#im basically salt bae over here like dang
justastraightupmess · 6 years
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❧ Have you ever been jealous of anyone?
Of course! I mean-- I’m gonna say most ppl out there have probably felt jealous from time to time. We’re all insecure little deviants on this site lets be real, so I think it’s perfectly normal to get a lil jelly from time to time. But-- as much as yes, I have gotten jealous, I’m ?? never gonna like act of that shit, yknow. Like idk I guess I’m mature enough ?? to know its just me being dumb. Ppl are free to do as they please, interact with who they want, ship with who you want. And until ur like.. singleship or smth like ?? yknow it doesnt matter 
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
Mmmmmmboi ya. Yes. Yep. Im uh. Highkey not gonna say bc I know some of the ppl are still around and I aint abt that vague blogging life. But ya. Mind you it’s not gonna STOP me from interacting with another muse with the same fc, but it does make it-- a little ?? off putting I guess?? At first at least??
On the flip side, I’ve had some, or like one or two ships where it was just so... developed and I was so attached that seeing that fc as a different muse is like ?? but ur not (insert name). 
☣ Have you ever rp'd with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
Uhhh not that I know of?? No ?? I can’t really remember all that in depth from my first few years rping. But certainly not from the last few years. I just don’t really associate myself with people who are abusive or whatever?? Even someone who is just... off putting to me or I don’t like they’re attitude or things they post that aren’t abusive but are just... passive aggressive or vague blogging. I will actively avoid them if not softblock them so :/ yknow. 
Don’t have time for the drama. Like bye. 
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
I fucking--- hate vague blogging. Jfc I hate it. So much. SOOOOOOO m u c h. It makes me so uncomfy. I’m very much a “if u have a problem say it to my face” kinda person and I would do the same if I had a problem (although its rp so i’d probably just softblock bc... this isnt anything serious its fkin rp lmao). Like idk it’s just annoying ?? I’ve seen ppl post shit that’s like either could possibly be abt me, other times im like Bl that was deff abt me. Even recently tbh. It’s jsut gross. I hate it. Stop being passive aggressive and get on with life yknow??
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
HA. Lol. Where would I even fUCking start jfc. Lemme just. Whip out the list shall we?? I suppose it’s bc I’ve been on pretty much strictly tumblr rp my entire rping life, since abt... 2012?? 13?? idk. I started when I was abt 12 I think. Idk. But yA. I’ve had a lot :’) Idk what to pick. 
There was the times when I was like 12/13 and the whole “no smut with minors” thing wasn’t really?? I thing?? So a lot of the time I was more or less forced to write it?? I remember one rp partner back then on my friest ever blog would alWAYS turn to smut. And it made me so uncomfy. I always tried to find a way out of it. I shit you not one time I wrote that she fell asleep and this person jsut keep going making their character go on while she slept. It was just--- yIKES.
Not to mention how one rp partner like-- was highkey the trigger/reason i was had(/have??) depression :’) that was fun. I mean-- that whole thing itself, looking back now was dumb. But I was young, like 13 and shit. And ya. It was not fun. 
There was the whole drama I breifly mentioned on that other post. That guy in general was a total asssssssss. Like jfc. But on the other hand he and my friendship with him taught me so much and I’m much better for it now ?? Bc of him I learnt that yknow. You can say no to ppl sometimes lmao. 
And I guess more recently there have been a few people who will not be named who have just made me super uncomfy?? Even tho I’m not interacting with them at this time. Other mutuals are. And idk. Just seeing them makes me really really uncomfy. 
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