#im more concerned about the director having amy adams put a live fish in her mouth
bluinary · 4 years
"Amy Adams holding a live fish in her mouth is animal abuse" like I think your concerns are misplaced buddy
#firstly.......its a fish. a goldfish to be exact.#fish like that.......dont experience mental trauma.........#also-- it's a fish. even if its stressed its still a fish. did i say its a fish?#fish like that are the closest thing mental capacity-wise that nature has to insects that arent insects#its not like amy adams bit its tail or deprived it of water. she just spooked it#i care about all life and everything but theres a point where its like......youre upset over a fish being momentarily stressed.#'she probably eroded his mucus' hes a goldfish that lives in a bowl buddy.#im more concerned about the director having amy adams put a live fish in her mouth#that could very well make her sick. and yeah on top of that the fish was stressed#idk why i felt the need to make a post about this#sometimes i just see the same dumbass take over and over again and i start to lose my mind#like one dumbass is fine. i can handle it#but then they come in multitudes all saying the same thing like a moronic hivemind#this site is like being locked in a room with a bunch of britta perrys and steven universes#i love both characters ofc but theres gotta be a point where you draw the line#all this being said treat your pets nicely. even your dumbfuck fish with no soul.#and yes i have had a pet fish before. thats how i know that they have no soul.#all they know is eat swim hide in plastic cave and lie#except for suckerfish. those boys be succin.#blu babbles#wtf is wrong with me i just made an opinion post about pet fish#im losing my goddamn mind
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