#im getting lowkey second hand social anxiety abt whether those ocs would actually vibe with mine back hahaha /j
albatris · 2 years
hello! I invented Georgia Blue, like, yesterday and am Wondering which oc of yours she would get along with !!
she's 14, does ballet, autistic + semi-verbal, going thru the onset of a psychotic disorder (i have not picked Which One yet), likes cats more than people, really misses her sibling (who is. a ghost now), is afraid of cars (because projection), and watches horror films alone at night because she's on another level entirely
she sounds v cool!!! I like her already!!
if you think she'd get along well with someone who'd be a sort of goofy older brother type I think she and Tris would vibe together!! as long as she's okay with endless terrible puns :P
he's a sweet kid, very earnest and cheerful and excitable, will be anyone's hype man, but due to his monotone and flat affect he's also an excellent choice for not being an Overwhelming And Loud hype man lmao. he has an anxious streak and doesn't like loud noises or the outdoors, BUT around anxious friends he does his best to override his own anxiety to be there for them
he's been through (is going through?) the wringer of a psychotic disorder that kicked in young (schizophrenia), and is a little awkward and clumsy when it comes to advice-giving but definitely knows the importance of a good support system, n fellow psychotics gotta watch out for each other. he's happy to offer tips or an ear to listen or just to simply vibe in solidarity
but ye, he also likes cats more than people so no problems there, would probably love to just hang out together with some kitties or talk about cats if she's feelin it. since he likes cats more than people, he's also very used to hangouts being just "vaguely vibing in the same space without talking" which I feel like is something she'd maybe also enjoy? parallel play my beloved
and he would absolutely bug her for horror movie recommendations hahaha. he wasn't allowed to engage with a lot of horror/fantasy/etc media growing up because his parents thought he was too ~impressionable~ and ~prone to getting reality and fantasy mixed up~ and he just sort of stayed away from it until Shara one day was like HOW HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN ANY X FILES and made him watch her favourite episodes
he's very squeamish and anxious but watches horror stuff anyway because he's like. haha. look at me making my own media choices. I'm so powerful *hides behind seven cushions every time the killer comes on screen*
that being said, anywhere Tris goes there is at least a 60% chance Shara is there too, and I feel like she and Shara might vibe also, though Shara's a bit more bouncy and hyperactive and intense...... she's a fellow semi-verbal autistic horror movie buff (n likely schizotypal too) :3 also a very passionate kindhearted person, but with wacky mad scientist vibes and ms frizzle outfits and an adoration for puzzles and the paranormal :P
Tris Greer 🤝 Georgia Blue: capital s Stuff happening to their siblings and having to deal with the grief and confusion of missing them
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