#im not saying im phycic cause that's in farytails and not possible but the stronger compassion brain bits makes more sence to me
crypticroyals · 1 year
I always found it strange why some people always said things like "oh yeah I'm an empath! you're aura is bad"
Um, that's not how that works.
An empath scientifically speaking is basically:
Scientists found special group of brain cells that specialize compassion. Basically an empath is just stronger brain bits that pick up other people's moods way easier. The cells allow us to mirror emotions of others we see and such. Which is why if you have a galfriend sobbing over a breakup you might feel a bit sad too. An empath would potentially also cry cause the cells are stronger. The brain is weird and makes us weird and that's what's fun about humanity.
There's different types of empaths too. They're not really "types" but more like, one person stubs their right toe and you feel it vaguely or strongly on your own toe.(this one is fucking weird. Might do more research on it and make another post about it) and another which I think I have but could be totally wrong is something called an intuitive empath. Why it's called "intuitive" I have no god damn clue but it's basically like before (brain bits) and they pick up other people's brain bits. Cause everything is ✨hormones✨ this is why some animals can "smell fear" aka they pick up chemical cues. Research doesn't say intuitive empaths smell shit but they can be like "hey what's wrong?" When the person is neutral cause they "sense" they're upset.
However some places are just "ohhh they're Physic" no. We're not phycic. We're just strong brain bits. Some more so than others. We're not some fantasy superpower.
Edit: I almost forgot. The mirror neurons brain bits is in the bit of the brain called the anterior insular cortex
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