#im not superstitious but starting the new year with covid doesnt seem like a good sign
princessozera · 3 years
Mammon taking care of MC when they're sick
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Warnings: illness
GN!MC (they/them, 2nd ppov)
Word count: 716
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Ignores Lucifer's orders to leave you alone in quarantine and breaks in the second Lucifer isn't paying attention.
"Don't worry MC! Remember, we're demons we don't get sick as easily as you do so I'll make sure you get all bet-"
He got sick too.
Now you're both in quarantine.
He'll definitely ask to stay in your room with you; and he makes good points in his defense. His room is large and always cold, it'd be easier for him to get sick like that, have some compassion MC! Also, keeping the illness to one corner of the house will help keep the spread to a minimum. You already have a separate bathroom and he has a second toothbrush there so it'll be no big deal, he just needs one of his brothers to bring him clean clothes every few days.
He'll understand if you'd rather be alone, so he returns to his room, but seeing as he doesn't have to go to school either, be ready for him to blow up your phone day in and day out. He'll get worried when you don't respond to him for long periods of time- he knows that fatigue could keep you knocked out for almost an entire day so he'll try to stay reasonable, but if you miss more than 20 texts from him, expect a phone call the second you're awake.
Even now with both of you sniffling and coughing a little, he likes falling asleep over the phone with you. If he still awake, he tries to stay on for as long as possible to make sure you're okay, even if his phone becomes hot to the touch.
Will try to keep you entertained to distract you from the worse of your symptoms, syncing up and watching a movie together if your headache is acting up, or if you're feeling better, a videogame marathon that the others can join in on too.
Will feel a little guilty if he gets better before you do.
If you do let Mammon stay in your room with you he is you're live in nurse. Kind of. He does his best but he's sick too and while he'd normally play it up to get you to coddle him, he didn't want to burden you even more.
You're both unconscious for most of the day and end up taking turns caring for each other when you are awake.
Mammon doesn't know much about humans or illness so he'll ask Satan for advice, mostly resorting to checking your temperature while your asleep and wiping off your forehead with cold water when you start to feel feverish.
He gets worried when he notices how many meals you skipped, ignoring your accusations when you say that he hasn't been eating either. So a mutual compromise, anytime the both of you were awake at the same time, you had to snack on something. While the other brothers were being a bit hard-ass on only eating healthy foods to get better faster, Mammon knew that it was easier said than done sometimes. So if the soup with mushy vegetables wasn't appetizing today, he'd swap it
"Are you sure this is okay?"
"You just need food in your stomach to take the medicine MC, last time I checked, bat chips and a little bit of soda absolutely count as food."
Mammon normally hates that he wakes up easily when he's sick, but is grateful for it now that he's heard your coughing. He gets worried when he hears you start coughing- choking- in your sleep. He pulls you up immediately, slapping you on the back, and doesn't go to sleep until he is sure you're okay or his exhaustion wins out.
Delirious talks at 2 am, feverish and sprawled on the cold stone floor, only your fingertips touching as he tells you old stories about his brothers and RAD, and you tell him about old injuries and friends lost to time.
Making increasingly petty demands of his brother just to see what you could get away with. You manage to get an entire snack cart, 4 entire new manga series, coloring books and crayons, and even get them to drag Mammon's couch to your room before they realize you're messing with them.
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