#im limited on my feh knowledge so i kept it kinda vague
good-beans · 2 years
This is an ask since its detailed,
Fallen Python being badly hurt in a battle, enough he loses consciousness. Just waking up with Lukas sitting next to him with an intense enough look that Python knows he messed up.
Said stare is used so he stays in bed and recovers, probably getting other peoples help to to do that. Think i saw it in “dream that died” too but part of why he does so much is if he stops and thinks…. Well its not good. Quietly admitting that to Lukas if they end up talking about it.
Since Python needs a distraction of some kind Lukas goes to the library or something and gets a couple of books (i imagined fantasy but would that genre be classed differently in fe 🤔🤔) anyway yea reading actually works! Forsyth was a big reader though i think and maybe some tales of heroes and the like hurt a bit.
Yessss 👀
I bet it takes a lot to make Python feel guilty. He's been scolded and lectured enough in his life by parents, leaders, Forsyth, so he just doesn't feel it anymore -- but Lukas gives him one single "I'm not mad, just disappointed" and he learns his lesson. I can definitely see him spreading the word to every single hero around, making sure Python doesn't overdo it and always has someone watching his back.
I feel like that can even be something he admits to canon Python, if he's there. C! Python is just trying to help, giving him all this advice about slowing down and relaxing because "I know you better than anyone!" But it gets to the point where F! Python has to explain that he can't -- he can't give himself any time to think, or else...
Aaahhh Lukas reading him stories to keep him distracted 😭 He goes around asking heroes how to distract a grieving soldier and gets answers like partying, battle, sex, and so on. He's not sure what to do. He finally goes to Python, ready to suggest something, and Python just looks up, very quietly asking if he'll read to him. (And, well, I guess it'd just be genres of realistic fiction to them which is hilarious)
Also I may have wrote a tiny thing about that first scene...
If there was one thing he could count on, it was that Lukas would be smiling.
Python had woken up to his smiling, no matter what the day ahead would bring. He recalled waking up to obnoxious morning calls with much colorful language, while Lukas would rise with a grin and a dry comment about their subtlety. Python could always look across the tent, through sunny dawns and vicious storms, and see that slight curve to his lips. Even when the pair were at his lowest, he would maintain a bitter sort of smile before releasing hell on the battlefield. There were even a few mornings at Rigel Castle when he'd come to Python’s chambers with an apologetic smile as he told of something that must be done that day. 
When Python opened his eyes in that Askr bed, limbs tangled in bandages, it was a small relief seeing Lukas perched by his bedside. His memories before going down at the end of that sword were dark – empty feelings in his chest and hopeless words in his head. He remembered charging forward, hoping for any sort of release from the pain. Any release. It was nice to have a familiar face to greet him after the ordeal.
Python rubbed a hand over his eyes. He groaned at the way his body ached. 
“Heya Luke! Heh, looks like…” the lighthearted greeting died away in his throat as he turned.
Lukas glared back.
His eyes burned above dark circles. His jaw clenched, making his lips a tight line. He sat with his shoulders hunched a few degrees, which looked drastic compared to his usually perfect posture. After only a moment of staring at the surprised patient, Lukas wrenched his gaze away.
"It's good you're awake." Despite what people said, Python never felt Lukas’s voice was cold. That is, until right now.
“I… yeah…” Python shifted to sit up, but a stinging across his torso made him gasp. Lukas’ expression twisted further. Python could only watch helplessly as the man stood. He made his way to the door. “Lukas –”
“I’ll fetch you a healer. They should have a look at you before you move about too much. I have much to do. I shall return later.”
“What,” Python forced a grin, regaining some of his usual nonchalance. “You don’t wanna stay and chat with a handsome knight in his sickbed for five more minutes?”
He was only met with that awful glare. 
“I do not.”
His footsteps echoed as he walked out into the hall. Python blinked. There was the sound of a conversation he couldn’t make out, then the steady sound as Lukas stalked away.
“You’re up!” Felicia bustled in, an armful of medical supplies teetering dangerously in her arms. “That’s wonderful!” 
“You’re tellin’ me. Thanks." Python gestured over her shoulder. “Hey, what’s his problem?” He’d meant for it to have some bite to it, but his voice only came out frightened. 
“Ah… Lukas hasn’t been… quite well the past few days.”
So he’s been passed out for days. “Hm.”
“After he carried you back here, he’s been even quieter than usual.” The healer let out a nervous laugh, gathering up some fresh bandages. “He destroyed about a dozen training dummies before Frederick banned him from the practice grounds.” Her eyes flicked over to Python. “Maybe he just feels guilty for your injury? No one saw what happened out there, but if he thinks it’s his fault that you could have died, perhaps…”
“No.” Python tipped his head back, closing his eyes. He sighed miserably. “He knows exactly whose fault it was.”
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