#im not mad its just SUCH a common assumption and it really bothers me because i have really nothing to do with the entire spectrum of wlw
katsukikitten · 5 years
Bakugoxreader is a USA transfer. Shes really sweet but doesn’t put up with bakugos shit. He tolerates her because she puts up a good fight and low key thinks her accent is adorable. one day their class has a tea and shes bummed because she likes iced sweet tea. Everyone thinks that’s weird but later that night Bakugo shows up with a pitcher and a little embarrassed because he doesn’t know if he used enough sugar. Then she jokes about in the south sugar could also mean kissing. And then they do.
Sun Tea
A/N Hopefully this is close to what you had in mind lovey! Enjoy! Thank you for your patience while I wrote this!
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Three sets of eyes stare down at the pile of cards atop the circular coffee table, each of you sitting cross legged while a few of your other class mates sit among the couches.
"Draw six Y/N." Kirishima wears a rare devilish smile as he places down a yellow draw two card atop two other hellish cards.
You return his smile holding eye contact with Bakugou as you dramatically produce a red draw two.
"Bless your heart Bakugou doll, you've gotta draw eight." You take much satisfaction in placing down the card that will screw him over.
A little too much actually, it's not very hospitable of you to enjoy another's misfortune.
It all boils down to when you were first transferred here, mostly against your will, from America Bakugou hated you with every fiber in his being.
And you hated him in return, which was quite unlike you.
But he had aired all your dirty laundry about your delinquent behavior that you had done in America.
What he didn't know was you had to do those things to survive.
You absentmindedly brush against the tattoo on your neck and two sets of red eyes follow.
Believe it or not he was beginning to see that now.
Could really see how much that lifestyle was thrust upon you.
"This is a stupid fucking game! Why'd I let you talk me into playing hair for brains!?" Bakugou snarls, snatching at the deck on the table counting out eight muttering fuck you beneath his breath.
Kirishima laughs in response as he places down a red eight, Deku places down a red six before you place down a skip.
"You're fucking working together huh?" He snarls darkly and you laugh.
"Ain't his fault you're as lucky as a June bug in November." Your laugh echoes in the room. Pulling at the ash blonde's stomach. Although he doesn't know what the hell you're saying he knows that your voice is just too God Damn cute. You notice the dusting of red on his cheeks and chalk it up to his temper.
To which he adds validity to your assumption by adding harshly.
"What in the fuck are you saying?"
It's a question you hear often.
"I believe she means you're not lucky at all." Todoroki chimes in, heterochromatic eyes peering over his book. Momo nods in agreement as she writes down the expression as she has been these past few months, every now and again she'll try to use the English expression in everyday conversation to you.
And honestly you don't have the heart to tell her that not ALL Americans will understand what she's saying.
You pray to the good Lord that she'll run into another decent Southern belle who would get a lick of what she's saying.
Kirishima takes sympathy and places down a reverse for his friend.
Bakugou smiles from ear to ear and plops down an angry looking black card.
"Draw four bitch." He snarls close to your ear and you narrow your eyes. You draw a blue zero, a red two, a green six and the very card that first scorned you.
A draw four that may be your saving grace.
"Don't be gettin too big for ya britches now Suki, Im fixin ta win." You drawl out real heavy because you're excited and again Bakugou's cheeks begin to heat.
You smirk a deadly smile to him that he returns ten fold.
His smile sends your stomach into a tizzy and you try to talk yourself from the edge.
The two of you had just gotten over absolutely loathing each other and transitioned into hard frienemies.
So why the hell were you fighting off a crush?!
It was bound to happen since Aizawa paired the two of you together and only because Bakugou had the highest score in English.
But damn if you weren't hard to understand sometimes. It was like you weren't even speaking English!
At least not the english Bakugou was taught.
Depsite your past, time showed those harsh scarlet eyes that you weren't a total lost cause, an extra undeserving of a second look.
You more than proved you were a worthy rival and it all came after the phrase.
*"Oh I'm finna kick ya ass to high heaven."*
He has never seen you so flustered before and damn did you keep good to your word.
Forcing him to actually try against you. Never admitting that he enjoyed that part of you.
Narrowed eyes, flushed cheeks and pouty lips pulled past white teeth looking "madder than a wet hen."
Or whatever the hell it was you said.
He just hadn't known he would enjoy that odd ass twang you had too.
But you'll never know that it wasn't really Kirishima who convinced Bakugou to play this stupid idiotic game.
No, it was you, when you wore that devilish smirk before adding
*"Guess you're too scared you'll lose!"*
Katsuki sat down and actually dealt the cards himself then.
"Does anyone want tea?" Mina asks, peeking out from the kitchen.
"Please dahling!" You shout and she smiles your way before making her way back to that amazing smelling dinner.
You have two cards left in your hand, you feel lucky but at the same time you're relying on Bakugou to set down a card that will benefit you.
Please God let it be either a blue card or a zero.
You really didn't want to have to use your ace in the hole or have to draw.
Bakugou places down a red reverse causing Kirishima to draw a few cards before he slaps down a red eight.
"Oi Deku. Make yourself useful. Y/N only has two cards." Bakugou snarls, Izuku gulps avoiding eye contact.
He looks over his cards with nervous eyes muttering to himself with each passing second Bakugou gets that much more agitated.
"OI! PUT DOWN A CARD!" He yells and Deku does hastily.
And the Uno Gods have blessed you as a red zero stares lovingly up at you.
"Its about to go to hell in a hand basket for y'all! Uno!" You exclaim as you place down your card, switching it to blue.
"What?!" Kirishima laughs while Bakugou snarls.
"Means you're about to have a bad time." This time Todoroki doesnt even bother to look up from his book. He flips the page and Momo flips through her own notes.
She must spy the phrase and puts a tally by it. She figures the more times you've said it the more common the idiom.
Little does she know there are some phrases in their you'll most likely never utter again having been quick witted when you made the Southernism on the fly
"How the hell do you know what she's saying?" Denki asks looking up from his switch, trying hard not to move as Jhiro naps on him. Dead to the world with her head phones plugged in.
Todoroki shrugs flipping another page before he eyes the game.
Bakugou sucks his teeth, he doesnt have anything to use against you, you clearly don't even go after him.
And to make things worse he doesn't even have fucking blue or a damned zero. He draws seven cards before blue shows up. He places the blue nine down harshly, Kirishima places a green nine over top of it and all eyes fly to Deku.
Who again begins to murmur and mutter as he thinks of his next move.
All the while your smile grows wider and wider.
There isn't much of a card out there that could stop you.
Deku hesitantly lies down a red nine hoping that changing the color so rapidly would cause you anxiety.
When he see that it doesn't he begins to watch in horror as you place down that little black cars with the +4 in the corner.
"No..." He gasps.
"NO!!" Bakugou shouts slamming his fists agaisnt the table, "Rematch!"
"What's the with all the fuss?" Mina asks carrying a large tray of drinks. She makes her way around the room setting down a scalding cup to each person.
"Y/N won and Bakugou's mad." Kirishima explains kissing Mina's cheek and tapping his lap, "Thanks babe."
She sits cozily picking up her cup.
The whole class, aside from yourself and napping Jhiro seem to take a sip of the tea in unison.
Everyone holds the cup just in front of their chest as a smile spreads on their face.
Even Bakugou looks joyful and you look to the steaming liquid in the gray cup before you.
Heavily missing your favorite sweating Mason jar clinking with ice as you watched summer storms a brew.
Scarlet eyes notice how your drink goes untouched, he nudges you harshly before shouting.
"Oi!" He hates the long face you wear, "Drink it before it gets cold."
"I uh... I keep forgettin the tea aint iced or sweetened here." You say sheepishly keeping your eyes down, "Thank you Mina."
"What? Iced? Sweet?" Bakugou sounds baffled as he tried to understand.
Tea was fucking tea. It didn't need ice and it didn't need sugar.
"Yea! It's a staple in the Southern states. Can't throw a rock where it ain't served." Your face brightens as you speak, that drawl even heavier, "And sweet enough to rot your teeth!"
"Why?" Bakugou asks borderline nasty while you have the attention of everyone in the room.
"You see it gets hotter than Hell in the South, humid enough to make ya melt faster than Frosty in July. So sweet tea keeps ya sane. It's cool and of course sweet, keeps us southern folk from being bitter about how hot it is." You stare into the liquid in the cup, almost imagining it to be different.
"Oh! And if it's hot enough in the summer, which it always was where I was from, yall can make sun tea."
"Alright you're making shit up now." Bakugou shakes his head before taking another sip. He closes his eyes when he sees that his comment has struck something in you.
Your face flashes from angry to almost hurt.
"I used to make the best sun tea every summer." You say longfuly before adding, "Anyway I'm tired. Imma head to bed."
"But dinner is soon!" Kirishima and Mina express their worry in unison.
You smile to mask your hurt. Although it was extremely hard for you in America there were somethings you missed greatly.
Sweet sun tea was one of 'em.
You could take the girl out of the South but not the South out of the girl.
"I'll be fine. I'm full as a tic from that late lunch. I'll see y'all when the roasters sing." You wave as you head towards the stairs.
All the while crimson red eyes bore into you.
Before the bore into space through dinner and now into the ceiling as he lies in bed.
Why did you look like that?
Where you that upset?
Had his comment been too far?
Were you madder than that stupid wet hen you kept mentioning?
No, he knew you weren't mad he knew you were feeling "blue" and that he needed to some how make you "right as rain."
That's how you said it right?
He snarls as he snatches up his phone looking up this and that before settling on doing the ultimate thing for you.
He bares his teeth when he sees JUST how long this will take and that he may have to move it depending on the sun.
But he rises early from bed anyway and gets all of the things needed for what he's fixing.
Soon the morning melts into night and Bakugou was lucky that it was in the dead of summer.
Katuski notices that you announce that you're going to"hit the hay" sooner than you normally do when you're not feeling yourself.
Nervousness begins to escape him through beads of sweat on his brow as begins the finishing touches.
You lie on your bed, scrolling through the old photos on your Insta. Longing for those flashes of lightning, corn fields brightened by the moon's light and those old winding backroads.
You open your window to let the warm air in, at least Japan and the south had one thing in common.
Even the bugs would scream late into the night about how hot the day was.
You lie back again, sighing as you scroll, longing for those times once more.
You missed the stars, you missed the barn cats, the hens, the long trips to the beach.
You scroll down a bit further and spy a picture that brings tears to your eyes.
"You're dumber than a box of rocks Y/N pull it together!" You whisper to yourself as you wipe your eyes.
It was only a photo of a large glass container absorbing all of that summer sun and a wide mouth quart mason jar filled with ice.
Ready to be filled.
Still tears fall and for the first time you cry.
Cry for the lost memories.
The lost time and most importantly your lost childhood.
That place took everything from you, forced you to the cities to sell and steal.
But here you were crying like a baby over some tea and the moon.
A harsh knock comes at your door that has your heart in your throat.
You toss your phone as if you were looking as something bad before clearing your throat.
"Coming honey. Gimme a sec I ain't decent." You say, not really lying as you look yourself over in the mirror.
It really wasn't decent for a Southern Belle to cry over some spilt sweet tea.
You open the door to be met with burning scarlet eyes.
"Honey really?" He asks with a smirk.
"Had I know it would have been you that the cat dragged in I would have said vinegar instead." You cross your arms, far from in the mood to deal with Bakugou of all people.
He gives you a pointed look, half knowing what you mean before he sighs heavily.
"I've got something for you now sit down and close your damn eyes." He snarls and you look at him suspiciously.
"Last time you 'had' something for me we scrapped with our fists." He rolls his eyes and gently guides you into your room. He ushers you to sit on your bed making his way back to the hall.
"No peeking damn it!" He growls. Now it is your turn to roll those gorgeous eyes before you close them with an exasperated sigh.
What in Sam's hell was he up to?
You hear an odd sound of clinking before he kicks your door shut.
A long silence stretches between the two of you before courage returns to Bakugou.
Something cool is pressed against your palm and you grab onto it quickly letting your eyes flutter open.
When you spy a mason jar filled with ice and sloshing tan liquid you squeal as if it were a wedding ring. Your reaction alarms Bakugou before he sees the smile forming on your kissable lips.
He swallows his hot desire as you jump up and down on the bed.
He swallows his hot desire as you jump up and down on the bed.
"Is this what I think it is?!" You bring the jar to your lips and taste.
Your body relaxes and your head tilts back, eyes fluttering as it brings a rush of memories.
How did he get the tea to sugar ratio so...so fucking perfect.
You dare not ask who made this tea because it was made right.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you take in all of the context clues.
Bakugou had been going outside every hour or so today. Making some sort of excuse not to leave the dorms today.
Then he holed himself up in the kitchen just before you had turned in for the night.
Lastly his cheeks were red, burning hot and it finally dawns on you that it isn't from his temper.
But from something else.
Your heart pounds in your chest.
"Is...is that enough sugar for you?" Bakugou asks hesitantly, scratching the back of his head.
You laugh aloud wondering if he realizes the double meaning to his words.
"What?! What is so fucking funny? Is it fucking laughable how bad it is?!" He growls standing as you set down your tea as your laughing fit sets in.
Finally you wipe away a stray tear before regaining your composure.
"Oh no. Bakugou it's great. But sugar has another meaning in the south." You giggle again before adding, "Sugar can mean kissing.
Bakugou stares at you for a moment, he watches as you brush you hair behind your hear. He drinks in the blush that burns in your cheeks seep down your throat as you realized what you've just said.
And he breathes in the sweet smell of summer air carried in on the breeze of your open window.
All day while he tended to that sun tea, moving it into direct sunlight he caught wiffs of smells that reminded him of you. Wild flowers, lilies, sunflowers, honeysuckle, all swaying in the wind watching as he worked and every time he opened the top to that tea he would smell that sharp black tea, combated by the sweet smell of sugar.
He slides his hands past your cheeks, wrapping fingers into hair as he pulls your face to his.
Capturing your lips with his own, and like every spar you've had with him you fight to be the winner. Pulling at this bottom lip with your teeth, demanding entrance the he allows but only for his tongue to win in the end.
He kisses you until you become putty in his hands, melting into his touch as your hand grips tightly onto his black skull tee shirt. A moan escapes your lips as he kisses you impossibly sensual and slowly.
He pulls away and you actually whine but he does not move far, pressing his forehead to yours.
He stares at you before a deadly smile crosses his slightly swollen lips. His voice comes out dangerously husky as he says
"Is that enough sugar for you?"
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crazykendal · 7 years
Bored, Single, and Dead
1. What was on your mind mostly today? MOVING ON from some people and why my right arm feels fucking wierd
2. If someone looked on your bed, what would they find? oh shit idkk
3. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? im going to Tahoe
4. Are you nice to everyone? no
5. Is it possible to be single and happy? for me, no
6. Is it easy for people to make you cry? no but once someone made me cry when I heard them SING for the first time YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE
7. Did you sleep alone last night? I had a sleepover with my sister
8. Do you play with dead bugs? ew no wtf
9. Honestly, are you dating two people? im not even dating one person wth
10. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? yeah, im going to be dead ass lonely or dead
11. Have you ever slept in the same bed with someone other than family?   nooo
12. Do you want to see somebody right now? yeaahhhh
13. What if you had a baby with the person you like? that's not physically possibly
14. Are you happy? not right now nope
15. Have you ever tripped in public? trippin is my game
16. Is there anyone who doesn’t like you? I sometimes think everone secretly hates me
17. Have you ever sat in the back of a police car? nope
18. Are you stubborn? veRY
19. Do you tend to hold a grudge? yeah, and it can get baddd
20. What’s a fact about the last person that texted you?   oh, well.. they're a scammer
21. Has anyone called you perfect before? nope
22. Where is the biggest scar on your body? my left ankle. I shaved a huge chunk of my skin off and it was baddddd haha
23. Have you ever been told you were amazing? no
24. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
immediate no
25. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? well guess what YES and its killlling me
26. Do you trust all your friends? no I cant trust any of them 27. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? haha well yeah
28. What pissed you off today? my sister scratches up my arms and it looks like ive tried to cut myself or something
29. What was the last thing you cried about? this one person
30. Who was the last girl you talked to? ^^ same person as ^^
31. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? no
32. Who sits next to you in English? SCHOOLS OUT BITCHES
33. Ever talked to someone who was drunk? no
34. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? yes everything is about them and its driving me crazy
35. How late did you stay up last night and why? I stayed up til 12:30 reenacting Stranger Things scenes with gummy bears with my sister.
36. Do you know how to properly use grammar in a sentence?   kinda? 37. Are your parents very protective of you? yeah
38. Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? I fukin wish
39. How many drugs are in your system?   can a Capri Sun count
40. The person who hurt you the most calls and needs you, do you go? bitch no
41. Is it easy to pretend everything’s okay for you? yeah, I do it every day
42. Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to on the phone? uh that was my dad, so sure
43. Do you think you are a good person? oh god no, if hell existed i’d be going there
44. What do you want right this second? I WANT A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE
45. Do you think it makes him weak if a guy cries? no
46. Have you ever cried cause you were so mad? yeah
47. Could you last in a relationship for over a year?   yes
48. Who were you with on your birthday? i don't really remember or care 49. Have you ever crawled through a window? I feel like I have but don't remember
50. First person to talk to you in 2014? how the fuck am I supposed to remember that, it was 3 years ago
51. Do you miss your past? Not really but I dont regret meeting some sweet ass people
52. It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it? a telemarketer, I have like no friends so no one ever checks up on me, by the time someone does I might be dead.
53. Do you have anything interesting planned for the next week? VIDCON I get to meet Sara Rubin, Ashly Perez, Allison Raskin, Gaby Dunn, Stephanie Frosch, and Bria and Crissy and maybe Simply Nailogical haha
54. Who was the last person to text you?
55. What were you doing 4 hours ago? i dont remember
56. Is there a certain song that you can’t stop listening to atm? Secrets by The Weeknd
57. Tell me 3 things that your friends don’t know about you. well well well I cant say
58. What is something that people often give to you as a gift? honestly nothing
59. Do you tend to hold on to a lot of stuff you don’t need, just because it has sentimental value? yeah then a month later I can get rid of it
60. What is something that reminds you of your ex?
well guess what i havent even dated at all so nop
61. Has the last person you kissed ever cried in your arms? my cat Bub has not cried in my arms
62. Which would you prefer to receive as a gift - flowers or chocolate? chocolate
63. When did you last take a shower/bath? Do you wash your hair every time? I took a shower like 2 hours ago, yeah I was my hair every time.
64. Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? yep
65. Do any of your followers on Tumblr have your phone number? yeahh
66. Will you be going out tonight, or staying in? staying in listening to Alone by halsey because it’s relatable.
67. How many times have you been in love? ONCE and maybe I still am but I need to fix it BECAUSE SOMEONE ISNT GOING TO MY HIGH SCHOOL NEXT YEAR and im going to be so fcked and messed up so pray for me
68. If you were heartbroken, who would help you pick up the pieces? ususally myself of this one friend I have she’s cool and she bacically proved I was bi. No it’s not you olivia sorry dude
69. Apparently, it’s very common to crave chocolate around the ‘time of the month’; do you ever get that craving? no
70. How would you feel about dating someone who had a reputation for being a player in the past? Do you think that players will ALWAYS be players, or is it possible that they can change? I’d give them a chance but idk Ive nvr fcking dated at all so whaat
71. Did you sleep well last night? sure
72. Is your bedroom big enough for you? sure
72. Are you looking forward to seeing someone soon? imexited to see Sara Rubin on Friday because she actually screwed up my love life and I dont even want to get started with that because it’s actually funny but will make me cry.
73. Ever had a one-night stand? nope
74. Is anyone flirting with you? I wish
75. Have you ever felt pressure to do anything you didn’t want to, like smoking, drinking, or losing your virginity, before you were ready for it? If so, how did you deal with that? all the time, like when the teacher tells us to do homework like wth hahahahahahaahaha idk
76. Do you consider yourself to be an intelligent person? Why/why not? no im really stupid and can have absolutely no common sense its actually really funny
77. Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with? Ashley Nicolette Frangipane
78. Is there anyone you’d HATE to be stuck in a lift with? oh my god yeah like the chick who plays Enid in the walking dead, and like my whole school.
79. When did you last talk to the person you love/like? What did you talk about? pff what lemme look... a hour and a half ago ahahahahahah
80. Have you ever seen your father cry? no
81. How would your parents react if you got pregnant? well i dont know because I dont really want kids
82. Do you/did you keep to your school’s uniform/dress code? sure
83. If the last person you kissed said you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them? Bub is a mean cat to my other cats and I wouldnt believe it
84. What was the highlight of your summer? cant rememeber
85. The last time you threw up, was it because you were hungover? idk
86. Have you ever seen the film ‘Wake Wood’? What did you think of it? never heard of it
87. Are you confused about anything atm? Is there anything bothering you? Or, is everything good? some people and their lies
88. If you say ‘I’ve had enough’ or ‘I’m done’, do you always mean it? no haha
89. Who was the last person that invited you to their house? honeslty scammer because I have no other friends
90. Have your parents ever told you about any alternative names they considered for you, or the name they would have chosen, if you’d turned out to be a boy? ASHLEY
91. Are you friends with any of your exes? n/a
92. Have you ever had to make an emergency phone call?
93. If you’re in a relationship, how is it going? If you’re single, are you looking for someone? *cries*
94. What language do you like the sound of? english ;)
95. Think about the last guy, outside of family, that you had a conversation with. Do you find him sexy? ew no wtf
96. What do you think is an assumption that someone could make about you, just by looking at your Tumblr? Would this assumption be correct? idk
97. What’s the most attractive physical feature of the person you love/like? HA I’d rather not write an essay right now
98. Do you consider yourself to be a strong person? Why/why not? .kindaaa?
99. Tell me about a special moment you’ve had with the person you love/like. just convos
100. What are you doing tomorrow? Im going to tahoe
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