#im moving to one piece i hate naruto now goodbye guys
char-lotteral · 3 years
Spill the tea. Don't worry about it being long XD
This has been in my ask box for a while now, and I keep forgetting to respond to some of my anons, so im sorry.... x))
This'll be a little debunk between Nart's feelings for Sak and Hina but first, LISTEN HERE
This isn't a breeding ground for discourse or shipping wars or whatever tf negativity you have going on, I just wanna ramble my thoughts. This is an innocent post and if you disagree with it, well--i really dont care :DD
Anw, here are my thoughts as to how different Naruto's feelings are for Sakura and Hinata
I just randomly thought of making this longass essay because apparently, there's been another "war" over on narutwt with NS vs. NH and ohmyGODDDDD, WHO CARESSSSS. SHUT THE FUCK UPPP PLEASEEE.
this shit should've ended in shippuden, I hate it here
If youre an nh fan, please I beg of you, let ppl ship ns if they want to, its really not that hard. It's so embarrassing seeing nh fans go rogue whenever they see an ns related post. Like please stop being rude to ns shippers, let ppl ship their drawings, who tf cares. Ur embarrassing the fandom ://
Okay so i think i wanna start off with how Nart fell for Sakura. They were kids. Kindergartners even. He saw Sakura as the "pretty, smart, popular girl" and like the attention deprived child that he is, he chose he wanted to be with her. It was a CRUSH. An innocent and childish one at that.
Did he love her? Yes. Was he in love with her? Debatable tbh. He was infatuated with her. It's a normal infatuation vs. real love type of shit.
I mean, he was too busy to even focus on himself and with the whole Sauce drama, so i doubt he even had the time to even sort out his own romantic feelings. I'm not even sure if his feelings for Sakura were really that deep rooted as what alot of fans claim it to be.
BECAUSE BECAUSE GETTHIS. If Naruto was really that in love with Sak, why didn't he introduce him to Minato when he was about to depart? If he was really that confident for his feelings for Sakura, then why didn't he share those thoughts to one the most essential things his mother imparted to him?
The only thing similar between Sakura and Kushina are their hot headedness. Even kishi himself admitted that scene with the girlfriend thingy was a herring. Even freaking Tsunade admitted that if Naruto were to be with someone as willful as him, they'd be butting heads all the time.
Do they have a special bond? Yes. Would they work out together as a couple? Yeah, as a bickering married one
And another thing, remember the fake confession scene? Sakura said "I love you" to Naruto. She said those words that Naruto himself has been "dying" to hear, so why didn't he get all ecstatic?
Because he knew she was lying!
Exactly!! He knew she was lying. He knew he'd never have a chance with her. He knew the extent of her feelings for Sasuke and respected it. He didn't act on it, he joked around with dates and what not but there was never any impactful romantic scene between them. Oh and shouldn't romantic scene have i dunno; mutual romance?
Theyre "the most developed ship" but Sakura has established mulitiple times that she was only in love with Sasuke. Narusaku was just as one sided as the other ships in shippuden but some of you aren't ready for that concersation.
Naruto would get rejected every damn minute or at every "moment" they had. How is that mutual??
They just had the upper hand because theyre mcs and they had the most screentime, let's be real
And what I absolutely hate the most about how people perceive Naruto's feelings for Sakura is that they see him as this pathetically in love, obsessed weirdo who only chose Hinata as a rebound or a second choice.
It's not rocket science, it's not some philosophical shit, it's healthy and normal and realistic.
Istg some diehard shippers are too detached from reality that they can't even grasp the concept of moving on from a crush.
They act as if Naruto didn't give a flying fuck for Hinata in the entire series or that he barely knew her name. I mean c'mon, it's self explanatory¿¿¿ He moved on. Same with Ino with Sasuke, they both moved on.
And I'd also like to compare the scenes with Naruto being rejected by Sakura wiith Naruto being rejected by Hinata.
Naruto gets rejected by Sakura - he gets beaten up - He laughs it off- He moves on
Naruto gets rejected by Hinata - crippling depression - looks like shit - loses all motivation - fights for the girl
Yeah, I'll leave that to you
I also see some say that Naruto needed a partner who could keep him in line and reprimand him for the stupid stuff he does.
Pft, like what? A mom?
What Naruto needs, as someone brash and acts on impulse time to time, is someone patient and understanding and considerate. Everything he didn't have growing up. He needs a partner, not someone who berates him for being all goofy and for being himself. Hinata in a way is kinda like a neutralizer.
Also, I think its important to remember that there was a TWO YEAR TIME SKIP AFTER THE WAR WHERE NARUTO AND HINATA CANONICALLY GREW CLOSER.
Man, none of this would have been up for discussion if Kishi just knew how to develop fucking romance between het couples. If we're being honest, sns would've made the most sense. Im not even kidding. Sns would've the only endgame couple that'd make sense. And this is coming from a person who loves NH xD
thus ends my ramblings :DD
I regret ever delving into the world of Naruto. Now I can't fucking escape
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