#im finally like all those people who made american harry potter transfer students
wilted-violets · 1 year
I have @infamous-if brainrot SO. meet Lottie Morgan, lead singer and ((occasional)) guitarist of Violet Hours. She's definitely, absolutely, completely, over her ex-boyfriend, and keeping her tattoo doesn't mean anything. at all. i can't draw even a little, so i figured i'd make her social media as some kind of introduction.
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more facts under the cut !! insta template • twitter template
moved to the states at age 11, her parents were assholes, distant, and moved around a lot. she was born in england, and still has the accent most of the time
total emo loser
seven was the only one to see her songwriting, now she hides it from everyone and her journal is hidden well from rowan's prying hands
covered her 'SD' tattoo with concealer for the first 4 months after the breakup, now doesn't bother
she and seven were known for sneaking out of parties early to hang out by themselves or just go home
loves video games, spends a lot of time on the tour bus playing them and reading when she can
is a taurus
her favourite superhero is spiderman
has a full journal of songs about seven that no one will ever see
made every member of the band watch the extended editions of lord of the rings
any alternative music is her thing, but her guilty pleasure is boybands.
voice wise i kinda imagine like ?? disney era demi lovato ?? but that is subject to change
~ looks ~
plus-sized, hourglass shaped.
very pale,, translucent even
big blue eyes, slightly upturned nose, round face
strawberry blonde/ginger hair with a pink streak where her ear is ((hc is that seven had the same pink in his hair,,,,))
a few scars from the Trauma
light freckles in summer
tattoos: - SD on her wrist - a butterfly on each shin - 'the fool' tarot card on the back of her upper right arm - skull holding flowers on her inner left arm - lil taurus symbol behind her ear
septum, nose + ear piercings
very sarcastic, but still very nice
anxiety central
reserved, very quiet and shy. loves being on stage but also hates it?
hates the outdoors
hates confrontation, her favourite thing about her and seven was that they never argued when they dated
feels all of her emotions to a heightened degree, cries at everything she feels
very insecure, plays it off with jokes
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the one from scott pilgrim is sort of a joke but it was funny
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