#im like. really frustrated w this event im ngl
saltysaccharin · 1 year
• characters :: shigaraki tomura, ryouga atsumu, himegami kuroi, extras
• genre :: crack
• warnings :: written while high. not literally high bc drugs are bad kids but like high in spirit /ij none
prompt / synopsis :: "call him baby girl"
word count :: ~900
a/n :: i had SUCH a day today. very eventful /pos. i should be sleepimg bc i'm tired from said day but bro. smth took over. and i churned out like 900 somwthing words of utter stupidity.
dw, not canon to elysium at all bc. frankly it's TOO stupid to be 🫶
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Himegami ordering Shigaraki Tomura to get an updated-daily social media account was supposed to be serious. He was supposed to upload short 'reports' on his life rooming with Apollo every day, not.. whatever this was.
"'Call him baby girl for me'? What the fuck?" Shigaraki barked out a laugh, muttering the comment aloud as he read it and clearly finding it entertaining rather than taking offense to it (as he definitely would have a year or two ago). "Fine. I need to find the fucker first, though."
The audio translated the shuffling off of a couch very well; he had been blessed with a really good phone model by the very person he was planning to make fun of. Oops. Hey, he had to give his audience something, didn't he?
Nice place.
holy shit its actually happening someone clip this quick
rly went 'bet' lol
Idk what y'all expected ofc he'd do it XD
Shocker, the symbol of fear has no fear?!?!?
Shigaraki casually walked through the spacious penthouse, still using the front camera as the Live continued. His watchers' expressions of disbelief and amusement flooded the chat as he continued his search for a certain doctor.
talk about upper-class
Do u guys need an extra roomie maybe?? 🥺
Address drop or no balls
where is that
Finally peeking his head and his camera around the master bedroom's doorway, the lens focused on his prey. There, sitting at his work desk, was Ryouga Atsumu — otherwise known as Doc Apollo — tinkering with a foldable bow. The brunet grunted ever so often every time he ran into a particularly frustrating component to calibrate.
it's a wild apollo!
Sexy Heroes in your area right now! Click the link: <https://www.insertcreativedomain.com/japan-no-2>
help mods theres a fucking bot
@/ERĀ Mod get the bot pls
Im jealous ngl how come u get to live w/ him :(
@/ERĀ sic it
An especially impatient fan sent a Gift into the Live in an attempt to encourage Shigaraki. The loud notification from it managed to catch Ryouga's notice, dragging his attention from his weapon directly to Shigaraki.
"Oh, hey. Need anything?" Ryouga smiled softly as he spun his chair to face the correct direction. With a hum, he tilted his head before pointing at the phone in Shigaraki's hand, "Is it rolling? Daily check-in?" He asked curiously.
"It's live," Shigaraki replied, stepping out of the concealment of the doorway since he'd been discovered. He straightened his camera as well. "People are watching in real time."
Ryouga made an O with his mouth in understanding and nodded. "Right, yeah. Well, you know I don't involve myself much with social media, Shigaraki; I have a whole group of people running my account for me."
omg he's a boomer in disguise. i knew no guy could be perfect </3
Was this not common knowledge?
knowing Apollo having a team just for managing his Tweetr made my fucking week
Send help
Shigaraki waved his free hand in dismissal, "Yeah, yeah, I know all that—" He paused, suddenly narrowing his eyes as he stared directly at the former, "—baby girl." Delivered with absolutely no shame, accompanied by a singular finger gun and a tongue click.
Ryouga only stared in response, seemingly frozen in time. Mouth slightly agape, he blinked twice, then a bunch more times in quick succession before leaning forward in his chair and shaking his head. He knitted his eyebrows as he squinted at Shigaraki for answers.
"Baby what?"
Shigaraki snickered as his focus transferred to the live chat, his thousand-or-so viewers currently blowing up the inbox at the speed of a bullet train. The number signifying how many people were watching went up a slight amount as more people joined the stream.
"Nonono, you listen here," Ryouga pushed himself up from his seat before marching toward Shigaraki, who watched him approach through the camera rather than directly with his own eyes. The red-eyed man only grinned as the doctor gave him an incredulous look.
Quite the switch in expressions compared to their less amicable times with one another.
"Ryouga, it's fine, it's a fucking meme—" Shigaraki managed to explain between every other chuckle as he raised both hands in surrender, the camera angle disregarded as the screen now barely showed either of them fully, much to the dismay of the people watching. It captured a diagonally-warped perspective of Shigaraki's face as he looked at the off-screen Ryouga.
this is honestly hilarious i cant do this im gonna die today
Nooo the videooooo
he looks like he's getting an earful
All the viewers could experience from that point on was hearing Ryouga chuckle and go: "Oh no, I know. I don't keep up with online trends but I'm not that blissfully unaware of my surroundings!" He huffed, albeit overdramatically just to prove his point.
"You.. know? Then why the hell did you give me that look? I thought I upset you!"
"Well, I'm not 'baby girl,'"
A brief shot of Shigaraki's lips being pecked followed that statement, the culprit disappearing from sight as quick as they had committed the crime.
"You are."
"...I'm not sure you know what 'baby girl' entails." Shigaraki coughed into his shoulder, attempting to hide the blush creeping onto his face.
Oh my GOD
nvm not an earful. mouthful maybe LOL
This was disgusting & I don't mean that in a good way smh
I feel like i've intruded on a moment here
Aww what a cute couple (is sleeping on the highway)
gay gay homosexual gay
@/ERĀ you and me when
Dudeee wtfff (do it again)
When is it my turn to be happy
wait WHAT is happening i literally thought apollo and hawks were still a thing help me
Himegami slowly breathed out into her intertwined fingers as she deadpanned at her laptop screen.
What in the nine circles did she just watch?
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liodenscreaming · 6 years
anyone else think the tiers opening at this rate is uhhhhhhhhhh bullshit
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thedancefloorsilly · 3 years
Ngl seeing your 300 followers event intrigued me (loved the spin on what’s usually just a describe yourself and I’ll give you a matchup thing) enough so that I’ve binged through most of what you’ve written on here!! It’s actually been awhile since I sent in a request for one of these 😬
So!! I’m female, going by she/they and bi (male leaning). My romantic f/o are illumi + hisoka. Illumi - unexpectedly usually out of my type, but he buried himself in the ground in the first scene we saw him in and I was gone. Since then I’ve had people point out that he looks like a frog and that its a very major subconscious reason I love him so much. Hisoka, I very much resisted liking at first because hes,,,, hisoka, but this bastard made a place in my heart the more his main character syndrome made him helpful and not a total villain. I had no choice but to begrudgingly love him, and he makes me laugh as often as he makes me turn to look to the figurative camera.
When it comes to me, I’m 5’2, black hair + eyes, Asian, and must admit I do have a bit of a god complex as a Pisces (which my own need to compete w others then compromises). I definitely consider myself fashion forward (but favors black a lot) and I love to find shoes to give me some more height. I have a taekwondo black belt and do MMA, and I love to crochet even though I tend to rage at my yarn when new patterns for clothes make me repeat rows over and over again. I’m the only one in my friend group that knows how to do taxes, but STILL did not understand knuckle’s loan and interest nen AT ALL. I adore collecting marvel and dc comics, as well as manga, and my guilty pleasure is the pink drink from Starbucks (guilty because Istg im not a 13 year old, I just need to stop consuming caffeine and the vanilla sweet cold foam with it is addicting). Someday I dream to have three cats, and I have a drivers license even though I legitimately have never driven or taken any drivers Ed classes in my life. Ever. I have no idea how to drive. My procurement of a drivers license regardless may or may not have been through legal means.
Ooh well that’s nice to hear glad u liked this idea!! I hope I liked my writing😳😳 I don’t write for Hisoka but for this event I will :P I also did these as separate. enjoy anon!!
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- The fact that you know how to fight, being that you do MMA, DEFINITELY intrigued Hisoka when he first met you. He did his whole evaluation thing in his mind about how well your powers fair, and honestly this was probably what prompted Hisoka to learn more about you. Once getting to know you more, there was something different he would feel rather than the usual “excitement” when around a strong fighter. It was a certain feeling in his stomach he would get that would linger on.
- Even though Hisoka might have been a little confused at first, he was curious to try and explore these unknown feelings more, thus leading him to spend more time and to try and observe your personality. The more and more he spent time with you, the more his interest in how you fought began to slip away from his mind. Not only that, but Hisoka also always felt his heart racing when he was around you. Was this eccentric clown magician man developing a crush? Oh, absolutely he was.
- Well, as the time came where he would smoothly confess his feelings, Hisoka really did try to make everything special. Hisoka actually bought red roses for you, dressed VERY nice, brought you to somewhere calm and romantic, and used his charm to try and win you over. Well, at the end of the night, you guys both learned that you and him had mutual feelings for one another, and it was pretty clear that a second date was to be expected.
-  Sometimes you can’t help but to laugh at Hisoka’s outlandish behavior. Of course, he takes notice of this, and with that, Hisoka tries his best to always put on a show when you’re around!! He always does things to try and hear that laugh of your’s that he loves so much. Not only that, but Hisoka also does things to rather amuse you. Hisoka will sometimes do random tricks with his nen to try and put up his “magician” act, just to see that entertained look on your face.
- Whenever he’s fighting at Heaven’s Arena, he always tries to impress you, too!! Once facing an opponent, Hisoka will try out these new moves or special techniques that will surely put a ‘wow’ on your face. Yes, his tricks might be a little stupid or dangerous, but that’s all part of the fun isn’t it? Not only that, but when he’s mid-fight, Hisoka will also try and do stupid things like wink or smirk at you justtt to see you blush and roll your eyes playfully.
- Mentioning that you have no experiencing with driving to Illumi, he insists that he could just drive you to some places himself. You calmly agree to this at first, but since you weren’t aware of the fact that your boyfriend also has very little driving experience, you have NO idea what you’re about to get into. His driving is a little... reckless to say the least. You really thought you were getting a calm drive to Starbucks?? Well, expect your incautious, daredevil of a boyfriend to be passing every red light, almost hitting pedestrians, and speeding exceedingly just to get to your destination. You guys are just better off with Illumi’s butlers driving you guys...
- Sometimes you like to crochet random things for Illumi (It could be something like a hat or some gloves). Whenever you’re making them, Illumi often hears the little complaints you make from frustration from your room, so he goes to check on you and to see what’s wrong. Immediately though, you tell Illumi to not come in your room because you’re making something to surprise him. Even though he’s wondering what you might be doing, Illumi just goes on and doesn't question you further.
- One day, as you finally finish your creation, you announce to Illumi that you’ve made something for him. As Illumi tilts his head in confusion, you then proudly reveal a crotched frog hat from behind your back, all for him!! At first he wonders what prompted you to make something so specific for him, and all you say to Illumi was that he reminded you of a frog!! You might not know what he truly feels from his blank reaction, but deep down, Illumi really appreciates the gift!!
- Now, Illumi definitely doesn’t see himself having not one.. but three cat’s in his future (since you’ve told him all about your dream). It’s not that Illumi opposes of the idea of them, or thinks that they’re a lot of work (especially since you’ve seen his GIANT pets..), it’s just that he’s just never really thought about it before. There are days when Illumi does consider owning them, or how it would be like to own them, but then again, Illumi never acts on getting the cat’s. 
- That wasn’t until one day though. It was a rainy afternoon, and Illumi was walking through the town, ready to come home from one of his assassin missions. As he was strolling down the empty streets, he heard a faint sound of an animal come from the left of him. Illumi turned to his left, but looked down to see that the noise came from a beaten up box in an alleyway. He walked toward this box, noticing that the animal sounds were actually the small ‘mews’ of a cat. As Illumi squatted down to see observe this box, he then saw the sight of MULTIPLE small kittens!!
- While you’re waiting for Illumi to come home, you hear the knocking of someone on the door, and you immediate assume that it’s from your boyfriend!! As you happily rush to unlock the door, you then see a drenched Illumi, holding a box of kittens as they’re meowing non-stop. Though, you might be confused, Illumi blankly says, “Look. I brought you something.” From the nonstop meowing, you question to how many cats are there... Even though you dreamed about having three, well.. can you handle about six?
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tsurangaconundrum · 3 years
HI BESTIE!! i havent read like anything on ur blog yet so im responding to nothing sorry i was just frustrated with the fact that u actually have to write dialogue for a good story. disgusted and upset. i fell out of a tree this weekend! and i went, well, not really went, more like drove near an abandoned mental hospital where horrible atrocities were no doubt commited against the patients. my parents say they remember when it was still active, wild. anyway there were cats and vultures living there that part was pretty sick. im surprised they never filmed a n episode of supernatural there. also found some awesome bugs, a lot of beautiful native species too!!! life is crazy and now i have to go back to having responsibilities again. wack. apperenly i should start looking at colleges. why can i not show off by climbing up big trees and then falling on my face at the really easy last part for a living. (i literally said "I'm not gonna fall" like two seconds before falling. it was like a cartoon. but the only thing hurt was my pride tho. and my back. and my ribs. and)
OH i actually forgot the best part. yknow mothman right???? we WENT THERE the mothman town!!!!!!!!!! also apperently thats where some of my family lives, which idk if ive said before but that basically means im cousins with mothman. not to brag.
(ngl tho i was thinking of that 'all cryptid experiences are just the angels fucking around.' the whole time. twas humorous.)
what did u do this weekend??????????? is it getting cold for yall yet? i hate cold. bring back my cold blooded friends :(
dba youre doin it ALL. exploring the world. im glad you survived falling from a tree and seeing a place that could have hosted spn. also VULTURES???? COOL!!! best of luck doing college apps that shit sucks ass. my recommendation is to play up every little thing you've done. like just act like *insert random one off event* was very important. i lied a lot on mine but thats probably bad advice. thats so exciting abt mothman town youre living it up! as for me, this weekend i hung out w zoe @/exitwound and wrote a paper. it IS getting cold for me. i live in the pnw now and its so weird its like literally in the 50s and 60s. wtf. i saw a raccoon the other day just on the dumpster by my dorms and went bananas. i was so excited. also saw several deer. i love it. wishing you the best of luck on those college apps, u r gonna need them lmao.
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@anonymous said,
hello !! can i get a matchup? im a pisces, infp & a ravenclaw. i am 5'0.5 and have medium length black wavy hair and brown eyes. i like to try new things though i can be shy & hesitant sometimes. i like things to remain light-hearted but i can be serious too when required. i have a different type of persona for every person,, if im comfortable with someone i get really really talkative and bubbly. (1)
also im like super addicted to my phone,, it's hard for me to even function w/o it. im pretty much a night owl and my sleeping schedule is messed up. i really like fashion, listening to music, travelling, photography, video games & SWEETS. I don't think im very good at comforting others but im a great listener. I'm super lazy & a big procrastinator. (2)
I cannot call or text anyone at all without dying like every second unless we're close. Usually, if i don't get my space i get really annoyed. I'm really stubborn too. I don't really have a hobby except listening to music, reading manga, webnovels or drawing? im so sorry this was so long thank you tho!! (3)
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✧ Thank you so much for requesting a matchup anonnie. I don’t know when you send this but I hope you’ll see this and like it. 💓
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; You were an intern at his company. One day, while everyone else was at lunch break, you were struggling to finish the assignment you were assigned which was due tomorrow and it didn’t help you at all that the person who was supposed to help you weren’t doing their jobs at all. With a groan, you pushed yourself off your office seat and made your way to the kitchen to get yourself a cup of coffee. It looked like you were staying overtime anyway. While walking towards your destination, you heard the background music of your favorite game and stopped in your tracks. At first you thought you were imagining the sound since it’s been a while since you last played it and there was literally no one else in the building aside from you but after listening more carefully for a while you were sure that someone in the office was indeed playing your favorite game. Careful not to make any noise, you basically tiptoed to the source of the sound only to be greeted with dark blonde locks. The celebrity of the company himself, the person who earned the trust of his coworkers and superiors alike like it was nothing, the one and only Chikasagi Itaru was playing YOUR favorite game. His pink eyes, which reminded you the stone Star Ruby, was glued on the phone in his hand deep in concentration under his bangs. You didn’t even realize you were in a daze until a curse left his lips and he threw his head back in frustration. That is when Itaru noticed that you were here and saw the whole thing. Now, don’t get him wrong, normally he wouldn’t even think of gaming while he was at work but there was this rare event he absolutely had to participate and rank. His game addict instincts basically took control over his mind. With a small smile on your lips you approached him and offered to help while he was desperately trying to think of any excuse to get him out of this situation. You knew you weren’t going to participate in this event no matter how much you wanted to anyway so you might as well use your skills to help someone in need, right? After convincing him to lend you his phone, which took a lot of effort ngl, you cleared the level he was stuck on with ease and handed him his phone back with a smug grin on your face. That was the moment when you became a gaming goddess in his eyes and as a thank you, he helped you with that assignment and miraculously, you managed to finish it before the deadline and started a new friendship with the hardcore gamer.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; First of all, you two compliment each other in a “we’re so similar I get why you’re like that”-way. You two can relate to each other with pretty much everything. He also has two different personas although it’s a bit different from yours but whenever Itaru is in professional mode, he is gentle and charming like a prince who genuinely cares about others but he somewhat maintains his distance and likes to keep his private life to himself but when he’s in home mode, he is not afraid to curse and be rude who also starts to get a bit lazy and outright competitive. I feel like he’s the type of person who would procrastinate as well so i’m just imagining you two lying down and telling each other that you should get up soon but none of you actually makes an attempt to do so.Cue you two rushing to finish whatever you were supposed to do afterwards. Don’t worry about not getting any space because Itaru is not the clingy type unless he’s like, really tired from work but who wouldn’t want to cuddle with their lover time to time? Also, I feel like he can manage your stubbornness because he’s a pretty chill guy.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Like I said before, you two are basically two peas in a pot so if you really want to you can manage to do everything together. The fact that you like video games is a big plus in the relationship. Sometimes you two just game until the sun rise on your day offs since both of you are night owls and your sleeping schedule is basically nonexistent. If you’re in need for an extra player, Itaru personally drags Banri in your gaming sessions as well so you’re also good friends with the high-spec delinquent. Of course, he will take you out from time to time on normal dates like a mall, arcade, fun fair or a expensive restaurant, but this generally happens when you’re celebrating an important day like anniversaries or birthdays. I can picture you two sitting at a bakery, enjoying whatever you’ve ordered and passionately discussing if the newly released gamer keyboard is actually worth buying or not or going to an arcade and compete to see who can get the most tickets at the end of the day. I can also picture him dropping by your house with your favorite desserts after you’ve accomplished something amazing at work. In short, you’re literally the only person he’s willing to go all out for and he wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Itaru’s birthday is on April 24 which makes him a Taurus. The connection between a Taurus and a Pisces will be built on sheer love and adoration for each other. The earth sign and water sign are complementary to each other. They are both caretakers of those around them and will thus nurture each other, and their relationship, with immense devotion and absolute dedication. Taurus helps Pisces to stay grounded and to focus on the reality. Pisces, on the other hand, soothes the rigidity of the Taurus to unwind themselves from the constant stress of expectations. This aids the bull breathe a little lighter and infuses their with self-assurance and optimism. This relationship will survive the test of time if both parties involved have unbreakable trust in each other and nurture that connection they have painstakingly built over the years. They must remember to be honest and committed to their partner through all times. If natural communication flows between them like clockwork, this will be a beautiful love story with a prominent tag of 'happily-ever-after' pinned right to it.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
my beloved morgy, good evening!! it's been a little bit, no? schoolwork has been running rampant and health issues are racking up, so i have unfortunately been away for a bit, not to mention i'll have to look for work soon due to financial issues,, life is quite hectic now! no matter what though, i always look forward to coming back here, talking to you has become one of my favorite things in the world!! 💕💌💫 (1/9)
"and so much has happened now, hm? with that in mind, please know that what i'm about to say isn't just mere kindness, and that i actually believe it wholeheartedly,, i think you are absolutely stunning!!! of course i got the notification during algebra of all classes,, but oh my goodness darling!!!! i'm so happy you somehow gained enough confidence to do that!! (2/9)
i was paranoid after my initial face reveal, but after getting so many nice responses before, i knew it would go just as smoothly for you 💓 ahhhh i just can't get over it at all, you're so pretty!!! i smiled a lot, and then my professor must've noticed, because he said "abby... abby... ABBY! are you ok?? you're face is so red, do you have a fever???" (3/9)
of course i dismissed it, but then to make matters worse, quinn called me during class about it as you saw already,, i swear, she just loves to torture me hm? 😖😖 but really, you are gorgeous, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, ok?? 💘 oh, and i must thank everyone for being so patient and kind during my absence!! your well wishes mean a lot to me! most people tend to get very frustrated with me, so i'm beyond glad that i can get a break from that type of treatment!! (4/9̶ 10)
it's been very difficult so far trying to balance school and my own health, so i've been extremely occupied as of late,, but when things settle down and i figure things out, i should be more active again! (it's what i hope for! writing you and seeing everyone is one of the things i actually enjoy anyway!!! 🌠) and all of those picrews and that drawing?? lovely as always!! (5/10)
aside from stressful school days and other events, today, quinn and our friend chloe surprised me by showing up to my house after school and whisking me off to this lovely asian market in the city! it was unusually cold, so quinn being the overly protective person they are, forced me to take their coat,, ahhh i felt so bad, the breeze was so chilly!! but sadly, the north really does get cold when the fall starts to hit hehe (6/10)
we took the metro over and messed around in our seats a bit,, it was nice and quiet for once! we ended up having a great time, getting dinner, buying lots of strange snacks, and eating different cakes at this quaint café, it was such a nice break from everything not-so-good that has been happening lately!! ✨ (7/10)
and luckily, i get to actually have a good time this weekend!!! my older brother is coming home to visit! despite college being so busy for him, he told me that he still checks in here at the end of every week haha, i'm surprised he even manages to do that with his workload 😖 he told me we're gonna go and get lunch together, so i'm really excited for that,, i miss him lots! ❤ (8/10)
so much has happened that i can't even keep track of it,, there's so much to talk about, it's crazy! i wish school could lighten up a bit so i could be here more, after all, i do truly enjoy my time here!! but i'm overjoyed that i get to return tonight despite my heavy workload,, it's always a rare pleasure to be able to talk to you dolcezza!!! hopefully i can be back soon by friday or so,, i'll be aiming for it 💗 (9/10
thank you guys for all of the support throughout these chaotic months, i never expected to meet such an amazing person and become so loved by a bunch of people i never met- you've all gone beyond my wildest expectations with how unbelievably kind you are to me! as always thank you, i love you all beyond words 💕 with love from the moon & back, your waifu xoxo 💖💖💖 ps: morgy you really do know how to pull at my heartstrings!! i better see no more of you doubting yourself ever again 😘 (10/10)"
THE LEGEND HAS R E T U R N E T H ONCE MORE 😳🤚✨ honestly darling ur reaction was quite literally priceless and Quinn only made this entire thing better ngl jdhdhwhd i almost cant believe me doing some dumb face reveal caused it either but....i aint complaining at all quite the contrary acc👁️👁️
I'd still insist ur bein way too kind but i'll thank u anyway for za compliments (i can only say the same regarding u dear👁️✨) dbqhshxkaha also a trip to za asian market sounds lit ngl me and the squad always go to this k mart thats on the way to our school and they have banging foods 😩✊
Now i can 100% relate to everything u said esp the school part....im exhausted outta my mind (in fact i deadass fell asleep while on zoom today during class djsbs) bc i still lowkey cant fall asleep in time at night and i have to get up early everyday so its like💀💀💀💀 i mostly catch up on schleep in the afternoon but its still a wack schedule and i barely have time to do other stuff let alone write which bothers me alot ngl....as for urself im glad u got to have some quality time w ur mates and also that ur legend of a bro is finally visiting (za clown army e a a g er l y awaiting his return)
I agree also that things have been movin fast like h e l l its already almost october tf🗿🗿 and i also hope ur fine health wise too bc ik all too well how school and an erratic schedule can throw ur entire body off and worsen ur immune system n all of dat shiz💀
Either way im glad u popped in again (as always my inbox been bombarded with questions regarding ur whereabouts djshdjdk) and may we speak of shows and anime again bc a bitch had finished bsd yesterday and im l i v i n😳😳😳
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