#this got so long im sorry
numnue · 1 year
hc that andrew is really good at jeopardy and whenever it's just him and neil sitting in the dorm living room - and eventually their own living room later on - he'll just sit and answer each one word-for-word while neil watches, amazed
maybe neil is also super good (idk man i just think he holds on to useless info since he'll never know when he might need it) and they compete to see who can get the most points between the two
whenever neil beats andrew he just gives him the most smug smirk that andrew has to kiss off his face (and it has nothing to do with the fact that the smirk maybe makes andrews knees weak and ears hot, and maybe he lets him win sometimes just to see the easy confidence that neil takes on, maybe)
and one day the foxes are there to witness the back-and-forth between them and they're like "you guys should go on the show" and i just know that andrew would think that winning jeopardy would be the funniest thing ever and neil would like that it showed his new freedom in that he could go on live tv with no risk.
so they apply and get on the show (idk how that works) and immediately act like they don't know each other, they're just contestants to each other. and quickly they start trash-talking each other, i mean come on, and the host probably mentions that they're both professional exy players and have been on teams together in the past, so they probably trash talk each other about that even more
and it gets to the point where the old (or maybe new idk) minyard-josten rivalry hashtag starts trending again and at this point they're not publicly out so everybody believes they just really hate each other
anyways, andrew eventually wins (IM SRY BUT I JUST THINK HE'D BE BETTER BECAUSE OF HIS MEMORY) and they ask what he's going to do with the prize money and he turns to neil and is like "i'll probably take my husband on vacation, but i wouldn't know where he'd want to go" and neil smiles at him and is like "anywhere is fine as long as i'm with you" and thats how they come out to the public
"minyard-josten marriage?!" trends for a month after that
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dr3amofagame · 1 year
In birdhouse, do c!dream and j!dream ever get together?
Are there any cute family moments between them and Agnes?
okay uhm . c!Dream and j!Dream. screams cries throws up. these two give me SO much psychic damage u don't even know they hurt me soo so so so sos osobad ...
So what's important, first, is that c!Dream and j!Dream know each other from Four Square. They don't leave it on the...best of terms, because of what happens that leads up to the Monopoly game that turns into Mayfair, but they were each others' sole allies in that box, in a lot of ways. The only other one that understood, the one that they could trust to have their back even if they couldn't trust them to keep their own head. They go through a lot together, in those few days. But they're never alone for any of it, until Mayfair happens and then they're separated again.
c!Dream joins Mayfair after it's been going on for about a year--for c!Dream himself, he actually gets tped back into his own server for a while and kind of proceeds a la canon for a while there (minus the finale) before getting tossed back into j!Dream's server, to where j!Dream and j!Sam have been in a little cottage thousands of blocks away from spawn for a year, undisturbed. In the plain old Mayfair ending, c!Dream actually kills j!Dream and there's a dual kind of ending to it there--it's uhm pretty bittersweet but yeah ... but in Mayfair+ (which then proceeds into birdhouseisms) he gets captured and added To The House as a resident.
It's. Well. It's rocky. c!Dream is reeling from the loss of freedom, j!Sam is grappling with the implications of having his peace disturbed (and also absolutely giddy at the ability to fix his mistakes, not only in this timeline but in the last one as well...) and j!Dream is. Scared that this is going to rock the very carefully constructed status quo he's made for himself over the course of the last year. (In Mayfair, at this point, j!Dream has convinced himself that this is somewhere happy. He can be happy here, and this is fine, and he's never going to leave anyway so what does it hurt to make this into something livable...etc) and c!Dream threatens to take all of that away. A basement is built below the cottage that is more or less a replica of j!Dream's old cell, and c!Dream is put inside. And...life goes on. More or less.
c!Dream and j!Dream aren't allowed much time together, and when they are in the same room, they both know that 'working together' is the easiest damn way to make both of their lives harder in an instant. Besides, j!Dream doesn't want to help c!Dream (he's the bad one, he's the scapegoat, he's the one that won't keep his fucking trap shut and gets what he deserves as a result. j!Dream isn't about to suffer for his recklessness) and c!Dream couldn't care less about what happens to j!Dream (he's weak, he's an idiot, he gave up on EVERYTHING to become Sam's little toy, fuck him let him rot let him have this stupid excuse of a house and a relationship and let him be Sam's little plaything, what the fuck does it matter to him??) -- and that's that.
(If j!Dream makes a habit of distracting j!Sam when c!Dream is doing something to get on his nerves, if c!Dream makes a commotion in the other room when he hears something that feels a little too concerning, if there are hushed conversations and diluted potions exchanged and quiet moments in the house where c!Dream is allowed upstairs and things are...almost normal, well. They're not exactly drawing attention to them, are they?)
Things more or less progress along these lines over the course of birdhouse as more people are added, with some changes to the dynamic as time and people force everyone else to adapt as well. There are quite a few Significant Incidents--there's one in particular that's really, really important to j!Sam + c!Dream + j!Dream but uhmmm let's just say that one is going to. Stay redacted. For reasons 😭. But as long as j!Sam is around, any overt affection between c!Dream and j!Dream is a danger to them both, so they tend to cover for each other in much subtler ways--though this mellows out, in some ways, as time moves forward.
(In other ways, it kind of gets worse. But you know. You win some, you lose some.)
Because I haven't mentioned it yet, j!Sam and j!Dream do end up having a sexual relationship shortly into Mayfair--everyone assumes it starts a lot earlier, especially in Four Square, which (along with other things) kind of ends up being the catalyst for how things go down. Later on, c!Dream...will get involved in this dynamic as well. A lot later on. This is, um. Also complicated. There's a lot of shit involved in the whole c!Dream and j!Dream thing 😭😭😭😭
They don't get together together at any point in the birdhouse itself, but kisses are exchanged at a couple key moments, and they are like. Extremely important to each other. After birdhouse, they do get together eventually given the time to figure some shit out more, though their relationship itself isn't reeally easily defined. There are a lot of c!Dream j!Dream moments that I lose it over, like, literally daily--the wrist touch from Four Square is a big one, but there's also [REDCATED AGAIN SORRY] and everything around it, that time they nap on the couch together in the spinoff where the Quackitys end up at Mayfair cottage, them fighting over p!Sam like children, that moment they share in the siege :CC right before the end 😭, when p!Sam comes BACK and they finally get a moment together in the living room, literally everything and i mean Everything after they go to confront the captured sams ... guys they make me so ill it’s so bad 
OKAY UM as for the awesamdrabies . Agnes is is in a really awkward position as being like. Clearly. Not a child of Sam, and with c!Dream still being the least trusted in the house (on purpose, this guy does NOT listen to j!Sam ever and makes a hobby out of being As Difficult As Possible), he’s not really. Trusted with his own child either, for a long time. He’s allowed more supervised time with her later, but for a long time he’s not able to see her basically at all, unless he’s in the same room as one of the others tending to the babies when they’re outside of the nursery. j!Dream, on the other hand, kind of centers like his whole world on the babies after they’re a thing--they’re a tangible sign of the house becoming livable, getting better, and he’s. Very happy about this fact, about the reduced level of tension, at things finally, finally beginning to settle. So he spends a lot of time with his baby, of course, and Dream’s baby (duh, they’ve always looked out for each other in everything, it’s not like that’s going to change here) even though he’s got to be conscious of how j!Sam will perceive. All of it. 
Later on, when the kids are a little older, c!Dream gets more time with his baby and she absolutely adores him. Agnes is a fucking wild child and she absolutely adores her dad, even if she’s not really told that c!Dream is her dad at this point (she’s not told that anyone else is her dad, either.) c!Dream loves his stupid idiot daughter very much...at some point because of some dumb incident or another he gives her the nickname Cake. It absolutely sticks. 
(When the babies first became like, a Thing, c!Dream knew that he wouldn’t get the right to name his own daughter. He spent a lot of time thinking up names, anyway, because it took a while for j!Sam to settle on a name so what does it matter (for a while there, she is simply called Three.) j!Dream thinks that c!Dream is a little ridiculous but does go along with his name-brainstorming-sessions during their roughly weekly sessions of alone time where they find some corner to hide away and just. Sit and talk to each other. It’s something they’ve kept up since the beginning of their whole Deal in Mayfair+, to the best of their ability. 
Anyway, Agnes has another name in c!Dream’s head that he never tells anyone else. Not now, anyway. When they’re free, it’ll be different, he swears.) 
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tennessoui · 10 months
it took so long trying to pick something from how to say someones name like a string of letters (its my favourite of ur fics ive reread it like. Eight times at least) buti ended up going with this one
“I had to write a personal essay to get into my masters program. And I wrote about you.”
They’re just close enough together that Anakin can feel the way Obi-Wan tenses. He always knew how to prepare for the heavy hits. “Oh?”
“Mm,” he hums. “About how you taught me the importance of structural integrity. And that it took a relationship I spent thirteen years building collapsing around me to figure out I couldn’t move through life ignoring weak spots I didn’t want to see. Sometimes homes just...have to fall down. Pretty sure they only accepted me because they felt bad or something, but it was a good essay.”
(from this dvd commentary ask game three months ago im sorry, but basically people sent me passages from my fics for me to give commentary on like what i wanted the passage to do, what the moment means for the fic, what's going on in the characters' heads, why i wrote it, etc etc)
this is from how to say someone's name like it's just a string of letters - which i think is really one of my favorite fics i've written for obikin hands down, like. it's almost not an obikin fic and almost just the author reliving nostalgia and heartbreak upon returning to her hometown for the first time in a while wanting to make things better but knowing she cannot BUT these characters can and getting catharsis from their reunion and reconciliation lol who said that
this passage is a great one to pick because i love the way they are in this moment....anakin wants to hurt obi-wan still, he sees him sitting next to him and needs to hurt obi-wan. what he tells obi-wan is mean and cruel and he knows it--he wants all of it to hurt when it hits him, anakin is searching for something he can hit obi-wan with that he'll never see coming and that he'll never recover from, because that's how anakin has felt for the last fifteen years.
but he's also being very honest here-- it's just weaponized honesty. what he's telling obi-wan is a bit 'i went on to get my masters, and i know you didn't go to get a bachelors and that's a sore spot for you i want to press until you bleed like you made me bleed' but it's mostly 'i have spent years analyzing our relationship and i found these weaknesses that i'm telling myself i ignored when i was younger. we were never ever going to be able to make it. we were never ever going to survive'
and he doesn't actually even really believe it's true, but he wants obi-wan to believe it's true and he's convinced himself he believes this too.
but it's just meant to hurt obi-wan because anakin is hurting, and it does! it forces obi-wan into his confession too: that he writes about anakin, which is mostly indicative of him still loving and thinking of anakin, but it's obi-wan offering up his secret identity/pen name to anakin as a "this was always for you a little bit, i have been reliving our relationship, even the weak points, while you watched us burn" sort of thing
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lietpolski · 1 year
21. What frustrates you about the Hetalia fandom
6. Worst Historical takes
4. Best historical Hetalia takes
5. Best fandom interaction
22. Why did you start watching Hetalia
21. aaa not much, genuinely!! i'm super happy here :,) i do think there's a lot of,, rehashing of old points (u see a convo about whether the fandom is dying, whether this or that is problematic, etc etc) pop up all the time as if we haven't discussed it 4385774 times
6. oh mannn hard question!! there's a lot of meh ones, but i'll go for the portrayal of unions (the commonwealth, austria-hungary, denmark-norway), because so often they're made to seem a lot better than they would've been, oooor entirely horrible, when in reality it wasn't so black or white!
4. any time i see any "obscure" history facts about eastern or central europe i go insane!! i'm glad people have been paying more attention to feliks' friendship with hungary and ukraine since i rejoined the fandom too :D and i'm SUPER impressed when people create an in-depth interesting timeline of england's life, because i'm clueless about british history haha
5. fhdjf gonna be self-centered here but literally every time someone said smth about one of my fics :,) with the biggest shoutouts to lindonwald & sneakydraws who did fanart for something i wrote?? INSANE!! i've been in huge popular fandoms before with multiple fics over 5k hits and never gotten fanart, and i think it speaks volumes about how wonderful and sweet our little community is!! :)) <3
22. i don't remember 100% but i think when i was 12 i had a quotev account and hetalia quizzes were super popular on there! so i took them and i was like oh!! this looks fun, i'll watch it!! (fun fact, before i watched it i thought italy was a girl and he and germany were a canon couple, because of the early 2010s gerita art used in the quizzes which had super feminine italy LMAO)
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aforgottenballad · 2 years
I think it needs to be acknowledged more that Mishima is Competitive and perfectionistic. If he doesn't feel like the most knowledgeable and competent and helpful person in the room it makes him crumple like a depressurized empty soda can. Besides mentioning himself that he is/used to be more conceited than most people, little details like. Just the wide array of interests he has, and being stressed out in Island Existance that he hasn't literally memorized word-for-word every textbook in his curriculum. Just memorizing the one giant textbook wasn't impressive enough, you see.
Also in regards to teaching he's obviously very patient and kind and encouraging, but outside of teaching or maybe buried under the gentleness I think he would be the type where. If he sees somebody doing something the wrong way and he knows how to fix it he feels like he HAS to step in or else he'll DIE of stress about it. Even if they'll get it eventually. And it's still like, a desire to help, he doesn't usually look down on people, it's just. He likes to be efficient, and he would rather overwork himself than have someone slow him down. You know? I think he would hate things like group projects or teaching with an assistant.
He is kind and generally patient, he's had plenty of time and life experience to cope with his slightly controlling tendencies. But I think, for example, if he was at the store, and his cashier was clearly new and didn't really know what they were doing, and he knew what they were hung up on but didn't want them to feel rushed, he would put on a very kind smile for them and stay quiet about it, while screaming,
Additionally tv dramas, competition shows, funny viral videos of people trying something for the first time, all make him anxious. He wouldn't be able to shut up while watching them. Any time there was a misunderstanding or a mistake he would groan and say out loud Exactly What They Were Doing Wrong. 80% of the time he isn't the person to watch a movie with. He can't help himself.
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So people have been adopted, new relationships have started, some relationships progressed, and the kids are older. Is there any particular direction you would like us anons to go in with our interactions? -🐈‍⬛
Hm.... That's a really good question, Noir. I think this helped me realize that that's part of the problem now. I actually don't have any particular direction I want you guys to go in.
The fic was supposed to be a sort of reset? The slate is clean, new things have happened for you guys to learn and ask about. I remember back when the AU first started, it was a lot of questions about whatever you guys wanted to talk about- plot be damned! I feel like we got stuck in the weeds and I'm just trying to steer us back to that idea of "ask whatever, I'll come up with something if I can."
Idk if that makes sense. If not, I do have some direction. With all the answers I've given so far I've tried to leave ideas for you guys to pick up on.
Like Emerald being with her mom now! In my head, there were a lot of unanswered questions. Examples: What's your mom like? Do you guys get along? Where do you live now? Do you miss anything about living at the house? Stuff like that!
Qrow is another example. He's back in school and I left his major undecided on purpose. We talked before about possible directions he could take, but it's been a while.
I tried to make a current storylines post to add some direction. That helped a little, I think, but not too much...
I guess my point is: any direction is fine with me! I'm steering the ship, but you guys have the map. Wherever you want to sail, I'm down. This includes but is not limited to:
Random questions
Causing chaos (like the nerf war!)
Donations (silly or serious!)
Catching up with a specific character (your convo with Raven is a perfect example!)
Asking about the organization or past residents
Doing activities with the kids
Meta questions ("I don't understand [this], can the writer explain it out of character?")
I guess I'm just asking you guys to get the ball rolling again...
I think the fun thing about this AU when it first started was that you guys did a great job of throwing questions and ideas at me that I hadn't considered before. It's how a lot of these ideas came to be! I'm just trying to foster that open-ended mentality again.
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
do you have any Pandora head canons ? I really like your version of her :0
OF COURSE I DO NONNIE I LOVE HER SM and that's such a big compliment . to me . i'm so happy u enjoy how i see her + portray her <333
okay so !!!
she usually doesn't like people. she's like evan in that sense, but unlike him, she's charming and nice to almost everyone, so it's hard to tell
if she considers u one of her people tho.. she'd do literally anything for you, including murder
she's the crazy scientist type to me. very fascinated with how things work, she's very knowledge-hungry and loves learning. but she's more interested in like . objects and the world and nature, even animals . but not really in people
she's crazy smart and she knows it. she isn't humble about it bc why should she when she knows how good she is y'know
evan is her favourite person but regulus is her best friend
she can be incredibly mean but she's . subtle about it . like you usually don't realise how cruel she's being until it's too late or until you take a moment to process what she's said or done
she's into witchy stuff but like . the darker side of it . blood rituals and summonings and demonic possessions
she's insanely good at reading people. if someone gives her bad vibes she's right about them 100% of the time
she either dresses like a hippy or very slutty there's no in between
into very concerning and freaky stuff (in bed i mean). like blood and knife and gun play. murder kink too but that one depends more on the fic i guess
manipulative, she knows how to get what she wants
both she and evan are geminis . to me
i haven't written it yet but!! i love the trans pandora hc!!
she's a bit of a freak but since she's so good at pretending to be good and kind most ppl don't pay attention to everything that's clearly off about her
morally grey. she can differentiate between right and wrong but wouldn't have any issues throwing all her morals for evan. or for any of her friends
holds grudges and it's prone to revenge, especially if you've wronged any of her loved ones
very patient and great listener
never judges (unless you're someone she already hates for whatever reason)
very proud, has a hard time admitting she's wrong
she's the older twin but evan is the one with eldest daughter syndrome
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rcvelations · 10 months
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𝗳𝗼𝗿: @unsacreds (berlin)
𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: the border of novac, 6 months ago
as the buzzing of cicadas swelled to a symphony rafael de la vega thought he might have finally gone crazy. his sanity had been in question on several occasions ever since the world decided to end and modern society imploded in a lovely, terrible atom bomb. there was the time after his parents died he hadn't been able to get out of bed, only coaxed by val's gentle hands and the promise of death if he stayed. or his tenure in the qz when he spent a whole night staring at a crack in the wall willing it to fissure and for a second he thought it might have. under the scorching new mexico son sanity is a relative thing. which is why when he saw berlin, hazy and distant on the border of novac he turned away. the universe is sick with its delusions because berlin is dead. he saw that runner in her apartment with her umber hair and ochre eyes, knew then that he'd lost her forever. a sound like a dry heave whizzed from his throat as he keeled over pressing his dirt-caked palms into his knees. there was no way she was real so it wouldn't hurt to look one more time, just to remember her face for a fleeting second. but when rafael stood her visage was there clear as day unwavering against the heat. she took a step forward and his knees buckled. before he could even process what was happening his feet were moving, tripping over rocks and pits of dirt he flew forward his voice catching up behind him. "berlin?" and then again more urgently. "berlin!" when they collided it was romeo and juliet, psyche and eros, every gorgeous and tragic love story that had survived through history. he gripped her too tight unwilling to let her go in the fear that she might disappear. "berlin, berlin, berlin." he chanted her name like a prayer-an oath to a long forgotten god and a tattoo of psalms on his ribs. when he finally saw his face he could feel tears springing from his eyes. his clammy palms shook against the nape of her neck staring at her in utter disbelief. damn any history they had, anything she'd said to him before she left she was here. when he kissed her she tasted like salt, dirt, and life. the rough pads of his thumbs caught against her cheekbones and he kissed her harder. please don't be a dream, he begged. "please don't be a dream." he said.
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stil-lindigo · 10 months
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scorched earth.
a comic about a princess who died in a fire.
(this is a sequel to bite of winter, a comic about Snow and what became of her after her death.)
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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look who's back
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dykealloy · 7 months
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ruporas · 7 months
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feast (ID in alt)
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#tw blood#im posting this so late because october escaped me Suddenly.. hello....#i wanted to make it a photoset with this other vampire vw wip but i don't think i'm finishing it any time soon and the mood of it is#completely different anyway. also i don't think i ever shared anything about my vampire au on here !!! it's all old art by now so im shy lo#but maybe i'll do a photodump of it. long story short vash is a vampire since birth and ww is a human vampire hunter that turns during thei#travels together due to EoM experiments + getting vash to drink from him at some point.#humans turn once they get bitten but bc ww has been experimented on#& got bitten by a bunch of human turned vampires thruout his hunts he thought it wouldn't be a problem for vash to drink from him but alas.#theyre both ok though theyre traveling together definitely not hating themselves for what theyve become and feeling guilty for what theyve#done to each other. theyre completely normal about it. the biting part is really appealing to me in vampire aus so i draw it a lot but#in reality vash only drank from ww once and ww mightve done it twice under the realization he might actually die otherwise#since he wont drink from humans after being turned.... he's combatting the 5 stages of grief at all times#if this is all nonsense im sorry DMGKSDF I'M NOT good at explaining and this au came from nowhere in the depths of my mind its a mess#ruporas art
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francy-sketches · 1 month
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sorry I got posessed by the wattpad demon I'm normal now (lying)
+alt version that didnt fit the #aesthetic but it better represents my #vision of them ^_^ hashtag couplegoals
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wispscribbles · 7 months
why are you and your drawings so cool 😭🙏
afdsasdfasg thank you !! irl ppl would laugh at me being called cool lol - Have a ghoap as thanks <33
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 4 months
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Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug
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skrs-cats · 11 months
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rut was really good im such a sucker for anything that just wants to be uplifting and genuine. so, here is them :3
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