#im going to tag this as weasley shades of red like a fifty shades of grey knock off
corneliaavenue-ao3 · 2 years
Ok let’s see how drunk you are: Ginny/Cousin Barney
(There’s no Alabama flag emoji so let’s stick with ‘Merica) 
Alexander Weasley was excited to attend his cousin's William's wedding. Not only was it his first wedding that he has ever attended, but his future cousin-in-law was going to be part v eela wtih a bunch of veela cousins. He was very excited.
He sat with his mom and dad on the groom's side of the aisle. He didn't know his uncle Arthur very well, let alone Bill and his six siblings. However, family always invited family to their weddings, so here Alex was.
He didn't know if Bill was is second cousin of third cousin twice removed, but he did know they were related because they shared the signature Weasley red hair.
Alex recognized a lot of his Weasley family from various reuinions held throughout the years, but one face was new to him. They called him Cousin Barney.
He must have been close to Bill's side of the family since he was an usher like Bill's siblings. It was George that ushered him into his seat, but it was Barney that caught his eye.
From the way he was awkwarldy escorting guests to their seats to the way he stared at his Cousin Ginny throughout the entirity of the wedding. There was something odd about him.
His red hair did not match the same signiture Weasley shades of red, and he had 0 freckles. He talked to both International Quidditch Star Victor Krum and Elphias Doge all while staring at his own cousin.
Disgusting really.
But it was the way she reciprocated, that truly caused him horror. Some old hag made a loud comment about his cousin's dress, and she turned around and winked at her cousin!
Alex grabbed a shot of firewhiskey from the back table. Purebloods stay purebloods for a reason, he justified. If his cousin was in love with some cousin he never met, what was he to do about it?
Maybe he could find some veela cousin of Fleur's to forget about it.
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