#im going to add the addendum later in a reblog so wait for that ( 0 w 0)๐Ÿ‘
trapny ยท 11 months
Item #: SCP-7548
Object class: Safe
Special containment procedures: only one SCP-7548 instance should be kept in a facility, except for special cases. Under typical circumstance, they are to be rotated between foundation sites at regular intervals.
The instances are to be referred to as SCP-7548-a, SCP-7548-b, and so on. Instances are labelled.
SCP-7548 instances should either be kept in an item storage locker in facility sector 12, or in an arts and crafts room if the site has one. Personnel of clearance Level 2 or higher are permitted to use SCP-7548 unsupervised.
Personnel with security clearance of Level 0 and Level 1 may be granted supervised access to an SCP-7548 instance at any time. Well behaved D-Class may also be permitted to use it outside of testing, if they ask.
Senior researchers and senior security staff can request to keep SCP-7548-1 items as office decor. Any SCP-7548-1 items not being researched or used as decor are to be kept in any available storage space until pickup day, which is on the twelfth every month.
On pickup day, the SCP-7548-1 items in storage are to be put into padded boxes and carefully loaded onto the foundations disguised "mover" trucks.
The specific type of boxes used should be the foundation's #71, #98, and #433 type padded boxes, as these are 30.48 by 30.48, 91.44 by 91.44, and 60.96 by 60.96 centimeters respectively. If any SCP-7548-1 items are unable to be stored in a padded box of any of those sizes, then the item can simply be held by a non-driving worker for the duration of the trip. Each non-driving worker is to hold only one SCP-7548-1 item at most.
In the instance of too many large SCP-7548-1 items and not enough workers for all of them, the items can simply be left in site storage where they are until the 12th of the next month.
The number of trucks should be as few as possible, but in the instance that there are enough SCP-7548-1 items to fill more than 12 trucks, then 12 more trucks should be requested, and the items divided between all 24. In the instance that there are too many to fit in 24 trucks, then the process should be repeated.
The SCP-7548-1 items are to be transported to the SCP foundation front known as "Steve's Clay Pottery", which is a pottery store in North Carolina. The SCP-7548-1 items are to be transported into the basement, removed from their boxes, and carefully placed on the available shelves.
In the instance of an SCP-7548-1 item breaking, you are to get out of proximity as quickly as possible and wait an hour before returning. Upon returning, the remains of the item are to be quickly bagged and sent to Steve's Clay Pottery. Upon arrival, they are to be taken to the basement and tossed into the bin with anomalous properties* tossed into the bin labelled as "oopsies".
The foundation knows the locations of all 11 wheels, and keeps tabs on them as well as possible. Currently, there are 7 wheels kept by the foundation, 4 wheels kept by different groups of interest, and one wheel that has been "decommissioned" by the GOC.**** Several researchers have stated that there is more than likely a twelfth wheel somewhere, but this wheel is yet to be found.
SCP-7548 instances have shown a "fondness" for the number 12. It is advised that if a situation or event not covered by the special containment ever occurs, then the number 12 should be a constant in the surroundings of the objects.
Information about the origins of this precaution can be found in the addendum for test-0127.
Description: SCP-7548 refers to a series of white pottery wheels. There are a total of 11 known wheels, each has a diameter measuring 30.48 centimeters. The wheels each have a line cord measuring 3.658 meters, with a three-pronged plug at the end. The SCP-7548 instances are operated by pedal. By design, all instances of SCP-7548 appear to be completely identical, in both appearance and operation.
The wheels operate best when plugged in, but when unplugged they are still capable of twelve additional hours of continual spin. It is currently unknown where this power is stored, as the wheels contain no trace of a visible battery.** This is considered an anomalous property of the wheels.
The ability to hold a charge makes them somewhat useful during breaches or GOI attacks where the power may be cut off, as both the act of creating and the act of watching somebody create pottery has a calming effect.*** This reduces the likelihood of mental breakdowns and panic attacks in SCP staff in the proximity of SCP-7548 instances during stressful situations.
The main anomalous property of SCP-7548 instances is found in SCP-7548-1.
***the calming effect of creating pottery with SCP-7548 instances was originally regarded as an anomalous effect of the wheels. This however has since been proven by multiple psychologists to be an effect consistent with creating regular pottery using non-anomalous wheels. Dr. โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ, who was the head researcher at the time was quoted saying "in hindsight that was probably kind of obvious."
SCP-7548-1 refers to the pottery created using an SCP-7548 instance. SCP-7548-1 instances display minor space-bending properties. When measuring length, width, height, diameter, circumference, weight, and volume, the instance will show different measurements depending on where they are measured, measurements that should be completely impossible.
Addendum: [access currently only permitted to employees with clearance level [REDACTED] or above]
*section crossed out due to confusion. There are multiple bins in the basement of Steves Clay Pottery, but only one actually has anomalous properties. This resulted in multiple catastrophes due to non-anomalous bins being used by accident. Steve has since marked the correct bin with the word "oopsies".
**the current accepted theory is that the capability of holding a charge is an anomalous property. Considering the findings of test-0029, it is very unlikely that there is some battery that researchers have yet to find.
****the "decommissioned" wheel is actually a wheel currently owned by the foundation. The Global Occult Coalition has been led to believe that SCP-7548 consisted only of one instance, and were subsequently led to believe that they had successfully destroyed it. With information from test-0029, the wheel was successfully repaired. It is now one of the seven held by the foundation.
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