#im getting my ac and heating fixed so i don't have suffer in 100 degree weather during fire season
mrskurono · 3 years
Im the anon with the previous Makki ask! You’re totally valid on your view and absolutely it is ridiculous how Makki is either brushed aside or has been interpreted really poorly in fanon! He totally is his own person. Wishing you a quick recovery from the nerve pain! I’d be pissy too from that and any other annoyances.
Pls know I wasn't mad at you at all anon!! I actually adore Mattsun. He's basically a 6'2 version of my wife and I don't mind the ship or poly ship at all (as I've written a few things for it before)
Just the combo of shit fanon Makki and then some cunt weasel decided to reblog my Makki content just to bash on him pissed me off this morning (which I've been cranky for a few days it didn't help)
Makki is terrific and if we're being honest I've probably had a crush on him longer than I realized (for I am dumb as shit) And I just hate people saying they "like" Makki only to find out they like a cucked Makki who just tags along with Mattsun. They're friendship is great but jfc people Makki is still his own person as is Mattsun.
The narrative that Makki is dumb, lazy and useless drives me batshit. Sure he wasn't in college prep classes but he wasn't below average either. And he wasn't some stand alone jokester that only fucked with people. He was engaging and encouraging to his underclassman and regularly praised and was kind to both Kunimi and Kindaichi. (I mean for fucksake he got Kunimi to engage with him more than anyone else could get Kunimi to) And he was mature and present during games and times with the other grads. Not to mention he was literally the same position as Iwa. An outside hitter is no slouch job he was Seijoh's second ace and everyone just thinks he's lazy? (Which brings me back to the eye narrative we had a few weeks back but thats a different rant) There's just so much subtle context to Makki people push out of the way when they see timeskip Makki is between jobs. So what? I'm not working and haven't been for some time (extending prior to being pregnant too) so people who don't work are lazy and just don't have the motivation? That's bull crap and a lame excuse to wanna pigeon hole Makki's character. The same crap happens with my other favs and istg I'm just really good at picking characters people like to sweep under the carpet 🙄
Anyways sorry for the rant! None of that was directed at you anon <3 Only at every twat waffle in the hq fandom who thinks Makki is 1. Ugly 2. Lazy and 3. Useless without Mattsun <3 If y'all are either of those three then kindly gtfo people <3
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