#im not counting the cabin fever lab kids
rhodeybugg · 9 months
My MD AU shipkids: A slightly more detailed list.
N x V :
Crumbles/Crumbs [formerly Castiel] -
N and V's eldest son. Disassemblers, like Workers, start their lives in the egg-pod state, and eventually "hatch" after a few weeks of external incubation, where they age and grow similarly to humans. Crumbs looks like V, but has the sweet and goofy personality of his father.
Biscuit, their daughter, was born a few months after her brother hatched. Much to Uzi's disapproval, V was already carrying Biscuit's core while she was nesting with Crumbs and waiting for him to hatch. Biscuit is a perfect mesh of both of her parent's appearances, but tends to act more like her mother.
Uzi x Thad:
Basil - Uzi and Thad's oldest son. He looks exactly like Thad and it scares his dad sometimes. Major mama's boy. Despite having half of his coding and personality from Uzi, he's surprisingly calm. While hatching, Basil refused to leave his shell and wouldn't move until Uzi held him.
Soto - Secondborn. There's a two-year age gap between Basil and Soto. Soto, similarly to Basil, looks like Thad [minus the eyes], but has a bit more of his mother's temper. Soto is the only offspring of Uzi and Thad to display leftover traits of the solver [he's got teeny tiny wings.]
Beretta + Sear - The twins were Uzi and Thad's last attempt to have a daughter [who Thad promised Uzi could name after a gun.] Unfortunately for Uzi, Thad and Lizzy both have a higher chance of producing twin cores. Sear was an oops. Beretta is a carbon copy of Uzi, right down to her love of making clueboards. [Thad is scared. He should be.] Sear managed to get a mixture of both of her parent's appearances, but is more shy and quiet than Beretta. Sear is usually attached to Thad's hip, she's a daddy's girl.
Basil, Beretta and Sear all got the purification strand of the solver via Thad.
Doll x Lizzy:
Suriva + Valentina - Twins, the only two children Doll and Lizzy ever wanted. Suriva is mute [she can speak, she just doesnt want to], and communicates with a little roach keybug that she has adopted. Valentina is essentially a clone of Lizzy with Doll's looks, right down to Lizzy's fashion sense. Suriva is the opposite, looking like Lizzy, but being the quiet and reserved sister. Suriva can and will kill you.
Suriva is a solver carrier, passed down by Doll. Valentina was spared and got the purification strand of the solver via Lizzy
Darren x Rebecca x Emily:
Hollyn -
After Sam was killed during the Cabin Fever field trip, Rebecca and Darren added her to their relationship, knowing that she needed someone to love and lean on after losing her partner. The three share a genuine bond, and Darren loves his girlfriends.
With this, Hollyn is a physical mesh of all three of her parents. Since Rebecca's core was damaged by Uzi, she lost the ability to carry a droneling core, meaning Emily carried the three's child. Hollyn is a booknerd, but got Rebecca's sass, and Darren's...well, being darren. She and Valentina meet up on tuesdays to geek out over books they found from the old human library.
Zara x Tessa:
Carmine -
After taking out the cause of the Elliot Family's curse, Carmine was created thanks to the miracle of JcJenson and their science experiments. Zara and Tessa each gave a sample of their DNA, and once a stable egg was created, Zara aggreed to be the one to carry her. She's got Tessa's auburn hair and Zara's freckles, and loves everything about drones just like her parents. Tessa and Zara agreed that her middle name was to be "Louise" as a nod to her grandmother.
Reese: A leftover droneling from an abandoned company project, Reese was set to be disassembled, but was saved by Tessa. He was raised alongside Carmine, and while he knows he's a different species than his sister, they may as well both be human. Reese was given the middle name "James", similarly to his sister, as a respect to his grandfather.
Carmine picked up drone habits from Reese, such as attempting to sleep upside-down on their bunk beds, and Reese had to learn the hard way that he can't constantly eat human food like Carmine [it makes his tummy hurt :(]
J x Sive:
Ren - The eldest and only daughter of the two.
After being reunited with her long-lost girlfriend, J and Sive rekindled their relationship on copper-9, and came together to have a child.
J was the one that carried Ren, and it was the first time anyone had ever seen J be soft and loving.
Ren looks soft and sweet like Sive, but is just as militant and demanding as J. She looks up to both of her mothers, but is usually trailing behind and attached to J's hip. [She wont admit it, but she likes getting approval and snuggles from both of her moms.]
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