#im gonna blame this on you bc you sent me the questions i've also been waiting to answer
vanaera · 4 years
Heya my lovely friend! 20, 26, 31, 32, 33, and 39 for the ask meme ✨✨
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
I'd say Dreamworks! I'm really fond of films, those that star a real person or animated ones. However, I usually tend to prefer the former because of of my appreciation for the classic filming. And among these three, Dreamworks feature one of the best movies I like. Like Shutter Island, Lincoln, and The Ring. They are so GREAT like do I even have to explain??? Not to say Dreamworks animations like How to Train Your Dragon, The Shrek, Over the Hedge, Kung Fu Panda, and Megamind are films I would still want to watch again to this day. Of course Dreamworks has failures too, such as The Shark Tale and The Boss Baby. However, compared to Pixar and Disney (should I even separate them when they belong to one humongous conglomerate now?), Dreamworks have one of the most original stories I've ever encountered. Their characters are so fleshed out. They have notable positive traits, and flaws you can easily spot, which makes them feel so real. No tea to Disney and Pixar, but they usually have SoOOOOo many passable movies. Like "okay, i made a movie, guess that's okay" type of movies. They have very generic and predictable plotlines and most of their characters are just cardboard cut-outs of the typical protagonists. Sorry this is long. I'm really passionate about film. Music-wise tho, it goes to Disney. However since we're talking about film, not an album, screenplays matter to me the most.
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? 
I would put those flowers in a vase and I would appreciate that someone who gave them to me. Especially if they researched the language of the flowers they've gifted me before giving them to me. If not, that's still okay. There's just gonna be plus points for the former. Though even if they are the former or the latter, I would still ask them why they gave me flowers instead of fruits. I love flowers though and I would really like to receive a bouquet because I've never experienced being given one. I just wanna know why not fruits.
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
Oh hell yeah am I. I make the world my runway. And what I think is quirky about this thing with me, is that I don't follow the trends. I make my own trend. It's my pet peeve to see everybody almost wearing the same clothes just like everyone else. And, I just want to not be like that. I want to stand out (Sorry, the Aries in me is quaking). This is why I love LOVE the no-clothing-code in our universities because I can totally rock a grunge bitch outfit to a cutie girly girl look whenever I want. Even if I'm just wearing a jeans and shirt outfit, I'm sure as hell gonna spice some things up (not skin-showing-wise tho) and make you see I'm not JUST wearing some jeans and shirt. It's MY jeans and shirt outfit (I'm really passionate about fashion like srsly come hit me up if you need some fashion advice).
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
It depends. If I want to get in the mood of Christmas, bc let's be real, adulthood makes us no longer feel the giddty feeling we used to have when we were kids when it comes to Christmas, then yeah, I'd like to watch holiday films. However, if they have a fucking terrible screenplay, I'd rather not waste my time. I like wating holiday-themed foods, fics, and short stories though.
33: Cookies or brownies?
Cookies!!! I love the hard but chewy and soft texture ir has and also the balance in its flavor! I don't like foods that are too sweet and it's not long ago I just discovered I'm allergic to some types of chocolate so brownies are just 😕 to me.
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
I don't have a favorite piece of decor aesthetic-wise. So I'm gonna go for practicality wise (I don't buy things that I won't use just for the sake of aesthetics, I love me a clean, and wide ass space in my home). And also, I can't rhink of any random stuff I love because my stuff here are not random lmao. In my house, I love my dining table. It's where I eat, do my nails, do my art, or work on my writings, while I watch the view of the sky from the windows near it. That table just has so many memories for me. And in my room, I love my work desk. It's where I put my bullet journal, skin care stuff, and writings-wise stuff. I just love how I put them in this way bc these things give me a sense of who I am in their own way. And also they give me a false sense of productivity for the day when they look so nice on that desk LMAO
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