#im currently doing well... and with some IG request in hands hahaha
windydrawallday · 1 year
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Gosh! I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be this busy in those few weeks AGH BUT! I wanna continue these doodles info dumps for "The Lighthouse" merfolk AU so, I hope you all enjoy it!
To compensate a bit, there you got chibi-kiddo Merfolk!Lockdown with a tail bow ♥ (how and WHO was brave enough to put it to him is a mystery... ).
Anyways! Today we will talk about the general behavior of these critters when dealing with the dry-land-walkers:
PS These pics work as a sequence so, long post ahead!
★ (Merfolk are evasive by nature and defensive even if one insists on invading their space.)
"That's why our field study member of the team didn't get much from his approach... until we learned to leave edible lures (and even trinkets) for them to reach us out of curiosity."
"But so far they never attacked us with force!"
"Tho they are quite... creative when expressing disgust."
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"Still, they broke a lot of my precious cameras in the process... "
★ (Merfolk are mostly nocturnal, and so with their vision adapted perfectly to navigate spaces with low to null lighting).
"That means too they are highly sensitive to direct sources of light. That's why we needed to divide our lab in half with an area that's always in the dark for them to be comfortable while we study them."
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"... we learned that the hard way, and once more I lose a good bunch of my devices--"
"OH, COME ON! Remember it's all for science, dude."
"Yeah, 'right."
★ (BONUS: chibi-kiddo Drift with MULTIPLE TAIL BOWS because I can! You can easily guess he was happier to be pampered.)
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That's all for now! I got a bunch more doodles but I want to wait another moment to sit down and dedicate time to prepare/check again them before posting properly.
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