#im not saying till doesn't care about Ivan because i honestly believe that he does
shakingparadigm · 3 months
Something that I think about until my brain hurts is how "perfect" Ivan is. He's surrounded by peers who look up to him and are even jealous or intimidated by him in the garden, he's a top student and so trusted by the aliens that he doesn't even have to wear a collar or chip. He's mature and intelligent for his age, he's incredibly handsome, physically fit, charming and interactive with his fanbase, supported by his wealthy alien parent and the countless brands that want to sponsor him. He's voted NUMBER 1 in fandom popularity, for gods sake. All of this fortune and he's still miserable because he will never have the one person he based his whole life around. And it kills me btw!!!! Till is such an integral part of Ivan's life, yet Ivan didn't show up in Till's song at all, didn't show up in his core memories ONCE.
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