#im not too sure whats gojng on with these two
doodlesdreaming · 6 months
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So uhhh.....do these two have a ship name or......
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call-sign-shark · 10 months
(Also another thing on why I haven’t been able to send any asks as much was because life has been kicking my ass lately and sometimes just seeing your works helped me get through some tough times. Also ps.
I got Covid 🤠 and got sick a couple of weeks after thanksgiving while also being on my period and suffering from a lot of stuff but I would like to say thanks so much for being one of the people to help me through the times I was going through because your work keeps me entertained whenever I feel bored)
Bravo 👏 shark 🦈 you deserve several nominations for this amazing writing and you have shown time and time again that no matter the circumstances and trials and tribulations, you continue to pump out works that I could only dream of making and posting for the world to see.
What was those creepy fics about being cannibals heaven and auther I mean and I thought nick was bad 😭 I was so scared I had to go hug my mom for 5 minutes 😭😭😭😭😭
Also I wanted to take this small moment to say you are beautiful and phenomenal because of what you done and just how amazing you would be in general to probably meet someday. But I digress
(Pictures at the bottom)
(Me when I can’t wait to see heavens heart break when she finds out that auther is dead) I can’t wait and I might maybe listen to some even more sad music because I don’t feel depressed enough 😝
But yeah thanks for coming to my red talk and I hope you have a merry Christmas 🎁🎄
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THE SHIA INTRO. I’m laughing sm.
Welcome back Jovin, I think you can’t imagine the smile you’ve put on my face when I saw that you posted a new episode of Red Talks in my inbox.
1) I Hope you’re feeling better right now, COVID and periods is such a shitty combination. That must have been extra painful, babe. You’re super brave for going through it. Also Im sending love and positive vibes for your life, hoping things will settle down soon. I am honored my works helped you a little bit during this harsh period of your life.
2) Thank you so so much for your nice compliment about the next chapter of Heaven in Your Eyes. I’m so relieved it’s out after almost two months of struggle! I surely don’t deserve your heartwarming compliment about my writings, but thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart. You and the other mutuals are what motivates me. You sincerely help me too. 🖤 And pretty sure you are a fantastic person too, would love to chat around a coffee with you.
3) LMAO!! Sorry for traumatizing your with The Woods Whisper. And to think it was supposed to be far more graphic and disturbing than it already is! This is a AU I’m super proud of even thought it isn’t popular. (Still have to reply to comment though, but I didn’t cause I posted it when my anxiety was at its worst IRL)
4) And finally, your dream of watching Heaven’s breaking at Arthur’s death will soon come true… My advice is to already prep the saddest playlist you can find. 😈
Arthur is unhappy tho
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koroart · 3 years
For your Tobirama raises Naruto AU, where’s Tsunade in all of it?
Okay this ask has been sitting in my inbox forever because my ADHD ass forgot BUT I FINALLY remembered SO HERE IT GOES!! Hope you’re ready for some feels.
Tsunade is still very much in this!! However ! Because I like family drama, she isn’t in the village in the beginning. Why? Because she and Tobirama weren’t on speaking terms due to a bad row they had a few years back.
It happened some time after Dan’s death and Tsunade, already at her limit and grieving at not only so many losses but just being tired of war in general, began to get disillusioned by the image and what the Hokage represented. Mito was still alive when around this time and she tried comforting her granddaughter but Tsunade wouldn’t hear any of it, even so far as snapping at her grandmother. Tobirama had overheard and he intervened , which led to him and Tsunade arguing.
In her anger and grief combined they exploded into harsh words that came out of her mouth, insulting the village, the title of Hokage and even gojng as far as insulting her grandfather and Tobirama himself, calling them jokes. Tobirama wouldn’t stand by and let her insult his brother and everything they had worked hard to build for and in a cold manner of tone— he told her to leave. If she was so sick and tired of everything the village stood for, then she should just leave.
And she did.
Tobirama had never regretting something so much in his life after everything died down.
Tsunade would eventually come to regret that argument too but at that point she had been gone from the village, she masks that shame under anger and says she will never apologize but we all know both of them are too stubborn to step up first.
I’m still trying to figure out how she would return to the village but I’m thinking maybe?? after the Konoha crush arc or most likely something before ( I tend to be everywhere in the timeline with my hcs with this au ) where they probably needed her experience and skill back in Konoha ( i stated that Minato and Tobirama don’t get together until Naruto is 9 or 10 so I’m trying to be consistent here ) . At first they asked Tobirama to go and seek her out seeing how they’re family but he said it was probably best he didn’t, because he’s pretty sure Tsunade doesn’t want to see him, even after all these years.
Jiraiya brings her back eventually but Damn do she and Tobirama avoid each other like the plague.
Tobirama is certain she doesn’t want to see him and she’s pretty sure he’s still angry at her, after all , her uncle can hold grudges .
Eventually it’s Minato who encourages Tobirama to take that first step to mend their bond and be a family again ( this is before they’re together , okay I think I figured it out ) and Tobirama would sigh and agree while at the same time it’s Shizune who convinces Tsunade to talk to Tobirama ( which makes this hurt SO MUCH BECAUSE SHIZUNE LOST HER UNCLE AND TSUNADE STILL HAS HERS AND IM AAAAAHHHH )
Tsunade would return to the Senju Estate just as Tobirama was getting ready to head out and find her, it’s a little nerve racking for them both before Tobirama would break the silence and smile at his niece and say “ Welcome home… “
They slowly mend their bond , apologizes are traded, laughter, tears, memories and once more they become family.
Afterwards, Tsunade becomes involved in their lives, and she’s the one who would encourage her uncle to FINALLY confess his love to Minato just “ For fucks sake uncle, you two are practically raising a kid together, go for it !! “ and once she learns they’re finally together, she demands to be compensated for all those lovestruck gushes with a fuck ton of food, liquor and money.
Because Minato is Hokage here, I sadly have to make the choice of not making Tsunade Hokage here because it just wouldn’t fit or I can’t think of a reason for Minato to give up the Hokage title BUT she does take over and become head of the Konoha hospital and turns it into the best fucking healthcare system ever once more because she’s a girlboss like that . She becomes the best older cousin/big sister to Naruto, who insists on still calling her Grandma Tsunade much to her annoyance and Tobirama’s amusement .
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blackrosesfanfic · 6 years
Chapter 184
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Greg shakes his head at me. "I'm thinking my nigga sold out. Went and married a white gurl after cleaning up his life."
"What, bruh?" I say chuckling.
"You here cause you got my text and you ready to make real money?" Luke says nodding.
I shake my head. "Last thing I need in money, bruh."
"So it is a white girl?" Greg asks.
"What is wrong with you and white girls? Me and MiMi..."
Luke chokes on his Hennessy a bit. "Shit. MiMi? What the fuck MiMi still doing around? You got money with MiMi ass in the picture?"
"Naw you got it wrong." Greg says. "He wouldn't have shit if MiMi wasn't around. She will rape his ass for all the money he has. Nigga ain't bouts to be happy with no white girl."
I laugh. "Y'all not shit. You know."
Luke chuckles leaning over the table. "What you got in your hand?"
"Something cute." Greg says taking it. "Wedding invitations?"
"The fuck? You marrying little hotty?"
"We married already. Just having a wedding now."
Luke snaps his finger. "Don't open mine motherfucker. Baby ma's wants to open that. When you get married?"
"The first time? Man, it been a minute now. A year?"
"About damn time. I thought you wanted to be an old dog like me." Greg says. He tosses the invite to the side. "We send something back?"
"Bitch, that's your ticket on the jet. You better get that shit and keep it close." I say cutting my eyes at him.
He picks it up off the floor. "Shit."
"A jet? We flying private?" Luke says lighting a blunt.
"I mean unless you wanna provide your own way to the wedding. It's up to you. You still need that invite to attend the wedding."
Greg sighs. "Why you give it to me so early? Here you keep it. Give it to me later."
I take it back from him then stand up. "Some shit never change."
"Where you going?" Luke says sitting up.
"Im supposed to be home resting with the little sick man and his sister."
"Who?" Greg asks.
I laugh. "My kids man."
"When you get a girl? Thats how MiMi fine ass trapped him." Greg laughs.
I chuckle. "We had a baby girl a few months ago."
"What's your answer on this job?" Luke asks.
"Hell naw. I don't need the trouble or the money."
"Damn, I feel disrespected." Luke says. "You turning down food on your table without fucking asking the details. What the fuck you got going on that's putting my little shit to bed? You got enough shit going on in your life? I need to know something. Who shit you moving?"
I frown. This turning into shit too fast. Shit I don't need. Shit I would have never predicted. I was tempted to tell him that I am moving my own shit. That would have made matters worst. Then again at the same time this nigga up here acting like he made me. Either way I don't want his shit in the middle of my shit. I got a few people I deal with for when celebrities ask about drugs. They are his people so ain't shit to say. I glance at Greg to read his expression. His expression read that this was a simple conversation. But as simple as it may seem, it's not simple.
"Bitch you own me?"
"I fed you when you needed to be fed."
I scrunch up my face. "I worked my ass off for what I made. You were only looking out for your fucking self just like me. Don't fucking at like you above me."
"What we doing all this shit for?"
"What I owe you? Name it."
Luke chuckles. "Its like that? You just gonna wipe out whatever amount I specify?"
"I look like a fucking bank?"
"Nigga, smoke a blunt and shut the hell up. You don't owe me shit."
"Including a fucking explanation of how the fuck I'm living my life. But since you want to know so damn bad... I'm currently living with my wife fucking best friend and her damn family."
Greg laughs. "Oh yeah. The one who married Trey Songz."
"The fuck?" Luke says. "You living with them? They feeding your family?"
"Gotta make it in life." I say shrugging walking towards the door.
Luke turns in his seat. "Bitch, I highly doubt that shit."
"Come to the wedding." I shrug. "You'll see."
"Baby Ma's really gonna be hyped about this shit. I might get head up until the damn wedding."
I know I ain't shit for that but I want this nigga to understsnd thst his way ain't the only way. I ain't gojng down the list of shit that Trey has setup for me. Not to this nigga when he in his feelings about me needing him. No nitch I don't need you. I got richer friends in higher places that not looking over their shoulders for the cops to knock their shit down. I want him to feel like he is disposable. Replaced by someone he only wishes to live like. I win. Even though I made myself seem like a fucking loser.
"Wife." I say answering MiMi's video.
"I need you to get the... Where the fuck you at?"
I didn't think about that. I chuckle. "In my car, bae."
"Don't fuck with me you bitch ass motherfucker."
"Mookie, we talked about your language towards me."
She rolls her eyes. "Fine. Don't lie to me you fucking black ass nigga."
I laugh. "Oh that's cute."
"You in the fucking hood?"
"Bae, I'm..."
She pauses the video or something. "Did your dumbass forget where we live?"
"Bae, stop." I say looking out the window. "How can you tell where I'm at?"
"Devin, don't play with me."
I look at the road. "I went by to give Luke and Greg the shit. I told you about that."
"Those wedding invites better be the only thing you gave them."
"Oh naw. I gave them some dick too."
She twists up her face. She was looking at somebody.
"What the fuck he say?" It was Rollie.
I start laughing. "Naw, man."
Rollie was in the view of the camera. "Fuck naw."
"I was being funny." I laugh. "She was going on like I was cheating."
"Fuck that."
"I mean damn Rollie. Here I am thinking he selling drugs or fucking other bitches. Now I fucking got to worry about him fucking the fucking homies. How I supposed to compete with strong jaws."
I laugh hysterically. "Bae, stop."
"Shut the hell up, man." Rollie laughs.
"Shit, Rollie." MiMi says then starts laughing. "Oh my baby in here now. Let me act like somebody. Hey, Coosa."
"You called her Cooda? Like Cooda cat?"
She flips me off. "Go fuck somebody with your dumbass."
"Damn, what happen to acting like somebody?"
"Rollie took the baby. Bye."
I love the fuck out of my Mookie. I chuckle to myself. She hung up the phone on me.
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"Brown." I say dapping him up. "Damn, you took long enough."
"Aye, I was outside waiting on you for 40 minutes."
I laugh. "Bitch, you were not."
"Straight fucking up." he says. "I gotta pee."
"Damn, nigga. I'll be outside."
"Imma take 40 minutes to pee." Chris says walking away.
I leave out. He know his ass lying about sitting out here for 40 minutes. Chris not waiting on anybody that long. He is headed out of the building by the time we get to the car.
"Fucking Jackie was with me earlier." I say.
"What happened to him?" Chris says opening a box of food.
I open it up more looking inside. "Nigga, all that fatty food gonna catch up with your ass. I don't know where he went. I'm guessing back to Kevin's where the bitches and liquor at. I been in my feelings for the last hour. I'm sure he got bored. Listening to me bitch about my shit."
"I'll listen to you bitch all day." Chris says mouth full of food. "I had Royalty earlier today. You missed her."
"I saw her. Joyce had her."
Chris nods. "What you bitching about?"
"I'm always bitching when I'm away from home. I have fucking trust issues like a bitch. If Cammie not near me she out fucking somebody."
Chris laughs. "That's a fucking lie. I know you know its a lie. But it coming from somewhere. Why would you think it?"
"She too perfect. Niggas like me... Like you. We don't get perfect."
"Shit. I know. I feel you." he says stuffing his mouth. "This the reason you never post shit about your wife?"
I nod. "I go posting this perfect woman being the perfect wife I need. Expressing my love for her. Telling the whole world how I found the love of my life. Dedicating every love song I hear to her existence. Proving my faithfulness. Then some nigga hits me up telling me how he fucking my wife. How he done sampled a piece of my perfect life."
Chris cuts his eyes at me. "You think about this a lot."
"Every fucking time I'm away from my wife."
"Shit." he says putting his food down. "I'm not a nigga for advise cause my ass even more insecure. Amber makes sure I call it insecure not trust issues."
I laugh. "Fucking Amber."
Chris nods. "She my golden star. My good luck charm... Anyway, Cammie a fucking goddess man. She perfect just like you think. Like she has proven to be loyal when she hates you. If anything call that Southern Belle out on her shit. Your grandma ain't raised you that way. She values her pussy, no offense. She not gonna just give it to some other nigga. I still don't see how your ass got her. You fit her standards in some alternate world. She yours in this life and the next. Niggas already see your girl."
"Yeah. Niggas was talking about her just today. On some disrespectful shit but none of those bitches could even fix their lips to lie about hitting. They know that lie gonna have to be backed up with some real shit."
"Talking about my wife how?"
He chuckles. "I wasn't in the whole conversation but from what I heard talking about how they worked their asses off to get nothing."
"Worked their asses off?"
"Trey, repeat one more damn thing I say." Chris says taking out his phone. "Cammie always where you think she is. Stop flexing nigga."
I take out my phone and stare at the home screen. "Yeah, I know."
Chris takes my phone. "Let's call her. She either lying in the bed with MiMi or somewhere in the house fussing at Lane. She back from dancing?"
"Hey... What?" Lane says. "Chris? No."
Chris laughs. "Where your mama?"
"I not say it."
"Lane, Imma knock your head across the room." Chris says shaking the phone.
Lane laughs. "You hit my car with you car?"
Chris laughs. "I don't go around hitting people little boy. You fake as shit."
"You see Caden?"
"Lane get that off of his head! What are you doing?" Cammie snaps. "Give me my phone!"
"Mommy, no be like that." Lane says. "In a minute."
Lane starts crying. "You be mean like that to me? No."
Cammie looks at the phone. "Christopholucus, why do you have my husband's phone?"
"Why you being mean to my little nigga?"
"His fake ass is not worried about you." Cammie says turning the phone.
Lane was in the middle of the floor with JJ and a toy airplane. You wouldn't think that he was just crying about a phone.
"Tremaine, I hear you breathing. Did your ass get some medicine?"
"Umm?" I say leaning away from the phone.
Cammie sucks her teeth. "Caden talk to your daddy and his friend. I don't got time."
I look at the screen. This woman had put the phone near Caden. He turns his head looking at the phone. He turns back away from it licking his tongue out. Chris hands me the phone. I sit there watching Caden. He turns his head back to the phone. This time he stares at it.
"You happy cause you see your daddy face?" Cammie says. "Tremaine, are you okay?"
She bites Caden's neck making him laugh. He turns his head towards her. She bites at his face making him laugh some more. I smile at them. Once again I get to witness Cammie and her great parenting skills. She is a great mother. I hope she never goes through what we went through in the past. From Caden to before Lane. I want to make our lives just as perfect as the idea of us.
"Talk to you later, Daddy." Cammie says hanging up.
"Enjoy the moment as best as you can." I say looking at Chris. "That's what I end up telling myself. But it only comes to me at the end of the week when I realize how dumb I've been acting."
Chris smiles. "Man, your shit all good. Work on keeping the same energy when it comes time to leave. Amber and me are shooting to be better than yall."
"You do that." I nod.
"I want to get married this summer. What you think?"
I shake my head. "You better off trying next year. "MiMi and Dee getting married this year."
"You can't show up their wedding. You gotta give them at least 3 months to enjoy the high from their own wedding without attending yours."
Chris shrugs. "I guess I like them like that."
"You do."
"When you figure out this whole insecure shit, let me know so I can fix my shit."
"Amber just might be your Cammie if you keep your dick to yourself."
"5 months clean." he says nodding.
I start counting the months backwards. "And yall been together for how long?"
He waves his hand. "Focus on your shit."
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