#im not even fucking joking at least once a week since our neighbor put up his insane display (after thanksgiving) some assholes drive down
fncreature · 6 months
hey uh. people who drive around to look at christmas lights and get out to check out displays and stuff. please do not blare music with your windows down or talk so loud you’re yelling. with all due respect, it’s nine pm and we didn’t agree to this, our neighbor is just like that.
again. I cannot stress this enough. DO NOT drive down residential streets fucking blasting music at night. Try not to yell. I don’t care if you’re having the time of your life and feel festive. people do actually live there. and we want to sleep.
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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Love Isn’t Always On Time Part Forty Three
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist Notes: Not Beta-Read. I hope everyone’s well 😁 Warnings: Cursing; slight angst Summary: My interaction with my fellow fugitives was fairly limited; I’d spoken to Natasha a few days beforehand, and Wanda before that. I had yet to touch base with Vision, but I had a feeling that that would be a shorter conversation than the others, and could probably wait a while.
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“So how’s-- Oh. You’re frozen again... There you are,” I laughed as Sam’s fuzzy image because to move again my screen. It was clear enough that I could see him rolling his eyes. “Don’t gimme that look, I’m piggybacking off of really crappy internet, I told you,” I justified. “Last I heard, Wakanda’s got high-speed,” Sam’s voice was a little static-y, and seemed harsher through my shitty earbuds. I fought the urge to pretend the signal had cut and end the call. He’d been dropping not-so-subtle hints like that for the last half-hour. “Yeah, well,” Was my clever response. Sam shook his head. “Come on, what are you doing?” He asked, not bothering to keep the critical edge out of his voice. “Same thing you all are. Keeping my distance for safety’s sake,” I said, “Now you come on, how’s Amsterdam?” I had been in Cairo for nearly three weeks, and had gotten an apartment far away my friends. They’d housed me for a few nights, but I didn’t get used being around other people constantly, knowing it could put them in danger. I hadn’t heard from Steve since I’d arrived. Okoye had reached out once; Shuri texted me every other day at least (usually memes). My interaction with my fellow fugitives was fairly limited; I’d spoken to Natasha a few days beforehand, and Wanda before that. I had yet to touch base with Vision, but I had a feeling that that would be a shorter conversation than the others, and could probably wait a while.
Sam didn’t seem like he was having the best time - but none of us really were. We were isolated, unable to get close to anyone or see one another, constantly looking over our shoulders. Sam told me about his apartment, his cute neighbor (he did not appreciate the joke I made about that neighbor possibly being a S.H.I.E.L.D agent), the sightseeing he’d done. “Steve came out a couple of weeks ago, stayed for a day.” I nodded, trying to keep my face in its neutral set, but it was difficult to ignore the pang of misery I felt at the mention. We went quiet for a few moments, and I knew it was purely my fault, and not the faulty video stream. “How is he?” I asked hesitantly. “... Tired. Stressed-- I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, but he misses you, kid.” I sighed, leaning back against my headboard. “You couldn’t have at least waited to say goodbye to the guy?” Sam pressed. I shook my head. “It’s not that easy, Wilson,” I insisted through gritted teeth. I’d already had to defend myself to Natasha and I wasn’t sure I do it again. Nat certainly hadn’t bought my bullshit. Sam gave in, though, holding his hands up in surrender. “Look, it’s late,” He said, “I’m gonna go. But think about calling.” He gave me a long look, like he was fighting the urge to say something else. “What?” I asked sharply. Sam grimaced. “He’s awake.” -- “It’s real nice to hear your voice, doll.” I was so glad I was only doing this on the phone and not with video. Bucky was less likely to pick up on the sound of my labored breathing this way, but the tears would’ve been hard to miss on a video call. I swallowed a sob, taking in a deep breath. “It’s good to hear yours, too, Bucky... Fuck,” I pinched the bridge of my nose, “You’re-- Everything’s--” “I don’t know how she did it, but Shuri disengaged the sequence. She explained it to me, but I’d just woken up and I was... A little out of it,” Bucky chuckled. The sound was warm, and sweet, and sent pangs of want through me. If I closed my eyes, I could see us back in our apartment in Brooklyn, curled up in the corner of that beat up old couch; could feel myself tucked against his chest, see the twinkle in his eye as he looked down at me. “Tell me about Wakanda,” I implored gently. I just wanted to keep him talking. Four days. Bucky had been awake for four days. Sam had told me, Shuri had confirmed it and told me that she’d assumed that Steve had passed the news on. It was a fair assumption, just incorrect in this case. I knew that Steve was mad at me, but this stung. I wasn’t sure what he’d thought keeping this news from me would do. I didn’t pin this blame on Bucky - he was still adjusting, had enough to worry about, and maybe hadn’t known that Steve hadn’t told me. I listened to Bucky tell me about everything - the children that came to visiting him every day, the fact that Shuri and the others called him the White Wolf. “Stevie and I went to a market the other day,” He said, tone besotted and sweet at his name, and I tried not to let it turn me bitter. “Yeah?” I asked instead, “How was it? What did you see? Did you get anything?” Bucky chuckled at the onslaught of questions, but he answered each in turn (it was nice, a lot of stuff, not this time). “Shuri’s been working on a new arm for me, but I’ve been getting around fine the way I-- Hang on-- C’mere,” I heard Bucky’s voice fade, and panic thrummed through me as my ear caught on the distant timbre of Steve’s voice on the other end. “Who do you think it is, it’s the person you’ve been moping over.” Bucky’s was trying to joke with Steve, but his words made me want to curl into a ball. “... Steve, come on,” Bucky’s tone went stern after a few moments, and I cringed. “Buck, don’t,” I said loudly enough for him to hear, even with his ear a bit away from the phone, “It’s alright, don’t make him, just let him-- It’s okay.” Bucky sighed heavily on the other end, and I could practically see him shaking his head. “It’s my fault,” I tacked on softly, “Don’t be mad at Stevie. This is on me.” “He’s just hurting and missin’ you, babydoll,” Bucky soothed, “We both are.” I felt my lower lip wobble. “I miss you, too,” I murmured. “Can you come soon?” Bucky asked. I hesitated, looking down at my bedspread. “I don’t know, hon, I’m still getting settled here. Maybe in a couple of months.” “Okay,” Bucky’s answer was almost indulgent in how quickly he yielded to it, “Will you call more?” “Of course I will, baby,” I promised, “Every day if you want.” “I want,” Bucky answered, and I smiled despite myself. “Okay,” I agreed. “I’m gonna go try to talk to Steve, but I’ll talk to you later,” Bucky promised. “Alright. I’d say ‘tell him I say hi’, but that may not be a good idea right now.” “Want me to say anything to him for you?” Bucky asked. I thought for a moment. “No,” I said after a moment, “Anything I have to Steve I’ll say myself, I won’t make you go between us.” “Takin’ the high road,” Bucky teased. “I should’ve started with the high road,” I pointed out, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Buck.” “Alright. I love you, doll.” “I love you, too, Bucky.” We murmured our goodbyes a few more times before we finally hung up. I tossed my phone onto the bedspread, drawing my knees up to my chest. I felt as isolated and helpless as I had in the Raft, but this apartment was a prison of my own making. Every creeping moment of quiet taunted me, echoing the same thing: ‘You chose this’. Tag list: @gloryevans @redryderdesigns @winter-scolder @aactuaaltraash @secretagentben @staplerrrr @elliee1497 @adayinmymeadow  @allonszassbutt @mannls @witch-of-letters  @niallssweetheart22 @uneniffler  @rinthehufflepuff @panic-angel3314  @firstangeldragonranch @kaetastic @mcuwillbethedeathofme @skeletoresinthebasement @i-dont-know-what-im-doing-yay @kkaos15 @iamnotoverlyfondofwhatfollows  @bassclarinety @tomshelbystits @rvgrsbrns @marvelmenarebeautiful @tenaciousperfectionunknown @intricate-melody​ @stuffandstuff-stuff​ @fanfuckingtastic04 @messybunnyartist @anescapefromtheworld  @shesa-riott​ @bihoeofmanyfandoms @martyniasz @mamooska8 @silver-winter-wolf
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