#im grieving and I'll probably be adding more to this post as the days go by..
lilith-andsamael · 1 year
My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today
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OP. IM NOT OKAY. WE are not okay. I mean if you are after all that, then i admire your strength.
I'm not even gonna lie to you, I fuckin cried. But I was holding it back. I'll probably watch it later as a reason to ugly cry. Reblogging the posts made me cry. Reading the theories made me cry.
It boggles my mind coz we forget a bit despite all the fun and cute times Luz is havin the past few episodes, this kid is literally traumatized and not okay.
The way she talks about her problems like they're nothing, that shes a burden, how it didnt matter hit too close to home. Because I was that kid. I was that kid when my grandpa died and no one knew but I was so off. When I said those words before a deeper part of me BEGGED to be noticed. That's why that look on Amity's face when Luz was tryin to downplay it? Or Eda figuring out something was bothering Luz? That fucking broke me. Coz I get it. I really do.
We forget that Luz is really just a kid. And with everything going on in her life there isnt really much time to grieve. To sit down and take it all in. Regardless of whether or not Luz wants to. Her life is full of adventures, and trouble, and chaos, both fun and life threatening. Time used to sit down and reflect is time wasted on finding more clues on how to make the portal. Or more information on what's gonna happen on the Day of Unity. Luz really has no time to stop. And we obviously see, she really doesnt want to. Coz stopping is admitting that this is real. She knows that already but this is very very real. Everything she went thru. Shes a person who needs a solution fast. Shes someone who's eager to solve other people's problems before solving her own. So by helping everyone, shes convinced to be helping herself.
Also I saw on a post how the fact that shes away from her mom during this time is probably added weight. That's why I believe is why she wore Eda's jacket as assurance and physical comfort, or her willingness to help Amity with her dad. She has to do something. Coz she cant do anything for herself rn.
There was alot to unpack in that episode tbh. I loved ALL the cute parts. EDA being a TOTAL mom with Luz. With the Blight twins getting adopted by Eda, mostly Edric but the twins are a package deal. The twins looking like REAL teenagers and Emira lookin like shes not ashamed of it as long as she gets to help Amity. Alador I still lowkey dislike. Its gettin to the neutral zone but he is not a good parent. I'm glad they showcased that. Ahh and everything else I'm not gon mention coz it's too long and I'm lazy 😭😂
Anyway, that was an absolute real and vulnerable episode. It was heavy for me coz this show just never fails to disappoint. Also the most important part is that the emotions in that ep was very real. And it's quite rare to see that nowadays.
Kudos to the whole toh team
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