#im not saying han and leia is like... problematic
fandomsandfeminism · 2 years
Can I just point out that-
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Solo supposedly takes place 1 year before Obi Wan.
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Which really emphasizes the...weirdness of this age gap.
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Keeping in mind that Harrison Ford was 35 and Carrie Fisher was 21 here when they *actually had a relationship.* so I think the characters in- universe age gap is actually...smaller than the actors real world age gap 🤷‍♀️.
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carterashofficial · 7 years
Just curious: What do you think about Kyle Ren/Rey in a romantic pairing? Don’t worry, I won’t give you hate either way, I was just wondering your thoughts because I’m undecided on how I feel about it myself.
Let me preface this by saying that I know there’s problematic stuff with this ship. like really a whole lot of problematic stuff.
tbh i wasn’t a fan of it after The Force Awakens because I was more Finn/Rey and I wasn’t impressed with Kylo’s immature fits and tween demeanor (and... he killed Han... my favorite character). 
But like in The Last Jedi... i just... you see the struggle in him. the angst. the character development. there’s a gentler side to him during the force-skype calls and his admitting he’s a monster with such conviction just... that fucked me up. Reminded me of some personal stuff that i was going through in high school. Even Rey looked slightly taken aback with him declaring that. And the true monster is snoke. he preyed on a lonely and vunerable kid at the Jedi training thing and has been twisting Kylo/Ben since then.
Rey “stop holding my hand” in Ep 7 now reaching out because someone understands her loneliness. Ben/Kylo probably having human contact for the first time in years.
I just...
I ship it. So much. (also the infamous thigh grab during the fight scene gave me life. and the shirtless scene)
There’s nothing wrong with being undecided. This is Star Wars and someone’s probably related to someone else. My uncle hardcore shipped Luke/Leia back in the day, before Ep 6 came out and shattered that like the Death Star hit it. And you don’t have to ship something. If you’re not sure, that’s fine. there’s plenty of ships im undecided on (i.e.: finn and rose, just because it felt sudden at the end, as adorable at it was).
And if someone, anyone is going to come into my inbox and send me hate for this( because I know the reylo ship is a giant minefield); let me just add that this is a movie and of no consequence. These people aren’t real people. they’re characters. In a space-opera. let me stick to my little homestead on the internet and be happy.
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emobatsy · 7 years
I saw a post that said kylo fans were all old Loki fans and I'm like hmmm what does robin think of this
however, me, a known loki stan absolutely despises kyle ron
idk? i cant rlly assess it bc i dont follow any hardcore kylo ren fans so i cant assess their behaviour. idk if they went into the craze also abt the actor cuz tbh, loki fan stuff was a LOT abt hiddleston back in the early thor/avengers days.
this is a weird thing to think about!
like the environments were so different? barely anyone was critical of the marvel movies (or anything they enjoyed tbh) back then and now its problematic city on here.
i do know quite some people who went out of tfa like “cool until he took the helmet off, then a bit bland, cant tell from this movie alone” and i think thats mainly due to the fact that indeed, he wasnt a major character in this movie. its more comparable to avengers loki where hes the villain but not the main character (which is tony, steve, etc vs rey) BUT !! you have the advantage of KNOWING thor beforehand. where he definitely was a main character and not solely painted as the villain but with background story agency… which…. we are lacking for kylo ren so far. what do we know abt him? killed his dad, ran away from home, is now a homicidal mass murderer…
and tbh…. loki killed a shit ton of ppl in avengers as well by letting the Alien Army in, but you know his backstory and the kind of way he was just trying to get some agency that he (to an extent rightfully) didnt get at home? whereas kylo ren from what we’ve seen just threw a giant temper tantrum, ran away from home first chance he got and continued to be a pissbaby ever since. we dont have a compelling backstory!
loki tried and meant well, which is something… from what ive seen in tfa… i cant say for kylo.
and im not talking fan interpretations, novelizations or cast interviews here. just the source material. im not even touching on comic loki for this bc most of the mcu loki stans never ended up reading comic loki.
and honestly? off the top of my head i can name a handful of redeeming qualities about movie loki alone, whereas the only thing i can think of for kylo is that he wanted to be loved and acknowledged? which fair. but his way of doing it aint exactly the way u could attempt it. at least loki like… u kno he was being /fairly/ reasonable with letting the jotuns into asgard to prove a point, he was a drama queen (both of em are) but he genuinely tried to not put the focus on how great HE was but that the he thought the others (thor, odin etc) were flawed and this was the only way they’d listen
from what i can tell? kylo ren was loved at home and listened to and well taken care off. you see the sheer love both han and leia have for him eVEN after all hes done. which is a stark contrast to how odin views loki post avengers u kno
its just
i get the comparison of being into the dark haired murdering misunderstood villain type but their stories are…. differently nuanced for me to support this
idk abt u, but i have a proper backstory on loki and can therefore feel with him, u truly feel bad for the kid when he discovers what he’s been lied to abt and frankly odin doesnt deserve a dad of the year award (for either of the kids).
and then kylo whos cruel, torturing the main protagonist bc he (figuratively speaking) didnt get a second serving of ice cream at home? wild.
so uh yeah, i am not sure that if tfa had come out even the same year as avengers i wouldve liked kylo then, bc from the first moment on he wasnt in any way positive and just… got worse.
and theres a fine line between temper tantrums and genuinely founded emotional upset.
if old loki fans are kylo stans now they either a) project a lot of loki(’s relatability) onto kylo, and/or b) lowered their fuckin standards to hell and back
personally, from what ive seen, there IS a great deal of woobification of both villains and on the surface - yea maybe. but those kylo stans will also mostly chill out once we stopped getting movies of him for a while u kno. like loki stans moved on to other marvel stuff or tv shows or things, only a few rlly got ‘stuck’ in a sense. and i think that thatll happen to those who are hardcore emotional die hard kylo fans after tfa will mostly fade into other stuff as well.
new content to obsess over is put out so quickly that u gotta wait for it all to die down a bit. and honestly? those who still stan loki are more of the “yeah he did some dumb shit but hes a good character” back from the thor/avengers days which was like…. 5 years ago at LEAST. 
tfa is 2 years old and i expect to see smthn similar happen.
but i really do not see any of the giant mass worship flood that happened with loki/hiddleston, but maybe thats just me. i think its much more subdued and less people and uh…
tl;dr. if there are old loki fans who are now kylo fans, its probably on a superficial level and based on misunderstandings of character and make believe. i dont think their impact on the overall fandom (marvel/star wars) is even comparable. who /wasn’t/ a loki stan back in 2012? and now, who /is/ a kylo stan.
but thats just my speculation so uh
as an old loki fan
fuck off kyle ron
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piratekenway · 7 years
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