#im not related to harry styles but i wish i was because hes a major fucking hottie
void-kill · 1 year
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faggot-friday · 11 months
hello Arrow Dykery Faggot-Friday,
my name is Icarus Luma insta'gram dizzy dizzeners dizziest and i have long blond hair with pink streaks and blue tips that reaches my mid back and sky blue eyes like limpid tears and alot of people tell me i look like enid sinclair (AN: if u dont know who she is get da hell out of here!) im not related to harry styles but i wish i was because hes a major fucking hottie. im an elf but my ears are round and cute i have pale white skin. im also a witch and i go to a school called (name) in (place) where im in (number) grade (im an age). im a girly girl (incase you couldnt tell) and i wear mostly pink. i love hot topic and i buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a pink corset with matching lace around it and a pink leather miniskirt black fishnets and pink combat boots. i was wearing pink lipstick white foundation black eyeliner and pink eyeshadow. i was walking outside of my school. it was sunny and bright and there was sun which i was very happy about. a lot of gays stared at me. i put my middle finger up at them.
this is a work of art
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
100 Questions
it’s long so it’s under the cut, but man was this fun. thanks for the tag @the-most-beautiful-broom ♥ i’ll tag my loves (if you want to haha this is a lot) @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @perhalta @dracovengeance @hedaalicia and @amihanmayari
1. What is your nickname? Bails
2. How old are you? 24
3. What is your birth month? February
4. What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius!
5. What is your favorite color? green (Aw hey linds, same !!) 
6. What’s your lucky number? I was number 8 for marching band every single year (F8 for flute 8) except my junior year, and my junior year we had a shit show, so im calling that. 
7. Do you have any pets? 5 dogs back home in seattle but none where i live now or in NY when i get back
8. Where are you from? everywhere and nowhere. my dads military. but im american! 
9. How tall are you? 5’ 5″
10. What shoe size are you? 7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? A whole lot, but they’re not always all with me. 
12. Are you random? not really. im pretty set in my routines and very comfortably a home body
13. Last person you texted? my best friend @broadwaybound2016
14. Are you psychic in any way? not even a little tbh
15. Last TV show watched? The Bold Type (WATCH IT ITS AMAZING)
16. Favorite movie? I’m not really sure but i just watched Love, Simon and im literally just crying because of it right now so im gonna go with that until further notice
17. Favorite show from your childhood? probably Lizze McGuire
18. Do you want children? Nope
19. Do you want a church wedding? I dont really want to get married
20. What is your religion? agnostic? maybe? im not religious, and not very spiritual. I love spirituality, things like crystals and stuff, but i try not to appropriate those things from groups/cultures who actually use them. I’d love to learn more about them and be someone who actually knew how to practice but, again, i dont want to step on toes culturally and take things that aren’t mine to take
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? a lot! a ton of surgeries on my ears
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? nope, im literally a goody two shoes
23. How is life? lovely
24. Baths or showers? showers!
25. What color socks are you wearing? i dont really wear socks? i like those little half socks. I’m not wearing any rn
26. Have you ever been famous? nope.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? probably. i’d love to have a voice, and if it was for doing something i love, i cant think of anything better than getting to share my passion with the world like that. But it would definitely be a lot of pressure
28. What type of music do you like? i’m into literally anything. I love Hayley Kiyoko, the 1975, big fan of just basic pop like ariana grande and charlie puth, Harry Styles’s album is a masterpiece, Shawn Mendes, 5th Harmony. i love anything.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes!!
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? just two!
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my stomach
32. How big is your house? my house at home is a 5 bedroom 3 bath, my apt in amsterdam rn is just a room in a hotel type place with my own bathroom, and my apt in nyc is a studio
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? i literally hardly ever eat breakfast, but i love a bagel
34. Have you ever left the country? I’m in europe RIGHT NOW! lol
35. Have you ever tried archery? once, i was terrible
36. Do you like anyone? Not right now, but i might want too
37. Favorite swear word? i love the word fuck. it’s got so much you can do with it. i swear like a sailor.
38. When do you fall asleep? ummmmmm? whenever i guess lol 
39. Do you have any scars? A few small ones. a decent one on my knee from falling off my bike when i was 8
40. Sexual orientation? Bisexual
41. Are you a good liar? excellent
42. What languages would you like to learn? ALLLL the languages. I’d love to learn native hawai’ian. i spent my high school years there and the culture is so incredible, and i was so welcomed into it by my friends who were from there, i’d love a chance to really connect too it and try to learn that. 
43. Top 10 songs? Oh boy... im just gonna bullet these because i cant decide the order but this is the general
the way i am - charlie puth
young god - halsey 
rather be - clean bandit
feelings - hayley kiyoko
woman - harry styles 
make me feel - janelle monáe 
six inch heels - beyonce 
get right witcha - migos
my my my - troye sivan 
nice for what - drake 
44. Do you like your country? i’m torn at the moment. I hate tr*mp and everything him and his stand for, but i think america can be a wonderful place. 
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yes!! <3
46. What is your personality type? MBTI: INTP 
47. Hogwarts House? Ravenclaw
48. Can you curl your tongue? yes!
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? I am Hermione and Hermione is me. (also i really relate a lot to Lexa from the 100, which... is interesting. the way she suppresses feelings, her generally logical approach to things, the way she is totally useless around pretty girls.) 
50. Left or right handed? right!
51. Are you scared of spiders? If they’re like, big spiders yes. or if they come out of nowhere. im way more scared of cockroaches tho.
52. Favorite food? For some reason this question has been really hard for me lately? idk. i love a good indian style curry, and tacos? 
53. Favorite foreign food? Indian!
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I’m CLEAN, but im messy. i feel like cleanliness and orderliness have been misconstrued to mean the same thing, but clean is to dirty as orderly is to messy. I’m clean and messy, i am not very orderly, and i am NOT dirty. 
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Experience a walk down the street in a city at night where im not afraid
56. What color underwear? black
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? not too long, but it sometimes takes me a long ass time to pick an outfit 
58. Do you have much of an ego? It’s as big as it should be. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? i suck on them until i can bite them
60. Do you talk to yourself? Constantly.
61. Do you sing to yourself? Hell yeah
62. Are you a good singer? i’m decent but i need another voice to match with. on my own i can’t carry a tune. 
63. Biggest Fears? failure. and heights. 
64. Are you a gossip? I can be, but never about like.. bad things. I like to talk about how this friend or that friend did x y z cool thing but im not like “omg did you hear so and so hooked up with so and so” 
65. Are you a grammar nazi? Not really because i can’t spell for shit
66. Do you have long or short hair? Short-ish? i cut my hair in march of LAST YEAR and then trimmed it again this year and i want it to fucking grow
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? i would definitely forget some
68. Favorite school subject? History
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Pretty introverted. 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nah, im not allowed too for medical reasons
71. What makes you nervous? when I see kids wandering and their parents not noticing (okay im keeping that because me too, but also travelling? like the in-transit part of travel, catching busses/trains/planes makes me panic)
72. Are you scared of the dark? not at all
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? i try not too unless its major. usually its unintentional or the mistake is irrelevant to the flow of the conversation/situation  
74. Are you ticklish? Yes, but i hate being tickled unless its like, my sister or my dad
75. Have you ever started a rumor? No
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? Yes i have lol (linds, ily, we DEFINITELY have been over this already)
77. Have you ever drank underage? a little, but not until i was like 19, and then i was in europe for 6 months, so i didnt REALLY drink underage until i was like... less than 6 months to 21
78. Have you ever done drugs? Pot pretty regularly here in Amsterdam, and i’ve done shrooms
79. What do you fantasize about? getting a beautiful loft in a big city (preferrably london or NYC), with a kick ass job, a dog, and maybe a girlfriend with huge curly hair.
80. How many piercings do you have? Four
81. Can you roll your R’s? Yep!
82. How fast can you type? I just took a little online quiz that said i can type 72 words per minute with 93% accuracy? 
83. How fast can you run? lol I don’t run (same linds... same)
84. What color is your hair? brown!
85. What color are your eyes? Green!
86. What are you allergic to? I’m a bit lactose intolerant and pineapple makes my tongue itch?
87. Do you keep a journal? no, but i wish i did sometimes 
88. Are you depressed about anything? I’m not depressed “about anything”, im just generally someone who experiences a pretty mild case of depression.
89. Do you like your age? Yeah, i dig it.
90. What makes you angry? bigotry, ignorance, and spilling things. I spill drinks constantly, i spilled a WHOLE BOWL OF CEREAL ON MY FLOOR THE OTHER NIGHT.  
91. Do you like your own name? I didn’t used too but i really do now
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? not that i know of
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I don’t want kids. 
94. What talents do you have? i have a pretty great memory, but for random things i dont need 
95. Sun or moon? Moon <3
96. How did you get your name? My dad, he just liked it. My middle name was also my dad, he heard the name Jess on the movie A Man From Snowy River and he thought it was a nice like, nickname/pet name, so he gave me the middle name Ges (pronounced like Jess) with the intent of calling me that (it didnt stick), but he didn’t want anyone to think my middle name was Jessica, so he spelled it Ges.
97. Are you religious? I am not, but i have a lot of respect for the concept of religion, as long as its used for the real purpose, which is to make people feel peace and help people find love and comfort. 
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I have not, but i shold
99. Color of your bedspread? White
100. Color of your room? White, with one black wall 
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theheroofherbook · 7 years
2016 Music Madness
Super super overdue but again I wanted to commemorate another good year in music and I definitely think there are some fantastic songs out there despite all the viral ones that only became famous because of challenges-memes. For those who read last year’s list you’d also notice I added new categories (signposted as ‘new’). Hope everyone will try to check out these songs just to get out of your comfort zone but also so that we can discuss them (and fangirl over the artists(!!))
Album of the Year Carly Rae Jensen - Side B
This was a tough one. I’m super biased because I almost awarded Emotion AotY in 2015 but it was beaten by Adele’s later release of 25. This year I was still happily listening to the songs in Emotion but around March Carly released the *songs that didn’t make the cut/didn’t make it to Emotion* and I was so f@*%ing ecstatic because I wanted more of her 80s synth-pop songs. Will be discussing my faves from Side B below.
The reason it was tough was because I also just discovered Alessia Cara’s Know-It-All (released late 2015) in 2016 and I really really like her songs too (pun intended). She is so refreshing not just with her non-pretentious MVs but it’s the first time since Taylor, Adele and Carly that I truly thought the lyrics were great and relatable and were written by a true artist (or maybe I’ve just not tried to discover that many artists in a hot minute). So I’m giving Know-It-All the runner-up award to Best Album of 2016 (even though technically it’s a 2015 album).
Best Comeback - None I can think of/that is notable
Most Surprising Album (in a good way) - Troye Sivan’s Blue Nieighbourhood and Charlie Puth’s Nine Track Mind
Don’t wish to belabor this but I just find it a recurring experience of mine that the first single off any album I almost always am annoyed by. Just like when I initially thought Adele’s Hello was annoyingly sombre when it first came out (because she said it was kind of a ‘revival’ album–of her coming to terms with everything that’s happened in her life so far, so I wasn’t expecting Hello to be the first single off 25, was expecting something more upbeat and revival-y). Anyhoo, Youth from Blue Neighbourhood and Marvin Gaye from Nine Track Mind annoyed the f%@# out of me too initially. Probably because they were always on the radio but I guess like Hello they were songs that just grew on you more than anything. And for the record I understand why the song was named Marvin Gaye but my goodness if he was gonna name a song after a classic artist I feel that the song should’ve at least channeled the artist’s style at the very least? It happened that it was only alluding to the mood that Marvin Gaye songs put people in which is such a waste because Marvin Gaye was a true thespian and master of his craft (listen to What’s Going On and you’ll know what I mean).
Fave New Artist (New) Zara Larsson
People are calling her the ‘White Rihanna’ which I think is unfair because although there are similarities in their music Rihanna is such a queen in her genre and Zara is just starting out (she’s only 19!! Omg I feel so unaccomplished) but I have confidence that this girl is gonna go far (not to say she’ll be Taylor Swift big but I think we haven’t seen much of her yet/she’s only just begun).
fave songs of 2016 (in no particular order) Carly Rae Jensen - Fever, Higher and Store Alessia Cara - I’m yours, Scars to your Beautiful and Overdose Troye Sivan- Wild (ft. Alessia Cara) and Heaven (ft. Betty Who) Charlie Puth - We Don’t Talk Anymore (ft. Selena Gomez), Marvin Gaye (ft. Meghan Trainor) Zara Larsson - Ain’t My Fault and I Would Like Flume - Never Be Like You Michael Posner - I took a pill in Ibiza James Arthur - Say You Won’t Let Go Little Mix - Shoutout to My Ex The Weeknd - I Feel It Coming Maroon 5 - I Dont Wanna Know Drake - One Dance and Too Good (ft. Rihanna) Middle - DJ Snake Chainsmokers - Closer (ft. Halsey) Cashmere Cat - Trust Nobody (ft. Selena Gomez) DNCE - Body Moves Neikd - Sexual Léon - Treasure Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna - This is what you came for
Honorable Mentions Chainsmokers - All We Know and Dont Let Me Down Charlie Puth - Dangerously Meghan Trainor - No Shawn Mendez - Treat You Better and Mercy Flume - Say It (ft. Tove Lo) The Veronicas - On Your Side The Weeknd - Starboy Demi Lovato - body Say Jonas Blue ft. JP Cooper - Perfect Strangers DNCE - Toothbrush Léon - Tired of Talking (remix) Jonas Blue - By Your Side Bad things - Machine gun Kelly ft. Camilla Cabello
DJ Snake ft. justin Bieber - Let Me Love You
Most Overrated Song (New) Side to Side - Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj
Im a fan of both artists (don’t judge but yes I listen to Nicki from time to time) but I just couldn’t with this song. I don’t know what the hype is all about.
Most Disappointing Song Release/Collaboration (New) Cold Water - Major Lazer and Justin Bieber
I enjoy some of Major Lazer's songs and as you know I selected Justin as best comeback of 2015 but even though this song went into the top 10 charts I was still disappointed. Not their best work tbh.
Artist with Potential (but needs to tweak his/her current Sound - New) Bebe Rexha - trying too hard to be edgy but I think she’ll shine with more ballads (In the Name of Love ft. G-Eazy was pretty good)
Annoying (but still OK) Can’t stop the feeling - Justin Timberlake Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd
When Trolls came out, this. song. Was. Everywhere. All. The. Damned. Time. Black Beatles was slightly better because I didn’t mind it with the mannequin challenge–but really it was everywhere too😅 #annoyingaf
Best Animated Movie Song (New) How Far I’ll Go - both Auli'i Cravalho and Alessia Cara versions
Shoutout to Disney for finally getting a Pacific Islander Princess. Some problematic Orientalisms and slight cultural appropriation aside, I’m letting it slide because wtf at least Disney is trying and we all know diversity has to start somewhere. Moana was a good first step and as a Pacific Islander myself I really dont mind it. First time ever that I can 100% fully relate to a Disney Princess even down to the overprotective parents and amazing grandma😭😂😝 I cried watching. Twice (or maybe thrice oops).
Most Annoying Song (shouldn’t have been made) Juju on the Beat - Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall
Read up on this because it was such a WTF Song moment and what I found out was that these were two middle school boys who wanted to go viral on the internet. Yes, boys. Yes, because they wanted to be viral. Go figure why this song sucks 🙃
Album I recognise as a work of art but I just can’t get on the bandwagon (New) Lemonade - Beyoncé (maybe it’ll grow on me too but atm I still can’t and please don’t hate me I’m just being honest)
Indie Music I couldn’t stop listening to (New) A Place You Like - ISLAND Her and Drive - Glades Wake Up Where You Are - State of Sound
Spotify playlist most played (New) Today’s Top Hits Quiet Evening Throwback Thursday
Oldies but goodies/Old Songs I like and rediscovered in 2016 (New) Just the Way You Are - Billy Joel Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
Notable Cover Songs Shane Ericks - the Carpenter’s You cover and Love Me for What I Am cover Citizen Four - I Feel it Coming cover and Black Beatles cover (with Kurt Hugo Schneider) Alex Aiono and William Singe - Black Beatles and Confessions mashup Harvey and Samantha Harvey - We Don’t Talk Anymore and Perfect Strangers mashup Alex G and Sam Tsui - We Don’t Talk Anymore and I Don’t Wanna Know mashup The Three of Us - Middle cover Jonas Blue - Fast Car cover
The Good Riddance Award (New) Fifth Harmony - for axe-ing Camilla Cabello because she was so antithetical to the idea of a 5th harmony. She was always a diva (music-wise in that she ALWAYS sticks out and doesn’t even try to blend with the rest). I’m kinda over her tbh and that’s not to say I don’t think she’s good. I do think she’s a great singer. She just was never a girl-group player.
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