#im in a weird daria kinda mood rn
sakebytheriver · 2 years
Ok. I'm about to drop a hot take about a show barely anybody cares about these days, but I think that a Daria reboot could work in the modern day
To be honest, I think if you have the right team of writers behind her and you don't try to make her animation style super clean and CGI polished she would be a much appreciated voice in the modern day pop culture lexicon. The only issue with making a Daria reboot today is that the big corporation that owns her IP would absolutely never in a million years get the right team of writers or animators behind this project. It just wouldn't happen. A Daria reboot would need to be at its core a cynical and socialist leaning look at the modern capitalism in decline of American society with a heavy tilt towards progressive ideology and social justice, but it would have to be done just the right kind of way where Daria herself is not only a self aware and politically aware girl, but who also falls into the mindset of a middle class white teenager with nihilism. But all they would do is turn her into some completely unironic pussy hat white feminist liberal with a cast of characters that would either be complete copies of her or just the flattest background characters ever written. There is just no way in this modern pink-capitalism era of #GirlPower reboots and remakes they would ever be able to make a modern Daria the way she deserved to be made, by some stoned college chicks who major in writing and animation that met at the GSA meeting and struck up a conversation about modern intersectional feminism and how much they hate capitalism and how much they want to write a show about some witty characters dissecting and satirizing modern life in their dorm rooms for free, posting episodes of this shitty, but brilliant little animated web series with kids from the theater department who do a good job but also feel like damn they're trying so hard up on YouTube once a week that somehow becomes a viral cult classic, THAT is the way Daria was meant to return to us and until that can be the reality she should absolutely never return. I don't think I could bear to see what the modern day Hollywood Oligarchy would do to her, because she's a character that is so very easy to do so very wrong and just ruin her forver and if they ruin Daria I don't think I could ever get over that
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