#im dorry this is so much and none of it is clear
newyorkkiss · 4 months
How did u initially get into Spoon, what was the first song/album you fell in love with and why?
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↑ me explaining things
strangely, it all started nearly a decade now when i was still venturing out and crafting my own tastes. i would frequent a little (now long since shuttered) record store in my tiny town, i saw they want my soul’s album art and was enamored and intrigued by it. iirc it was maybe a week or so after release bc it was store pick and at the front desk so i probably wouldn’t have seen it otherwise! then saw the bands name was spoon and thought that was just really… bizarre. stupid even. anyways i ended up memory holing it for 8 years until last year when i was doing a watch-through of noel era never mind the buzzcocks and somebody (cannot for the life of me remember who, definitely came from phill’s side though) *i think* said something about stupid band names, like “what’s next? [word], [word], spoon?” and i was like WAIT A MINUTE… i know there’s a band named spoon and i too thought it was absurd. subnote is for a long time i conflated spoon with elbow, i’m not entirely sure as to why, but i do recall a grief councilor i was speaking to around the same time suggesting i listen to elbow (still haven’t done it! sorry!) and i think the oddness of the band names and time period overlapped. elbow is mentioned more than a few times on buzzcocks too so that sort of reminded me a bit too, but it wasn’t until i actually heard it said i was like yeah. i have to dig in on this. maybe a week later i was on a train-ride into the city and was like yeah maybe i should listen to they want my soul and u can basically say thee rest is HERstory or something.
here’s the canonic first three ↓
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inside out was unlike anything else i’d heard from a band of that genre and we ALL KNOW how mid to awful most of-the-era alt/indie rock bands sounded when they started incorporating synthetic elements to their music. it’s just so ethereal. magical. beautifully crafted from silk strands colored cobalt. it’s unlike anything else on that album let alone their entire discography. the fact they managed to pull that off so perfectly is more than a testament to their talents and ability to make good fucking music. name one of their contemporaries that has pulled off some electronic elemental incorporation as perfectly as this. i really don’t think you can.
anyways i pretty much just listened to twms two or three times in full after that for a good while until about mid july where i must of off handedly heard something from it again and was bored enough to begin the deep dive. kept on revisiting things and it all just sort of spiraled badly by that point and by august they were the only thing i was listening to and it only got worse. coincidentally it all tied in with a massive relapse so they were and still are, a comfort in that mess.
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i managed to break 5k scrobbles on them like 4 days before i flew out to see them too which is just absurd 😭
anyways in the midst of that i was so bored i was like i have to dig into britt’s lore but for what it’s worth when i first saw a pic of him i was legitimately terrified by him. the combo of the blond hair and tall gauntness actually frightened me. but the scariness turned to intrigue and now we know where i sit on that subject. then i started to occasionaly post abt it here after my beloved twt echo chamber were revolted by my new white man of the every 6 months. then spoon anon reached me and i was like Wait people actually kinda gaf so i pretty much exclusively do that here 😭😭😭😭 i rarely even self posted the way i do now before this because i couldn’t make it not feel weird.
onto the final part of me deciding to see them coming from a place of actual if i don’t do this i’ll regret it guilt because i’d massively gotten into pavement like 8 months earlier and they toured here just as i was really into them and didn’t see them when i could have. it was kind of coincidental spoon were touring here just as i was really like… fixating upon them i think. but obviously it was worth it to see them!!!!!! and i would see them a million times over, genuinely. if they ever float towards you PLEASE GO SEE THEM. also me seeing them was a kind of mentally momentous occasion for me as i essentially describe myself as a hikikomori. the last time i’d ever attended a gig was in 2016 on my birthday, and i was with friends. never in a million years did i think i’d chalk it up to attending something like that alone given i’ve been felt up by drunks and crushed against barricades at the two shows i’d actually attended prior to them. that coupled with the fact i’ve always been terrified of being outside my house alone made me deciding to leave the entire state on a flight to see them all on my own really important. so thank you spoon for breaking me out of my own safety bubble lol.
in conclusion; spoon is very literally americas greatest band
a funny note is that prior to all of this i was an enjoyer of the preatures debut album blue planet eyes and imagine how 😳😳😳😳😳 i was when i found out jim produced that. really great album btw. the copy of it i’ve had rotting away on my bedroom shelf for the last 7 or something years may have been a sign… fate or something lol 😵‍💫 also funnier is way way way back in ‘13 when i first heard is this how you feel? i for the longest time thought it was a haim song which is even more hfjrhdhdh now that we know alex was in a proto-haim and best friends w them. at least it’s funny to me!!!!! fate brought me spoon i think… it was meant to be ❤️
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Wassup, ST here! You remember that information Sleep said we were gathering? Well I’m here to present it to you. Well, at least some of it. So here’s some general facts about those of us available for asks!
Lives off coffee
Poor child has horrible nightmares and refuses to sleep until he just crashes
The only way in which you could bribe him to sleep is with cuddles (They chase away the nightmares)
He is the epitome of clingy when sleeping
Ironically, or unironically depending how you look at it, he has the ability to knock someone out cold (putting them to sleep not punching them Anxiety, chill)
Hates Anxiety with a passion like nobody's business (None of us can figure out why though, asides from Emile but he refuses to share claiming “doctor, patient confidentiality”
Whenever there’s a concert you can bet your money that Sleep will be there, dragging Virgil along with him
You know that bag he has with him? Ya he never leaves it unattended and no one knows what’s in it.
Has photophobia (That’s why he has those glasses he never takes off) The cause has not been determined, although Emile thinks it might have something to do with Sleep’s glowing eyes.
Has no sense of direction
Says he’s going to the store, next thing you know he calling asking you to pick him up cause he’s somehow found his way to The Witches Tower (Which is all the way across Ro’s kingdom from the city)
He moves quietly, you could be sitting in the living room with nothing on (it’s so quiet you can hear a pin drop) and he’ll come through into the kitchen then back out the front door without you even knowing he was there.
If he doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be.
Emile Picani:
Is a psychologist
Meaning he’ll do more than just relationship therapy
He’s not a medical doctor, there the Surgeon for medical emergencies
He’s taken to studying somethings in terms of magic for anyone of Ro’s kingdom (and Sleep) who might need assistance
Loves childrens shows.
He finds small messages or characters to relate back to his patients
Tends to be the one to aid Sleep in his adventures
This is because he doesn’t really have any other patients at the moment aside from the steven universe team
And won’t until there’s another episode of Cartoon therapy being produced
This also doesn’t mean they all have continual issues, asides from poor Elliot, it more means that they go there to talk with PIcani about things not necessarily relationship wise
When exploring the town with Sleep you better bet that he carries around the cheeseburger backpack
He also makes sure to get them both donuts at some point while exploring
Has a sweet tooth
Can’t consume coffee cause it makes him jittery and he can’t focus well
Missy (Misleading Compliments):
He’s the Thomas from the misleading compliments vines
Sweetest bean
Look like as cinnamon roll and is one but he can still kill you
Mess with his friends and they’ll never find your body
… this time it’s not a compliment
Really flirtatious, but knows when to stop or tone it down
Sometimes he’s a flirt without meaning to, but it’s just in his nature
Might accidentally say an innuendo without meaning to most of the time
Is also a gentleman
Will open a door for you and refuse to let you pay for dinner, even if he just met you
Anytimes Deceit comes around he can be easily influenced by the false compliments
When Virge reveals however who Deceit actually is (He lied about his identity the first meeting) Missy is the first one to deck him in the face next time he shows up
Will fite you behind Dennys if you try to talk bad about yourself
Pranks (Pranks with Friends):
He’s the Thomas from the Pranks with friends series
Avid lover of Pokemon and his love of Disney can rival Roman’s
April fools is his favorite holiday
He makes sure that any pranks he pulls are harmless
Of course this doesn’t mean that there haven’t been a few that have caused some issues
One of his pranks went horribly wrong and he’s avoided the mention of it since
The largest goofball/dork you will ever meet
Of the trio he’s the most innocent
Deceit gets the brunt of any/all of his pranks
Wears hoodies 24/7/365
As soon as Pokemon Go came out he’s been all over it
He made ST and Missy play as well. Of course they had to all choose different teams
Pranks:Instinct. Missy:Mystic. ST: Valor
Hurt his friends and he’ll pull the most harmless, yet annoying pranks to get back at you.
As a warning. After that it’ll get physical
ST (Narrating your lives):
ST (Short for Story Time) is the Thomas from the Narrating Your Lives vines
Will also respond to Narrator
He’s an Extra™ boi
If you can’t find him with the other two then head to Ro’s village,he’ll be there directing and writing plays with Roman.
If this was a human AU or they had actual history as kids in school then he definitely would have been the one to be bullied.
When narrating people’s lives he has been punched before
If we’re playing the who’s most innocent with the trio, then he’d be the least
Aims to add puns in where ever he sees fit
Or if he comes up with one
Missy normally winds up beating him to it though
Kind of impulsive
Impulse control? Who’s she? Never heard of her.
Intrusive thoughts are powerful in this one yes.
If your friend jumped off the bridge would you?
The answer yes, by the way
Also the little shite actually ate a tide pod
The only reason he’s not dead is cause he’s a figment of Thomas’s imagination
He did become terribly ill though
Now they have to be locked up on a high shelf
That has not stopped him from summoning more unfortunately
Within the short amount of time Anxiety has been around he’s become Brain’s babysitter
He can be mature and reasonable when he wants to
For some reason that goes just as horribly
Duet (Drive-by-Duets):
The Thomas from the Drive-by-Duet vines
He randomly breaks into song
He's a precious bean
Encourages everyone planning on trying out acting or some music based career
He's also can be found with Roman and ST in the village
He is an less Extra™ boi but he is still extra
Can play literally any instrument
Dorky gentleman
Where Missy is smooth Duet trips over his own feet trying to pull out your seat for you
He is also clumsy when not trying to be smooth
He is not allowed into the kitchen unsupervised
Can sing like an angel but can't dance to save his life
Smol bean
Must be protected (Sleep’s words not mine)
Listens to “emo” music (Like MCR, Evanessense, Set it Off, to name a few)
He loves his boyfriend, he really does and he swears Michael loves him too (Sleep would beg to differ, but doesn’t try arguing)
When Sleep and Virgil go off to concerts they always makes sure lend the invitation to Elliot
While he doesn’t always accept the offer, he does appreciate the thought.
They haven’t really felt like sharing much so this all there is currently
Sloane and Corbin, precious beans
Sleep claims that Sloane is more dangerous than he seems
Sleep also claims that Corbin has not much of and idea what he got himself into by dating Sloane
He refuses to say why he thinks this way
Sloane takes life as it comes and doesn’t let bad things deter him.
Corbin’s a bit more of a prepare for the worst and hope for the best
Aaannnd Corbin refused to let us ask anymore questions after that so that’s all for now.
Larry and Dot are rebellious teen adults.
Dot doesn’t know her own strength sometimes
They pick on each other occasionally, but it’s all in good fun.
Larry tries too hard occasionally to be… hip? Would that be the word to use??
Dot’s one of those teachers that’s awesome as a person, but aggravating as a teacher
Anything else was found by Emile, who keeps claiming doctor patient confidentiality
Vitani (The Dragonwitch):
Despite what was mentioned before about Roman’s characters being the least aware, she’s actually as aware as Sleep and us.
She’s dubbed herself Vitani because it’s easier than always calling her dragonwitch.
Don’t  tell Roman though
The head witch and alpha dragon
She’s got her work cut out for her.
Can shapeshift like the sides, through the use of her magic.
Her magic color is green cause Every Villain Is Lime
She’d much prefer a shade of Red-violet but it can’t be helped now
Is very Sassy™
Can and will shapeshift into a dragon at will
Can be found hanging out with Virgil is some of her spare time
This you also don’t tell Roman
Not just for her sake but for Virgil’s as well
On that note don’t mention it to the others that Virgil comes here period
Steer clear when she and Roman are in the midst of battle
Anxious boyo
He’s not kidding don’t tell the others he’s here doing this
Favorite band is Evanescence 
Is normally here either to talk with Vitani or go to a concert with Sleep
Virgil is normally the one Sleep ends up cuddling in his sleep
Virgil allows it because it has mutual benefits
Sleep will, well, sleep and Virgil can rest easier
No one is too sure what he and Vitani do when they’re hanging out
Any questions about the others? Just ask us and we’ll see if we can answer.
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