#im happy this all blew up in his face. get fucked you fugly little toad
virginstoner666 · 6 months
can you forgive corey taylor for that nostalgia critic review of the wall?
you know what's wild is for the version of the story i heard, (which at the moment i can't recall exactly where i heard this, but please, take this with a grain of salt)
the reason corey taylor wound up in the terribad nostalgia critic the wall review was because his son was a big fan of the nostalgia critic.
and in truth, i can only feel bad for the guy, agreeing to a cameo performance in an internet video to make your son happy, only for the video to go onto becoming an internet-spanning wide meme to dunk on- with your face/likeness now perminently intertwinded. even for a celebrity/someone used to being in the public eye like corey taylor, i can only imagine how surreal and awful that's gotta feel :(
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