#im literally losing braincells trying to calculate this
sanguineterrain · 2 years
does anybody know what year steve harrington started high school?
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maraschinotopped · 5 years
ok so since school is over, and i have a month off, im gonna share the quotes/experiences ive collected throughout the past 3 months gfyvf
bold = teacher
- “Ban anime!” “even the pokemon anime?” “oh fuck shes good-”
- “i know a good place to buy emperor penguins!” “what, ebay?”
- “Santa is actually hitler”
- “Does anyone have whiteout?” “im white”
- “oh hey can i have some [takes food from luka’s plate and walks away]” “..she robbed me”
- “It’s 3 o’ clock, we have 15 more mi-” “no it isnt”
- niklas broke luca’s calculator, and then both julius and luca fixed it with their 1 and 1/2 braincells
- sally wrote “holly” as “holli” and i am disgusted
- “Remember, ‘problem’ is masculine because men always cause the problems!”
- [we were saying if the person next to us were our friend or a person] “[fatima says im a person and not a friend]” “[i hold a pencil up to her neck as the teacher asks another person]” “..eto mon apyr”
- “whos the leader of [karl marx’s] his fanclub??” “Anton- WAIT NO Im not saying hes the leader-” “ANTON SEND ME A SIGNED SHIRT!!!!”
- “ok so first, nice toilet background-” [everyone starts cackling]
- everyone bullying/mocking our homeroom teacher
- “ok so the answer is-” “yaaay!”
- we were asked to write a expression for someones age 10 years ago in math and then we had a debate w/ the teacher if it was always true. also one of the other ones was “write chabs age in 7 years” and mikkel was like “ok guess i gotta wait 7 years”
- the math teacher got fed up with niklas and his bag so he put it outside the window on the ledge just outside the window
- “fuck” “no no she said DUCK” “you’re just afraid of my power”
- “you’re better at scoring goals than writing sodium hydroxide”
- “thats not right-” “shut up” [everyone starts clapping]
- “how come the girls focus better than the boys?” “excuse me?!?!”
- “You watch shrek?” “yes-” “you know donkey?” [everyone gets it and bursts into laughter] 
- “why are there holes”
- “ok so we have the cheese-” “[everyone at once] cheeeseee!!”
- me snatching like 4 sugar packets and students seeing me doing that and saying nothing about it
- everyone debating in global perspectives for the first time and literally everyone arguing with brazil aka niklas
- “also btw i stole a mars mini from you” [death glare back from niklas]
- “[teacher trying to get a student to return a computer]” “do it yourself coward” “[everyone oooohhhh’s]”
- me going absolutely insane bc we did a spelling test and one of the words was tonnes but the sentence he used as a example was “i have tonnes of homework” and no one fuCKING SAYS IT LIKE THAT????
- us mumbling georgian words during a christmas performance because the teachers didnt let us practice the song and didnt know we were even singing it but the parents still thinking we did good anyway
- telling people “see you in the next decade”
- our drama group going insane because our main character decided to not show up that day
- everyone not taking ict seriously and the teacher snapping
- recording a music video in music and my group recording the rest w/o me because i didnt have a actual role i was the camera person
- attacking andrei and literally no ones opinion’s of me changed???
- fatima revealing shes kinda depressed to me and being absolutely confused because she has friends and shit
- going crazy because we have to send our elves somewhere but we dont wanna risk them dying/not bringing anything if there’s a blizzard in the elf game
- a cat running across the playground and everyone losing it
- seeing a mouse, being like “huh”, then realizing its a fucking mOUS-
- me harassing people via airdropping them when we had ipads 
- me injuring myself 3 times while playing infection tag like 3 days in a row
- half of secondary being depressed
- us clapping at random intervals/all the time
i stg this class shares 3 braincells in total w/ each other, not counting the teacher. liza left this year tho :((
i think a new student is coming... we’ll infect them with our stupidness!!!! >:)
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