#im not tagging phan but it doesn't really matter because its mentioned in the post... oh well
kayluh1915 · 7 years
Who else do ship besides ianthony and phan on YouTube??
I do not ship Phan. I have nothing against the people who do, but I personally just don’t see anything there that could indicate a relationship between the two of them. I do love to watch Dan and Phil, but I do not ship them as a couple nor do I post about them.
However, besides Ianthony, I do have two other ships I REALLY enjoy. One being Victuuri from Yuri!!! On Ice because… they’re fucking perfect and are CANON. You can’t NOT ship them! It’s impossible! The other one is what I call my “secret ship” and it’s one that I don’t reveal to the public. ;)
And that’s literally all my ships. xD I don’t like to explore. I much prefer to be complacent and dedicate myself to very few ships instead of exploring for others. So… yeah. xD
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