#im looking forward to seeing how book 2 progresses ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
under-the-oof-tree ยท 2 years
ngl i am BIG DISAPPOINTED that apparently we're gonna have a decent chunk of story dedicated to riftan and maxi being separated. like so much of book 1 is already them not being together and every time they ARE together there's some sort of ~discourse~ and the hopeless romantic in me is b e g g i. n g to be fed. but that's just me i digress
anyway, looks like riftan has not changed at all in two years; aside from becoming extremely powerful in whedon, he still talks trash to the king's face and hasn't forgiven agnes for convincing maxi to go to nornui. damn boi can hold a grudge. has he really not reflected... at all? in two years?? or is he really so stubborn to still insist it would have been better for him to flee with maxi? i would like to remind the author that Time Has Passed but anyway kgslhdjgakgsjfa i feel bad for the prince bc rosetta will never love him but he's so blissfully complacent poor guy :( and ofc riftan being emo at the happy family makes me go AAAAAAAA
(did anyone else think the baby was agnes' kid when it was first mentioned??? took me way too long to remember that she wasn't ruben's only kid lmao)
meanwhile, i really thought maybe maxi had gained some confidence, but it's still really easy to make her submit it looks like. again, very little has changed despite two years passing. but it's cute that she has roy!!! yay cat :D i wonder who these new characters are? friends or foes? we have twins and a sister apparently ๐Ÿ‘€ hopefully they can beat some self-esteem into maxi lol
and it looks like the "bad thing" about the world tower that i've been wondering about is POLITICS. no wonder ruth left, not only would he not wanna join just one school of magic, he also would get bored of the drama SO FAST lol. agnes really shouldn't hold that against him, funny that her angst just comes down to baseless school spirit pfffffffft. i was expecting some big dark secret but this is just hilarious.
many thanks to the translators and admin for their quick work on these chapters, i wonder how the updates will progress since book 2 is ongoing?? much love!!
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