddenly remembered. Honestly, you two wreck so much havoc with each other, even Mina struggles to keep up with your shenanigans. And anything you want to do? He supports it. You want 3 ear piercings? Go for it. Wanna get a tattoo while you’re at it? “Do ittttt!” Honestly, if you need someone to hold you back or keep you in line, don’t expect Denki to be that person. He’s gonna be the exact opposite. If you really need someone to keep you in check, make Bakugou tag along with you; he’s really the only one who can stop the both of you from destroying the whole city.
-Kaminari loves to watch you practice your dancing. He thinks you’re absolutely graceful and could watch you for hours at a time. He never gets tired of it. He gets mesmerized every time you move and wonders how you manage to make him feel like he’s lighter than air. He will 100% come to any and all of your shows if you have them, and will always support you no matter what. Catch him in the front row crying tears of joy because, “That’s my babe up there, that’s my Y/N!” He can and WILL drag the whole Bakusquad along btw. You’ll always have support from your friends. :)
-Also very supportive when it comes to your instruments! Listening to you play makes him very emotional, but in a good way. He could be sobbing while you practice and if you stop and ask him if he’s okay, he just chokes out “I’m fine, please continue!” and gives you his signature thumbs up. He looks anything but fine, although he’s telling the truth; he just wants to hear you play. Kaminari is an emotional guy, and he expresses it freely, so tears are natural. He also has favorites out of the songs he’s heard you play! Sometimes he might request a certain song if he hasn’t heard it in a while. Better yet, if you write him a song of your own or learn a new one in secret to surprise him, he will melt. You’re gonna kill him. No really, you’re going to make him feel so loved.
-Denki is also very clingy and cuddly, so you better prepare for koala hugs and lots of kisses and cuddles. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had the best day of your life, the worst day of your life, or if it was just an average ordinary day, you’ll still get cuddles every single night. And he gives really good ones too; the way he wraps his arms around you and holds you close to him makes you feel the safest you’ve ever felt, like nothing can touch you while you’re with him. He’s also a fan of playing with your hair and giving you head pats. Of course he likes them too, but he likes giving them to you much more than receiving them. The best feeling after a hard day is Denki running a hand through your hair to relax you while you snuggle into his arms.
Fall Drabble: Scary Movies/Rain
This drabble kind of got away from me so now it’s less of a drabble and more of a scenario but oh well-
Heavy rain swirled outside in the wind, water droplets sticking to the window and sliding down slowly as you listened to thunder rumble in the distance. Lightning accompanied it a fraction of a moment later, the flash of light illuminating the whole sky for half a second so you could see the gloomy clouds in full. You and Denki originally had plans to go to a fall festival of sorts, but the two of you had waited too long to get ready to go, and now (a whole half hour later no thanks to charge bolt himself) it was too late; there was no way either of you were going out in this. Even if Denki was immune to lightning, you were not, and the wind and rain both proved challenging foes to your clothes and hair. You would both look like a mess by the time you got there, if you hadn’t fried on the way there.
“Soooo, I guess we’re staying in for the day. No way we’re going to the festival in that,” you said dryly.
“I’m sure we can find other ways to pass the time, babe. We can always catch the festival tomorrow!” Ever the cheerful one, it seemed. That was something you really loved about Kaminari. No matter the situation, he was always willing to find the silver lining.
“I suppose you’re right. Well, what can we do in the mean time then?” you wondered aloud.
“No idea, but this storm sure is getting spooky...” Denki subconsciously scooted closer to you as the wind howled outside, a high pitched sound reverberating through the room as it picked up speed.
You both went quiet, Denki’s focus on the storm outside while you thought of ways to pass the time. You would have invited the squad over to hang out, except this was supposed to be date night. You loved your friends, yes, but date night was special to you, and you weren’t exactly in the mood to share your boyfriend with anyone today. So friends were a no go...and you couldn’t go anywhere outside either. That only left a handful of activities. You looked around your room for something useful, anything exciting that you hadn’t already done today. Suddenly your eyes landed on an old ticket stub, namely the one from the very first movie you and Denki had seen together on your first date, and you were struck by an idea.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?”
And that was how the two of you ended up laying on the floor a half hour later, a giant blanket draped over your shoulders and pillows in front of you, popcorn pieces strewn about and cans of soda off to the side as a horror movie played in the background. It had been a while since either of you had seen a proper scary movie, so you agreed on one you hadn’t watched before and started it up without a second thought. The rain in the background helped to enhance the spooky mood for the night, a different sort of darkness seeping in and washing over the room after the lights had been turned off.
A jump scare startled you both a little, causing Kaminari to bump into you gently. You dropped a few pieces of popcorn, and your boyfriend couldn’t keep himself from poking fun at you.
“If you’re scared, Y/N, you can always hold my hand!” He gave you a wide grin and giggled, his tone teasing yet lighthearted. He could never truly give you crap about being spooked by a scary movie, especially when he had been startled himself.
“We’re already holding hands, you goofball!” You nudged him playfully and laughed with him, lightening the mood a bit after the jump scare. Eventually you both returned to watching the movie, your fingers lacing into his as you held hands still.
Fifteen minutes had gone by before the storm really started to pick up outside, wind howling relentlessly and rain pelting against your roof. You and Kaminari were so engrossed in the suspense of the movie that you didn’t notice anything at first; the woman in the film crept closer and closer to the basement door, pitch black coming from open entrance, and the both of you huddled close together as you watched in suspense for something to jump out from the darkness. Suddenly something hard fell against your roof with a loud Thump! followed by several other similar sounding noises, and you and Denki whipped around to look behind you for a culprit, spooked by the horror movie and the strange noise you had just heard. Just as you were about to ask him if he also thought that was hail, the TV shut off unexpectedly with a soft powering down noise, and the both of you were left in complete and total darkness as the storm raged on outside.
“Denki?” It was hard not to notice the tremble in your voice as you spoke quietly.
“I’m right here, love.” Kaminari’s voice wavered slightly as well, though he tried to be strong for you. Both of you were scared, but the least he could do was be there for you.
Down the hall, you could hear your fellow students mulling around in their own dorms and asking if everyone was okay. You put two and two together and realized the storm must have knocked the power out. Without warning, Kirishima thrust open the door to your bedroom and shined a flashlight in, causing the two of you to scream in unison as he finally focused it on your shaking forms.
“Why are you guys screaming?” He tilted his head in question while you tried to gain your bearings, and you secretly decided you would never watch horror movies during a storm ever again. “Yo, Kaminari. We lost power ‘cause of the storm. You think you could give the generator a jump?” The redhead rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, clearly sent over to ask for Denki by someone else.
“Nah, you guys are on your own. It’s date night with my baby, so no can do!”
“Awe, dude, come on! If you send me back with that sort of answer, Bakugou is gonna come storming in here himself!”
“Sorry, man. I’m sure the power won’t be out for that long, anyway. Bakugou can deal with it. 
“If you say so. I’ll try my best to sugarcoat it, but expect an angry looking Bakugou sometime in the near future.”
Kirishima turned away with a wary look, trekking back down the hall the way he came. You turned to your boyfriend and snuggled into him, thankful for having such a loyal person as your partner.
“You could have given their generator a jump, you know,” you said softly.
“I know. But then I’d miss out on date night with you, and that wouldn’t be very kind of me, would it? Date night is just for us. They can figure stuff out themselves.”
The two of you sat there for a moment as you held each other before there was a loud crash from down the hall followed by angry stomping sounds.
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