#im falling back into some old blackholes thank you
sillsif · 2 years
↳ six recent song favorites
tagged by @petrichoraline who gave me another chance to be annoying about songs i love
Pinky Murder - Lil Ghost his songs are just really energetic and super nice to loop. or maybe i just really love to listen to the same song on repeat for hours?
Talking to the Moon - KREAM (크림) moody and smooth, another looping favourite.
AO2Z freestyle - Zhazha, AA, Oliver Jiang & 2Night i love cyphers like this... my fave is the second one singing. AA is EVERYTHING
Listen Up 2020 cypher - Light Zen (MC光光) + MC Pharaoh (法老), Air (艾熱) + Pact (派克特), Danko (彈殼) + ICE (楊長青), Tia Ray + Lil Ghost, produced by MAI this cypher for a chinese rap talent show is just THE bomb. my fave is definitely AirPact since they are so insanely in tune with each other; that being said, everyone is just so good in their element. i'll never get tired of this cypher ever
我想你了 - GONG (宮閣) i think i was at this LIVE im throwing up i miss this man so fucking much his live shows are the best his songs are drugs i need it in my veins im not normal about him
三的顏色 - Yico Zeng (曾軼可) this songs hurts so good she is so insanely talented poetic atmospheric hot sexy beautiful eccentric my wife
tagging anyone who would like to share more songs 💖
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ALTJERINGA : The Dreaming. Air The universe is nothing but a beautiful symphony A Love ballard with everyone playing a note without being phony There is nothing but sublime unity and oneness Where everyone vibrates with Loving kindness Being an advanced species is not about technology But the return to Unity and that is the irony Every note played is unique and different Everyone appreciated for their unreplicated contribution With the music blending to a heavenly fusion For spiritual Heirerachy is a human concept and temperament There is only Love reverence All are equal in sentience and value Whatever size or existence avenue The Cosmos is full of Creatures of beauty, Stars ancient like Methuselah still carry on Loves duty Water kingdom in that distant enchanted place And Source experiencing itself as a Flower in that timeless space The delicate balance of Life Forever distancing in the illusion of time There must be darkness for Light to Shine There must be Blackholes for Quasars to exist Perfection in balance, the Cosmos insists For every Ying and Yang There is a spiritual lesson to be had The invisible nourishment that comes from our breath Demonstrates the humility of the Air we take for granted Seldom heard and rarely seen, You connect all in the Cosmos with sheer glee The simplicity of your Cosmic power Comes from that simple garden Flower I behold the awesome mystery of the universe With Love I peel back the layers like an onion Observing the clusters from Caffau to Orion And Im overwhelmed knowing this Love I dont deserve From the depths of my heart to the farthest reaches of the Cosmos: Thank You. It is a beautiful fellowship. Earth Your beauty astounds me, Your Love incomprehensible Beautiful daughter of Light,Earth, Water and Air My heart yearns to embrace You with fragile Care Abused you have been, totally reprehensible I hope its not too late To change our bleak fate You are joyously alive, feel every breath and wind Someones beautiful daughter, indeed supremely a Loved being Im privileged to walk on your presence And retreat, delicately leaving no foot prints And watch you going through many changes You are a mother and a daughter, the blind cannot see Yours is a joyful innocence A Love frequency in the truest sense A mother patiently waiting on her children Most live in harmony with Gaia except one Whose tragedy is their lack of clarity They dont see divinity and unity But believe in separation and chance They refuse to see oneness and believe in intellectual superiority And this spiritual inferiority, Has resulted in a possession obsession But Gaia has Her own protectors, That Love her unconditionally That will not tolerate the abuse for much longer continously The Elohim will not allow plunder for gold Watching her tears for profit be sold The rain, the river and the seas The mountains, the sands and the trees All bear witness to your beauty exceptionally Beautiful colours, Blue from afar Like rainbow pouring straight from a jar You swirl, dance and sing Like a happy child in Love and free All universe is in awe of You Teach us Light, Love and Forgiveness Unity, Oneness and Uniqueness So that in that moment of Truth It is You I will forever Choose While I am here dear Mother I just have to be frank and say You are my first Love, I dare say I am forever grateful To that pale Blue dot In the vastness of space That is ever so cheerful That place I've called home Whose Love will never age. Water Alpha and Omega, where it begins it also ends, The circle of Love, a universal trend. Came back with a body suit as black as the night, Stealthy as a thief,in the middle of the night , A people blind sided, hoping for a silver knight, Instead, a messenger calling himself Knight Looking up in the sky waiting for miracles and fire, Compassion and Love in their hearts lacking and dire Love manifested in a form neglected and derided Only among the rejected did he feel truly invited, The drama of cosmic humour and creation's spiral Cannot be limited by human perspective and that is final. Messengers sent and Useless rules written Messages ignored and vessels of Truth worshipped instead Ignorance and Arrogance begets results horrid, It is our consciousness we render morbid, Walk with Wisdom and Truth on the path of humility, And in your Creators arms you will find profound tranquility The messages are a just a guideline, Love is central and the only way home Love for all divine creation,all other rules will fall and be gone You are Love manifest Truly Loved and limitless My Soul, your Love is like honey Beautiful and sweet, flowing like golden rivers Joyously and consciously experiencing Life in this adventurous journey Your Love never relenting Your shenanigans makes me laugh and sends pleasurable shivers Thank You for being me Thank You for arranging this Thank You for just being For I know Im a Loved Being And when Im home and done Fill me up, I extend my ever empty cup With the boundlessness of your Love Unity of the body, mind and soul One must strive for the union of the whole Raise the frequency and vibration to Unity Do not be complacent in conformity For free will, Independent thinking is your Soul's duty Search for the Truth within For the Creator will guide you indeed Greatest gift is your free will To create, explore , expand and build To marvel , revere and with great awe Realize this a journey for all You are a co-creator and One with the All Thank You my Higher Self You have shown me not to be ashamed That the only permanent thing in Life is change Remembering the lifetimes and lessons I have nothing to say but be Thankful For this is one tough school Yet, You remind of my guide: Water Ever sustaining, ancient, wise and Divine Always non-assuming but impossible to Divide Individual and yet in perfect unity An ancient being full of purpose and Clarity A clear conscience and zero ego You hear that, my ancient hero You lead the way, I will follow Though light in presence but never hollow Show me to walk humble and my ego swallow, I embrace your sentience with no shame, Heed my Love,my wonderful friend and carer Fill my cup, old Mate, For I am your bearer. For one day in that timeless place We shall meet in true form once again. Light Some call You Angel, Some call You Gabriel, An extention of the Creators Light I call it a conspiracy of Love A timeless tale of Love's might You are my teacher of Truth For that reason I call you Blue I call it a tyranny of of Compassion Dear Blue, my silent guide Your wise counsel, Ever so kind A Creature of sublime wisdom Ours is a joyous union Many lifetimes of wealth and chains You provide insight of the Love to gain Chains and pain to Grow Health and wealth for passion Light needs dark to Glow Love and Empathy birth Compassion You show that forgiveness is a must, That Divine Love is Just A currency that never gets old For all shall come to pass, even gold My Beloved Blue, You leave Love's clues, Even when I'm in my deepest blues You conspire to teach me Love Inspire my Higher Self to be Just Sent me to Love's school A play replete with drama To lay repeat the message of Love's karma That to give a Compassionate kiss, Invites heartfelt Bliss, To sow the seeds of Unity Brings to Creation ultimate Beauty You have walked in these shoes, Each has their own path to Truth Thank You for being a guide A tireless friend and Lover Even when I grow weary and wild You remind me to never fear My mission in this lifetime ever so clear Not to add to Earth's tears To see the Truth's Light That we all share in Her plight Undo the wrongs for her to be right Surround her with Love as her peers Heal her with Joyful cheers Be her kindred Be Love's children Dear old friend Blue, You know my heart desires not, To be anyone's master nor Lord, The only True realization The only sins are those against Creation To commit crimes against Nature, My desire is only to be a Teacher, A Healer, my second nature Like the shamans of days old and gone, I desire not to be a champion, But to be Truly natures companion From Dusk till Dawn.
Your Truly,
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