#im happy to correct people when they say ignorant or incorrect shit about palestine and israel
jyndor · 8 months
anyone who says "only people who have really educated themselves on this conflict should talk about it" should not by their own admission talk about palestine because at this point anyone who calls this a "conflict" is uneducated to a fault.
that said I strongly disagree - it certainly HELPS to be educated on palestine to talk about it. it makes it a lot easier to understand a lot of the moving parts if you have a foundation of some of the history. but no actually I think I've said it before and I'll say it again, you do not need to read up on something to watch three months of mass murder and understand it for what it is - a genocide. you do not need to have read pappé and rashidi and said and schlaim and chomsky and all the rest to understand that palestine is occupied, that israel is occupying palestine, and that this is wrong.
anyone telling ANYONE not to speak on this issue at this moment is asking essentially for your silence during a genocide. whether or not they realize it, they are doing the work of the israeli government that so many people who say this shit claim to despise.
now I highly recommend you do actually become educated on palestine because you will be able to better advocate for palestinian liberation if you understand it more deeply. you won't be as likely to fall into traps like "from the river to the sea is calling for a genocide of jews" or the very premise that this is some sort of war or conflict or "hamas is isis" etc.
you'll also probably be able to apply your knowledge to other peoples' fights for liberation. to other genocides and occupations. because all of our struggles are connected.
someone who calls this a conflict has not done the reading required to understand that.
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