#im gonna rant but this is canon divergent and i have no idea when this could possibly take place in the current canon timeline
beeshoesometimesdraws · 5 months
YOU 🫵 please tell me like anything and everything about your wolfwalkers au.
also for no reason in particular do you have a colored ver/ref of any of the characters. or just, like, their colors in general?? for no reason other than curiosity. of course :3c
Hehehehe >:D
(I have a finished ref of the BM twins and that’s it rn, I’ll put em in at the end for ya)
Now onto the word vomit :
Timeline-wise, the wolfwalkers au takes place in more recent times, at least up to the point of the latest episode of mgafs because those events are not canon to this au (im kinda cherry-picking what I want to be canon here or not as i go along, some things may change tho)
That being said lots of things stay the same but there are also lots of things that go differently both in past and present
The twins have already been separated for a long time and are still reluctant guards for FC, them being wolfwalkers making them all the better for the task; they were given radio collars by Monty to keep track of them even when they’re in wolf form
As for Ruin and Solar and all that happened there…Solar still dies in this au because of Ruin’s plans though there are some key differences, and let’s just say that more than Solar’s energy residue stayed behind :) (*cough*if you ever watched wolfwalkers you might know what I’m getting at*cough*)
The origins of the celestial fam being wolfwalkers is kinda the same as with how things work in the Death’s Keepers au w/ the reapers: it all started with KC and the “killcode” being the code that the creator basically implanted magic into and thus the fam have these abilities due to the creator embedding it in all their codes (even Earth)
This code and them being wolfwalkers also affects their animatronic appearances and behavior (claws, sharp canine-like teeth, prey drive—some having it stronger than others, enhanced sense of smell, wolf hierarchy and pack behavior—and no not a/b/o stuff, I mean like accurate wolf hierarchy and pack behavior, which if y’all don’t know what I mean by that I will gladly rant about it if asked)
They shift using magic and their magic is strongest at night, though they can shift whenever they want to
It’s weird to a lot of them shifting from something that is mostly mechanical to being wholly organic though most of them have gotten used to it by now (a lot of the other animatronics think it’s weird but also kinda cool, Monty makes a lot of furry jokes and Moon hates it lol)
They all had to learn at one point or another that yes, you are no longer fully a machine and can be hurt or even killed as easily as any other person or animal (*cough* Eclipse learned this the hard way *COUGH*)
Going back to them more accurately representing wolf behaviors and such, I’m a nerd for anything to do with wolves and wolf genetics are one of the things I love the most (as many probably already know from my rants-)
That being said, all of them when in wolf form have their own things assigned to them, like how a few posts ago I talked about how Eclipse has the KK gene (basically black coat gene but the rare one because wolves with this gene rarely survive to adulthood for reasons that to my understanding are still mostly unknown—this is because the wolf I made based off him in WQ had it and I liked the idea of it)
Lots of the stuff that happened earlier in the tsams canon timeline happen in the timeline of the au, like Eclipse being created from Moon and Sun separating and then creating the twins and Lunar, the October takeover, etc etc
I’ve drawn them—BM twins, Lunar, Eclipse—as puppies before and mentioned Eclipse being a sickly pup due to his genes at some point and that still holds true though I’ve made alterations to my og plan for the story
Originally things were gonna diverge heavily from canon in the timeline and take more inspo from the Death’s Keepers au though wasn’t really vibing with it so I scrapped that idea
Instead things will still go relatively the same as in canon, as I stated before, and while yes Eclipse and Lunar and the BM twins were all technically “pups” at one point, it was when they were in the mindscape and they grow fast being magical and mechanical beings (so their aging is like wolves in that sense; only taking two years or so to fully mature into adults)
The others were all puppies at some point too (Sun, Moon, Earth, etc) but like I said they mature and grow fast in both wolf and mechanical form since I’m basing their aging off a wolf’s
As for Eclipse being a sickly pup, not only his genes in wolf form but his coding plays a role in that, being buggy and unstable for the first year of his life due to being a new ai created from a jumble of somebody else’s discarded code
Despite them not being around as long as some of the others, the BM twins (nicknamed Hunter and Bam in this au) are the most experienced and skilled in their wolf forms, especially when it comes to hunting
This need to hunt and prey drive while in wolf form has given the others more of an open eye to the twins’s pov and how their minds work, which has helped them in the long run as Foxy and others have more sympathy and understanding of their situation (Foxy may not be a wolfwalker like the celestial fam tho he’s been told of it by Monty and seen firsthand the others as wolves and how they behave/work)
Injuries gained in wolf form can be easily healed if done properly as their magic aids in the healing process and their injuries usually do not carry over to their mechanical form though that’s not always the case (it really depends on the injury and the severity of it)
For example, Eclipse later in the timeline has a permanent limp from an injury not healing correctly both in wolf and mechanical form due to the time when he fucked around and found out the hard way :)
That’s all I have to share rn, thanks for giving me an excuse to rant about this au :D
(They don’t have their radio collars here cuz I forgor)
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xshybutdeadlyx · 8 months
Just gonna be a big rant of word vomit.
Please note I'm not trying to attack anyone I'm just kinda laying my feelings out.
I kinda wonder why I bother with Fandoms. I rarely act in any fandoms I'm hyperfixating over but for hazbin hotel I thought why not. But to the surprise of no one it is just like every other Fandom with backhanded comments always being tossed around. And most of it is centered around the character Alastor which I get but God it's giving me anxiety.
Like right now I'm seeing the a divide on the possibility of him having a kinship with the people of the hotel. Personally I think he does or more like did but he's going back to his roots of keeping everyone at an arms length and using them because of his defeat by the hands of Adam. But I personally think those feelings can resurface, but it's gonna be a battle to do so. But I am seeing a lot that people don't believe those feelings were ever there. He really is just a cold heartless bastard who has a God complex and is just mad he lost and that's it. And I feel like that is also correct. But I don't think that makes my hypothesis or how I feel I read the scene wrong? But I've seen people say "if you think this certain way then you are show illiterate and you don't know his character and IM the only one who understands him!" Like....OK? That's the beautiful thing about any piece of literature characters and scenes, anyone can interpret it in so may different ways and it doesn't make anyone wrong. So can't we all just have our own interpretation and just gush over it instead of scoffing at people who didn't see the same thing you saw?
As for shipping, that's a whole monster within its own. I personally don't think anyone is entitled to dictate what someone can and can't do with pixilated characters. I honestly very much understand that Alastor is a big deal considering he's aroace, and that doesn't get enough media representation. And I respect the hell out of it. But I'll also in the same breath say I'm a shipper. I love staticradio because I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope. In canon, I want Alastor to keep being the beautiful dick head he is that just has gossip tea parties with Rosie and just doesn't have those romantic or sexual urges. In fanon, though, anyone can really do what they want. I think as long as there aren't death threats or literal force being used to make the creator of the show force Alastor into a relationship I don't think theirs anything in fanon that should be taken seriously when canon is right there glaring everyone in the face. If people wanna keep the "relationship" one-sided? Awesome. If they want Alastor to smooch someone? Cool. They want him to rawdog or get raw dogged by someone. Hey, power to ya, just put it in the tags so people can steer clear of it if they don't wanna see that. I see many people saying it's erasure, but I just don't see how it's erasure when it's still there in canon. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can erase Alastor, who is a sassy aroace king. I can't say I don't understand the mentality, though. As a bisexual woman myself, I see fanfics where bi characters are labeled straight or lesbian/gay completely, ignoring that who they date doesn't make them, neither straight nor gay. It does sting and leave a bad taste but again they can say that, they can write all they want and if it's cathartic for them then ok more power to em because at the end of the day that character is still bisexual they didn't erase it. Usually, people are good at tagging, so if they do make them one way or the other, i dont read or look at the art. It's very easy to scroll down. Sometimes i see it repedidly, but that's what blacklisting is for too. There are many countermeasures. Plus, a lot of things are all in good fun or just canon divergence. People can be creative and play with different ideas. "What if a character was like that!?" "What if they do this!?" "What if this happened instead, and it changed their whole character!?" That's what's supposed to be fun about being in fandoms. Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel. You're allowed to not like something. But I don't think you're allowed to make other people feel like shit because they go against canon, or more precisely, against your views. I genuinely don't think anyone ever means disrespect. All they want to do is have fun and create along with like-minded individuals. You're allowed to not like something. Hell, I don't like Vox and Val together, and that shits canon, but that just means I ain't gonna actively seek it out. (I personally ship Valentino with a bug zapper.)
All in all I just want everyone to feel safe and just have fun because I've just seen so many people to scared, me included, to do anything in the Fandom in fear of getting attacked and that's mostly what's been really eating away at me. But at the end of the day, this IS the internet, and discourse is basically its bread and butter.
Like I said though this is mostly just a vent post but I wouldn't mind to hear others thoughts if you're willing. I know I just probably talked out of my ass for forever. At the end of the day we are just all apart of this silly little Fandom of silly little demon people and we should all just be having fun look at what we like, write/draw what we want. It's exhausting spending energy like anger and malice, we should just focus on the things that matter to us and the things we like and just enjoy it for however long the hyperfixation lasts. Nobody is wrong. Nobody is right. we are just creators or people on here to just escape for a little bit and connect with a show or characters that resonate with us.
Ok for reals this time peace ✌️ if you made it this far and actually read everything I had to say thank you, you're a trooper. I hope I didn't offend anyone since that was not my intent. I just had a lot of feelings and I'd rather we all get along then tear each other apart.
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