#im not that strong i would have flung myself into the sea
thru-ur-alarms · 8 months
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lorenzini venigni + remembrance; a web-weave.
venigni's line - lies of p - image by mashkara45 || edgarjaysongejon647 - under 'he will never wake up' on youtube || ryan o'connell - image by fromdarzaitoleeza || sophie anderson - after the earthquake (1884) || nine - sleeping at last || cold is the night - the oh hellos
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
All i ask of you
Julian devorak x reader
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Summary: after a couple years you stumble across a liar from your past
Yup im trying to write again slowly but surly im making progress and went through not one not two but five story ideas before i settled on this so enjoy!
Warning: none/ angsty?/ also really bad
Song: "All I Ask of you" from The Phantom of the opera
Also all blame goes to @asylummint for this new hyperfixation
The night wasn't all that dark thanks to the full moon over head making your job a lot easier. Swinging from your ship to the one you and your crew men had sailed close to in the night with almost little to no sound as you landed on deck two of your men followed after.
The lot of you slipt up in search of materials and goods to bring aboard your own ship.
"I'm sure you where quite a good fellow."
You tensed at the voice that apperd behind you. "And thats why its such a same i have to throw you over board." You huffed as the voice poked you in the back with a sword. "Now get up." You followed orders but once fully upright quickly spun around punching the man square in the jaw and kicked his legs out from under him.
He landed with a hard thud letting his sword skid across the floor boards. "Lucky for you you won't have the pleaser of doing so."
The man scowled holding his jaw whrn looking up at you and froze. "You...you cut your hair?..." He asked with a smug smile.
You looked at the man with the same awe struck expression before it twisted into anger. "Bastard!" His eyes widened and he quickly rolled away from you as you brought your sword down to slash him. He grabbed his sword in time to block your second attack. "Y/n, please! Lets talk!"
You growled disarming him again this time enough to send his weapon over the edge of the ship. "Talk? Really? After what you did? You know they have a bounty on your head back in Vesuvia, i ought to turn you in!" He crawled back on his elbows as you advanced twoards him.
He stopped moving feeling his back hit two pairs of strong legs. He looked up meeting the angry faces of your crew men. "Take him!" You barked at the men.
"No! No! Stop! Y/n!" Both men grabbed his arms and carried him off the ship twoards your own. He looked back at you pleadingly but you only scowled in return.
"Julian!" You jumped from your seat in your bedroom quickly as the red haired man stumbled through the window.
"Y/n, Darling!" He beamed after landing on the floor. "What are you doing!? How did you even manage to-"
"A man in love has his ways." He replied cheekily as you pulled him up from the floor. You only laughed making his face flush.
Julian and the rest of the crew he managed to become part of landed on your island in search of "a place to lay low and find riches." As julian put it.
But within the first hour he managed to get himself into trouble and ran into at the local bar.
After the trouble passed he stuck around he told you to many stories to count and learned about yourself and ended up loving you more than he expected.
Since then he's been around you a lot managing to run into you unexpectedly or even, now crawl through your window on your ship.
"So tell me more about being i pirate! What can i expect." You said excitedly sitting close to him on the bed. He laughed lightly and began to tell you all about his adventures.
The sun beat down on his face through the metal grate above him and he jumped back with a start when it creeked open and slammed against the deck above. "Rise and shine princess, captain's here to see ya!"
He looked up some what hopefullly at you once you appered abobe him. "Keep our course for Vesuvia while i talk to him." You ordered the man who opened the grate.
Upon julians hearing you say that his somewhat hopeful look faded, but he didn't let that show.
"You know this place is just how i remeber it." You slid down the rope latter and faced him with an unimpressed look. "And might i say you my dear are looking as beautiful as the la...well as ever, and what about dear old dad? Will he be joining us anytime soon?"
"He's dead." You said flatly and that seemed to shut him up. "Im...im...sorry to hear..."
"Don't be when he died i learned he left this beauty to me so i searched the city for the toughest group of people i could find and...well we are here. Im the pirate princess! The most feared woman in all the seven seas!"
He frowned he had heard stories of the pirate princess, the daring lady he just didn't expect you. "Well at least you got what you wanted..."
"Yes. I did." He couldn't bring himself to look at you, across your face sat the most hatefilled, disappinted look he had ever seen on anyones face it just hurt him more coming from you. But he knew he was in the wrong.
"Y/n you have to let me go...i can't go back to vesuvia they'll have me hanged!"
"And rightfully so! You should be punisjed for what you've done! Not just to me but to everyone back on the island! To my father!" You hissed.
"No just hear me out! The count...i...i..don't remeber what happend! And...and as for you i can explain!"
"Explain what, devorak? If i sat here and listened to you i wouldn't be able to tell if what you where telling me is true or not!"
He winced. "Please! What will it take for you to listen to me!?....i know! My coat pocket! Look in there, look in there and maybe you'll listen. Just please listen y/n...that's all I ask of you!" You rolled your eyes and moved up the latter. "We are to land in vesuvia tomorrow evening...start preparing a farewell speach."
He looked up at you eyes widen with fear and disapoimtment as the gate slammed shut. "Y/n!...y/n!"
Three maybe more months you had both lost track of time and you both lied on the floor of the deck on your fathers ship looking up at the stars. The night was warm, the sky was clear, you where happy thats all julian wanted.
Something seemed to bother you and you sat up. "Whats the matter?"
"What if...what if you leave me-"
"Y/n i would-"
"Ilya...just hear me out...you came with a crew who was more than glad to take you in...when they have to leave you'll go too...and what if i end up just like my father? Afraid to ever leave the docks, to actually set sail? Ilya when im with you-"
"You trust me?" You stopped and looked at him quizically. "Yes."
"So why don't we run away together? Me and you, our own ship, the most daring pirate duo on all the seven seas! What do you think?"
You seemed to light up at the idea. "You mean it?"
"I do! Just say you'll share with me one love, one life time..." He stood up pulling you with him.
"Just say the words and I'll follow you."
"Share each day with me,each night, each morning..." He spun you around earning a playfull giggle from you before kneeling down infront of you.
"Say you love me!" He said before pulling a small ring from his coat pocket. You gaped and smiled.
"Julian, you know i do!" He grinned and placed the ring on your finger before scooping you into a hug and spinning you around.
"Anywhere you go! Let me go too!...Julian, that's all i ask of you." He smiled and kissed you deeply. "Of course!"
"So what would we name our ship?" You asked looking up at him in admaration, He thought for a moment.
"How about esprit libre or the free spirit?"
"I love it!' you said giddily kissing him again.
You stared at the palm of your hand in awe looking at the ring you had inturn given him the same night. You grinded your teeth and headed back to deck.
"Captain is everything-"
"Open the cell i need to talk to Devorak." With haste on of the crew men unlocked the cell pit and flung it open, and without a second thought you jumped down. "What the hell is this supposed to mean!?" You yelled holding up the ring.
He lit up scrambaling twoards you. "It means I didn't just blindly abandon you! After i left i held on because i had no choice but to leave you!"
"You promised!"
"I also promised myself i wouldn't let anything happen to you!" It was your turn to now be taken aback and confused.
"Devorak, there you are!" Julian froze at the voice of his captain. "Captain! Sir!"
He turned and faced the man who had an evil, twisted smirk on his face. "I've been looking for ya!"
"You have?"
"Ey, some of the men say you found the restin spot of one of the wealthiest pirates of our time."
Julian felt his blood run cold.
"Is that so...well i don't know where they would have gotten that id-" captain shibed him into a wall knocking the wind from him.
"Don't play dumb with me boy! I know about your little princess there and i have about three men with a close eye on her so where. Is. The. Ship?"
Julian swallowed thickly. "I'll show you, but leave her out of this." The captain gave a thoothy grin. "Leade the way.
"If i didn't you might not have been here now...and i would have been the one to blame..."
"And then?"
"Well after they robbed what they could that night from everyone in the city they dragged me back to the ship, no choice in the matter...no goodbye...i lost you that night to keep you safe."
You stared at him. Wanting to say something but not knowing what.
"Captain! Vesuvia just ahead!" You looked up at the man and nodded then to julian worried. "Ilya!...i...I'll have them turn around-"
His heart hopped into his throat at the nickname you once called him. "Y/n no!" He attempted to move and grab you but failed to his ristrans.
"If we don't-"
"I can hide out vesuvia is a larg city!" You looked at him before an idea struck. "Very well but i can't let my men think i've gone soft...i'll have to escort you in." He nodded.
"Then we can have a proper goodbye."
The ship landed kn the docks and you held julian by the arm, his hands tied behind his back. You turned to your second in command and whispered something to him before carrying julian into the city.
You both stopped far enough from the docks but not to deep into the city where people would be watching. You freed him and looked at eachother. "I guess this is fairwell...the proper way." He stuck out his hand for you to shake. You took it and pulled him into a hug.
"Please like i would let you go again?" He pulled away and looked at you baffled. "But the ship-"
You waved it off "i told them some lie they are already halc way out to sea by now...besides i've done about everything a pirate can...we can start over here."
He smiled and quickly cupped your cheeks kissing you.
"Anywhere you go, let me go too...Thats all I ask of you..."
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thetravelerwrites · 5 years
Monster Match #9
The Traveler's Masterlist
For @glitteryclodpeachdonkey​: “Hi! I am straight and go by the pronouns she/her. If I were to describe myself I would have to say im an introvert until I get to know someone. I used to be bullied a lot for being too hyper active and loud and so it lead to me being more introverted. I am head strong and am often the "mom" friend of the group because I tend to take care of other people. I have always been one to try not hide who I am and stand up for people when they are being bullied or put down. I love to laugh and have a love for memes, horrible puns and dad jokes. I love the ocean and it is my favorite place to go when I am feeling overwhelmed. And have a drive to work with animals and kids :).
I tend to like men that are funny and kind. I love guys who are okay with getting muddy while playing football or soccer. And I would love someone who likes to travel since I love traveling!! Having someone who loves kids and can be like my best friend is crucial to me but I also want someone who is understanding and mature enough to have an adult conversation.
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You’ve been matched with a selkie!
You were sitting on the dock near a cottage on a remote island near Ireland, looking out over the expanse of water and listening to the waves rush to the shore. It had cost a pretty penny, but you’d been saving up for this trip years. Silence, solitude, and the sea.
The ferryman who’d brought you here left a pail of fish with you, saying that this island was a popular waypoint for seals. Excited by the thought, you’d sat on the pier every morning, hoping to see some. Three days had passed, but you hadn’t seen any yet.
Just as you were getting up to make yourself some lunch, you heard a chirping from the water. Turning, you saw a large gray head bobbing in the water, squeaking at you, blinking its huge brown eyes.
“Oh, my god, you are the cutest!” You cooed. You reached back for the bucket of fish and flung one out, immediately caught by the silky guest. It swam up close, almost touching your foot dangling in the water, and you held your breath as you reached down to pat its head. You squealed internally. It was so soft!
After several awesome minutes in which you hand-fed a live seal, which was probably the best moments of your entire life, you stood.
“Well, time to get me some grub,” You told them. “It was nice to meet you!”
But as you turned, your sandal caught on a loose board and you fell forward, knocking your head against the post and sending you careening into the water. It was so cold that it sucked the breath out of your body.
Before you realized it, you were in the cottage, and a young man was staring down at you with huge brown eyes.
“You know, you have legs all the time, you should know how to use them better than me,” He said, smirking. He was gently touching the bruise on your head.
It was only then did you look at the rest of him and realize he was naked, with a large gray fur slung over his shoulder.
“You… you’re…” You tried to speak, but the shock of realization and the bump on your head was making speech difficult.
“Seal-folk?” The man said with a playful grin. “Guilty. I didn’t realize someone had moved in to the cottage.”
“Oh, I’m just on vacation,” You said. “I haven’t moved in.”
His head tilted, but his smile stayed in place. “That’s a shame.”
You didn’t know if it was the bump on your head, or the warmth of his eyes, or the playful lilt of his voice, but you leaned forward and kissed him.
He didn’t seem put-off by it, in fact he pressed against you, slipping his tongue into your mouth, and laid you down on the couch, his hand coming up to brush across your breast over your wet shirt.
You stripped down and led him to the cottage’s bedroom, and he made love to you, sometimes slowly, sometimes like an animal in heat. Even after it was over, you were still hungry for him. He also seemed to have an insatiable need for you.
He stayed with you for the remaining days, but he had to return to the sea, so he kissed you, slipped on his pelt, and disappeared, leaving you feeling satisfied but wistful.
That is, until you took the ferry back to the mainland two days later and saw a familiar set of eyes in the water behind the boat, following you.
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To get your own Monster Match, buy me a Kofi!
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Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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