#im nuzzling right behind your ear cutie <3 getting as close to you as i can
yourfav-ashy · 9 months
suna rintaro tkl headcanons bc i can
yeah so imma cry bc i just took an hour to make these n it didn't even post right and it isn't here and i'm sad anyway 🙁
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tw: none, swearing, might die cuz sunas so cute :)
-on a scale of 1-10, he's a 5/6 on the tickle scale :) it depends on the spot tbh
-pinches and squeezes to the backs of his thighs get him in hysterics, squeals, cackles, shrieks and all 🥰 his laughter is so angelic though honestly 😭
-the small of his back and the back of his ribs are bad too, like if you drag a finger down his spine he'll either squeak or squeal if his guard is down 😍
-if he's being a little dick, knead ur fingers into the back of his ribs and he'll BEG for you to have mercy, cackling and blushing brightly <3
-lil squeezes to his knees get him giggling too, especially if you do multiple in a row he'll throw his head back in giggles
-the back of his neck and behind his ears are sweet spots too omg if you're his s/o, pepper kisses across those spots and he'll MELT
-he's feather sensitive behind his ears, literally, like tell him you wanna play with his hair, have him sit between ur legs, place a feather behind his ear and he'll squeal and giggle, falling back into your lap. gives you opportunity to scribble over his lil tummy tho, another giggle spot for him. more snickers then giggles though if that makes sense, like more airy giggles.
-compliment him on his pretty smile, he'll love you immediately. he will absolutely melt and blush like the sweetie he is😭😭
-wiggle your fingers at him from across the room, a light little blush will spread across his cheeks and he'll clear his throat, giving you a death glare-- don't be surprised if he gets you later~
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-this is gonna be long imma sucker for ler Rin'~
-okokok so if atsumus bring a little shit, he'll squeeze and pinch his sides or hips really quickly and briefly as he walks by him, shooting him a glare that says 'if you don't stop/stfu i will end wreck you'
-ok so he teases ppl a little, mostly if you're really close, like a bestie or significant other than he'll tease/tickle you more :)
-if you're friends then he'll scribble across your tummy or sides, smiling a bit at your reaction
-he'll come up behind you if ur sitting, doing the dishes, idfk you name it and he'll squeeze your sides absolutely vigorously and pinch up your ribs, scratching lightly beneath your bellybutton as he holds you in place with his arms. if he trusts you a lot and you trust him he'll even throw in some nuzzles into the back or sides of your neck, whispering little "tickle tickle~'s or 'such a pretty little smile, it suits the gorgeous little body you're in, cutie~' ANDDDD 'why haven't you said stop yet?- ohhh right~ you love this, don't you, hm? you love these tickle tickle tickles across your cute little tummy, yeah?'
-will make you ask for it if he feels mean lmfao
-'c'mon, you 'n i both know how much ya love the tickles! why not just ask for it? oh? "the word" is too embarrassing to say, hm? so maybe i should say it more often, whad'ya think? tickle tickle tickle~'
-if you're his s/o he'll muzzle his head the way under your shirt and then give you little kisses all over your tummy, and light, gentle little kisses over your bellybutton🥰 occasional nibbles, and really just to drive you crazy, a few raspberries here and there if they really drive you up the wall.
-if you "hate" the raspberries he'll make sure to always lower his head to your tummy or neck and just wait there, to get you giggling in anticipation.
-oh yeah, you wanna tease him with wiggling fingers? he'll do it right back with a straight face. told ya, he'll get you back
-loves to send you innocent little messages like 'im gonna get you when you get home :)' acting all innocent with that smiley emoji 😒
-sometimes with osamu he'll have little challenges, on who gets flustered first and he'll team up with atsumu once AND ONLY ONCE and they'll both message osamu at the same time tkl talking him abt how ticklish his sides are and how he'd go crazy if they just walked their fingers up his ribs
-speaking of!! if he's cuddling with you, and you're both really just relaxed in each others touch, about to fall asleep- hell "walk" his fingers up your ribs verrrryyyyy slowlyyyy, smirking like the little shit he is and snickering as you try to not smile
-if you're brave enough to ask for tickles, he'll willingly give them to you with the sweetest smile and hearts in his eyes as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, all the while circling your bellybutton and lightly scratching between your ribs, blowing on your ear every once in a while
-if you're friends with him you'd probably have a lot of sleepovers, resulting in tickle fights (and by tickle fights i mean you getting pinned beneath him as he holds your hands above your head, wiggling his fingers above your armpits) and if you try to fight back, expect lots of punches to your hips and many, many, MANY scratches to your tummy :)
-also this fits into the anticipation category, but yk the pic above the 'ler' section? yeah he will 100% wiggle his fingers at you if you ask for tickles wanting you to REALLY ask for it and beg.
-as far as aftercare goes, cuddles. that's all that needs to be said, cuddles. he'll tell you about how pretty/handsome your smile is and how he could listen to your laugh for yours 💞
if you couldn't tell i'm in love with ler rin💀 anyway that's all, hope you enjoyed :)
i might make a post of smth like the trio reacting to u being in the tk community (atsumu, osamu, suna)
bte @giggly-squiggily ik you like suna, so ill tag you here hope u don't mind <3
byebye ily
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crashtacular-blog · 7 years
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ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY !! @bunjolras
i wish i could give you the entire world tbh but since i cant i did the best i could.i love you. you became one of my best friends so fast it literally gave me whiplash, and im honestly on the fence over whether or not youre my ACTUAL best friend, like very top tier, because even if you aren’t you’re so close it’s ridiculous. in so little time??? you literally saved my life, and you’re so sweet and just knowing you exist makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, just you existing and being safe and happy puts me in such a good headspace.
so this is for you, since its!!! your birthday and you’re eighteen and that’s so cool!!!! i love you bunches, muffin, and i cant wait to get to make you lots more things the more time we spend together and the more occasions that go by. i wish i could give you something as incredible as you-- this isn’t much, but i hope you like it anyway. <3 <3 <3
“I think it’s pretty.”
“Yeah?” A scrunch of his nose, an absent twirl of his spoon in the drink that is still too hot to drink, “You’ll think it’s really pretty when you get frostbite. And die.”
And it earns him a laugh, a giggle really. It’s cute. Bright, vivid, light and cheerful and very Bart Allen. Jaime doesn’t look at his boyfriend, but he doesn’t even need to to see that pretty bright green flashing with life and mirth, his eyes. Curly auburn falling against those freckly cheeks.
“I don’t wanna go outside anyway,” Bart informs him, and now Jaime does look up. The boy is wearing something completely unsuitable for winter-- a hoodie, one of Jaime’s, too big for him and pooling at his wrists where his hands rest on the windowsill, the pale curl of his fingers just visible from the openings. Shorts, shorty-shorts that are much too short for winter, contrasting the white outside and the fuzzy socks on Bart’s feet, a baby blue that reached his knees. Those curls in a little hot mess, probably due for a trim, obscuring Jaime’s view of his face as he stares out the window.
“I don’t want to go outside,” Bart repeats, this time turning his head to meet Jaime’s gaze, those big, dazzling emerald eyes fluttering behind dark lashes as he turns a sleepy sweet look to him, “I just wanna look.”
“Look all you want, amorcito, but the fire’s lit for a reason. It’s cold, and if you open that door I’m going to tackle you.”
“That would be such a tragedy,” Bart fakes a pout, but Jaime can see that glint in his green eyes, that teasing, flirtatious sparkle as he turns from the window in favor of smiling a sleepy, cutie smile and wiggling his fuzzy-sock feet, “I don’t know what I’d do. Oh no, my super hella hot boyfriend is totally pinning me to the ground right now--”
He hasn’t even finished his lines, but it’s Bart, and he doesn’t wait. It’s in a flash of blue from the hoodie that he’s suddenly snuggled to Jaime’s side on the couch, face tucked into Jaime’s chest, smiling that sleepy smile, “Whatever would I doooo.”
“Hush,” Jaime tells him, giving his hair a playful tug that makes the boy whine childishly, “You play too much.”
“You don’t play enough.”
Jaime sets the drink down. It’s winter, but he knows why Bart’s wearing those short shorts anyway. Jaime loves those shorts on him, showing off those pretty legs, soft skin and pale and freckled, making Jaime blush.
Of course, they don’t make him blush so much anymore, that they’ve been dating for about a year. But he can still appreciate them, curled up to his side and in those cute fuzzy knee-highs that Jaime knows Bart’s wearing because he’s cold in those shorts.
It’s a snow day. They’re snowed in. Well-- Jaime is, anyway. Bart could run away without a second thought to wherever he wants, somewhere warm and sunny and appropriate for those booty shorts.
No, though. It’s Bart. Sweet, playful, teasing, ridiculously affectionate. And he’d much rather stay cuddled up into Jaime’s side, freezing in shorts just because he knows Jaime thinks he’s cute in them, watching snow and listening to Jaime be vaguely pissy about the cold. He’s with his lover. And he’d rather do that than anything else. Jaime knows. It’s sweet. He cards a hand through Bart’s curls while he considers this, maybe having flustered himself a little. Bart smiles against his neck, that same cute, sleepy smile, nuzzles him a little from where he sits tucked into him.
“Don’t tell me you’re falling asleep?” Jaime whispers. Bart offers a breathless laugh in response.
“‘Course not,” A small pause, a consideration, and then, “Not yet, anyway.”
“You can if you want to,” Jaime tells him, gently, sweetly, quietly. He can feel Bart shiver a little against him-- he likes it when they talk sweet like this, just the two of them, snuggly and sweet on each other and maybe a little playfully teasing.
“I know,” Bart returns softly, respecting this new atmosphere, “But I don’t want to. I’d rather snuggle you.”
“Evidently, since you’re still here.”
“I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else,” Bart informs him, punctuating his statement with a kiss to his collarbone that draws a small gasp from him, “I wanna be wherever you are.”
“Sappy,” Jaime mumbles, letting his eyes close as his cheeks heat up, Bart beginning a quiet string of kisses over his neck, his shoulders, his jaw. Sweet kisses, sleepy kisses. Slow kisses. Slow-- something Bart isn’t, never is, unless he wants to dote on his lover. Which, evidently-- he does.
“Love you,” He whispers against Jaime’s jaw, right under his ear, before he tilts his head to suck a mark there. It pulls a flustered breath from Jaime’s throat, from his chest, and paints his cheeks red. He’s easy to fluster, easy to work up. Bart knows it. Takes advantage of it, even, with those pretty green eyes fluttering so close to his, that wicked smile too close to Jaime’s mouth, those mischievous hands fluttering under the hem of his shirt, his waistband, tugging at his zipper.
Right now, however, there’s none of those risque shenanigans. Bart seems pretty content to suck and kiss and nip and whisper along his neck, his hands in the most chaste place possible, tangled in his lover’s hair. Still. It feels heavy, it feels intimate, it sends little shocks tracing their ways through Jaime’s veins, little flashes of yellow and red and green.
“You’re teasing me.”
“What gave it away?” Bart’s voice is a breathless laugh, his smile pressed to the sensitive skin in the juncture of Jaime’s neck and his shoulder. It makes him shiver, makes him tangle his fingers in Bart’s hair and pull him away from his neck in favor of kissing him on the lips. The speedster makes a soft noise, of surprise, and maybe a little protest before he promptly melts into the kiss. Jaime can feel his eyes flutter closed against his cheek, can feel that breathy sigh escape his lips.
And Jaime’s easy to tease, sure, but so is Bart. And two can play this game. It’s tactful when Jaime turns the chaste little kiss into something deeper, tilting his head and slipping tongue into the equation at the same time that his hand comes to rest on the small of the speedster’s back and he pulls him deeper. The boy gasps, but the sound is swallowed up by the new nature of the kiss and Jaime’s intentions to melt him. Bart seems unsure of where to put his hands for all of half a second before those lithe arms come to wind around Jaime’s neck.
He’s making little noises into their kiss, little soft gasps, tiny whines. It’s cute. It’s nice to get Bart like this, all helpless and flustered. Completely at his boyfriend’s mercy.
And then Jaime pulls back just enough to tuck his face into his speedster’s neck, to listen to his breath hitch in a sort of adorable anticipation, to feel his fingers tighten in his hair.
A pause. Bart’s impatient at the best of times, and he’s starting to squirm, and it’s cute, and it makes Jaime smile. And then a light kiss to his jaw, and then--
“Gotcha back.”
The lightest, chastest peck to the boy’s cheek, and then he pulls away completely.
And as he retreats back to his side of the couch, he picks back up his drink, which has cooled off significantly and he’s able to take a sip of now. Bart hasn’t moved, and out of curiosity Jaime glances over.
The sight is more than satisfying. Blushing, flustered, his lips red from the kissing, his eyes glazed over with a sort of flustered arousal as he appears to be processing. For all of a second, and then he starts pouting, whining, blushing out of embarrassment at being tricked and left unsatisfied.
“You’re the worst!”
“You started it,” Another sip of his drink, unable to help the smug look settling over his features.
“Yeah, and I was gonna finish it!” Bart protests, and in a flash he’s by Jaime’s side, snuggled close to him, damn near making him spill his drink.
“Tease,” Bart mumbles into his shoulder, quickly met with a sleepy hand carded through his hair. The snow keeps falling outside, and the fire keeps going inside, and the teasing and the flustering and the playfulness slowly subsides and gives way to sleep, falling off against each other, cuddled up and together and loving.
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