#im glad to see a fellow 2012 fan too we need to unite becuz that show is SO MESSED UP and we need to band together
iooiu · 1 year
DUDE . DUDE!!!! RATTLES YOU AROUND. YOUR ART IS SO . GOOD. i love love love how you do expressions and i hope it isnt bad to say that you’re like . a big inspiration for me. also!! i started tltc (quite late, i will admit) and <3 <3 YOURE SO . GOOD. not only is your art so eatable but your writing is . off the charts its genuinely so nice to read. ALSO ALSO im happy to see another tmnt 2k12 enjoyer they are <3 my blorbos . ANYWAY you are such a talented being OKAY BYE HAVE A GREAT DAY
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this image is me when i opened my inbox to see this
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