#im picturing shattered wine glasses and tears EVERYWHERE
okay all I wanna know is how the feck did those two sit in a room together and listen to that album in its entirety.. HOW.
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fadingdaggerr · 1 year
one hundred and seventeen
pairing: larissa weems x gn!reader
summary: from the second she left, your world stopped spinning on its axis
warnings: grief/loss, angst, more angst, a little more angst, discussion of death, mentions of suicidal thoughts (nothing explicit, a single statement), long-winded but on purpose, little bit of wenclair to breakup the noise, happy ending bc im NICE
note: this one was a bit personal but i hope you enjoy it. sorry for being ia i’m not doing to sexy funky fresh mentally :)
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day 1.
broken. everywhere. glass across the floor, picture frames and cups shattered. dents in the wall from your fists, another from the door handle. you held your hand in pain in the bathroom as you tweezed glass and cleared dust from your lacerations. all you could bring yourself to do was throw a few bandaids on and wrap your bruising wrist before you melted into the bed and let tears fall for the first time since you’d heard.
day 16.
an unusually warm day in december slowly melts the snow around nevermore. puddles scattered the grounds, still and undisturbed. the water dripping from the eaves reminded you of the tears that had fallen for the first fourteen days. now, only a heavy feeling in your chest and a pain behind your eyes lingered. the last two days had been spent in the same position on her side of the bed, curled into a ball. how you don’t suffocate in your sleep is a mystery to me, sweetheart. your face stayed shoved in her pillow, your back to the mess of broken items across the floor from your blinding rage from the first day. you’d been telling yourself you’d clean it, that you’d do a lot of things, but not once did you leave the four walls of the bedroom. most your days were spent in bed, staring at her vanity until you fell asleep.
day 34.
a doubled-trash bag and a lot of sweeping later, the only remaining evidence of your rampage left was dents in various walls. pictures were put into new frames, but only the ones of her alone were hung back up. the happy person beside her in those pictures is gone, gone the second she was.
a shower. the first in two weeks, if you’re being honest. moving from your bed to even grab some water was all you could afford for first month, leaving her side of the bed was a physical challenge. the cold water was nearly unbearable, but you didn’t change it. it was nice to feel something other than pain for once.
day 56.
move-in day, her second favorite day of the year, her most favorite has been and always will be the poe cup. you watch from afar on a balcony as the students greet each other, holding each other tighter than they ever had before. you almost smile, almost. you’d always stood here together, watching everyone say their hellos and settle before making her rounds. you’d always make your way back to her office and prepare the space for some dinner and wine, talk about everything and nothing. now the balcony just felt cold. the plan to stay and watch from your safe distance is ruined when coach vlad approaches.
“i wondered if we’d see you,” is all he says, not prying.
“they appointed me interim principal. i have to be here,” you say through a heavy sigh. there’s never been a point in hiding anything from vlad, he could read you like a book.
he clears his throat, “well that’s not right. you’re a teacher, not a principal. you have classes to teach.”
a bitter laugh leaves you, “according to the board, being the spouse of the ‘late, and dearly missed, principal gives me the qualifications’ to be two people at once for a while.” you hardly felt like even one person, but you didn’t say this to him.
vlad’s hand rests on your shoulder, “well, principal, i think you should greet your students. i know there’s a few that would like to see you,” he watches you frown a bit, “only for a little while, then you can disappear. we can all help you together, we’ve got your back.”
you shake him off, “i hate when you’re right.”
walking to the courtyard, parents and students alike hide their stares, some wave, most give a sad, tightlipped smile. it wasn’t until you kept walking that a blur of blonde and stripes collided with a solid thud into your body. your arms instinctively wrap around them, knowing it’s one of your students. the fierce grip they have on you tells you all you need to know.
“hi, enid,” you whisper into her hair. she squeezes you tighter before you push her back a bit to see her. the marks on her cheek from fighting the hyde were healed, just three pink line resting across her face. she was still the same enid you met on her first ever day at nevermore, just stronger.
“hi, professor,” she says timidly.
“where’s your girl?” you ask softly, smoothing enid’s hair down from her collision into your chest.
her cheeks heat up, “she’s saying goodbye to her parents and pugsley,” she toys in her colorful nails, “and- don’t be mad please- missus addams wants to talk to you.”
you close your eyes for a moment to ground yourself, “and if i asked you to say you didn’t find me?”
she giggles, “then i didn’t find you because wow! it’s so crazy busy, and like there’s so many people i couldn’t possibly find you that easily.”
“thank you,” you caress her cheek, “now, go unpack and decorate your room. i’ll check in later, okay?” enid only nods as she jogs away to presumably find wednesday.
day 60.
a knock on the door of your personal quarters draws you from deep thought. looking at the clock on the wall, it’s 11:56 at night. you’d be mad if you’d been sleeping, or watching tv even, but you’d been staring at the same spot since 8:30, so maybe this was a sign to get off your ass. you wrap her white robe around yourself, not bothering to try and look presentable. there was already a ninety percent chance it was vlad anyways.
it was definitely not vlad when you opened the door. but instead, wednesday addams in black flannel pyjama pants and a black long sleeve. she stared at you until you moved out of the way, inviting her in.
“it’s past curfew, wednesday.”
“same could be said to you. looks like you’ve been up past several curfews.”
you sigh, “touché, miss addams. why have you graced me with your presence at nearly midnight?”
she glances down to her feet, then back to your eyes, “i wanted to say i’m sorry i failed.”
your head cocks to the side, “failed what, wednesday?”
she blinks a couple times, “it was all my idea, to fool laurel. she didn’t want to, but i made her and she died for it,” she takes a deep breath, “she was asking for you.”
you held back the choked sound that fought to escape you and closed your eyes, steadying yourself. you pictured her hands holding your face, the touch itself was enough to bring you down from any great stress. but now you only had that memory, but it would have to do for now. wednesday’s pain was more important than yours at this moment.
you take a deep breath and open your eyes, “wednesday, i’m going to put my hands on your shoulders. is that okay?” she nods, barely perceptible, but enough that you know it’s okay. your hands rest on her shoulders, willing her to keep looking at you, “none of this is your fault. you wanted to stop someone from hurting everyone, larissa wanted that too. maril- laurel’s actions were her own. you’re still a child, wednesday, brilliant and very capable, but still a child. i will never blame you, wednesday.”
her hand moves up to pat the the top of one of yours, a silent thank you. you drop your hands, and lead her out, back to ophelia hall. wednesday silently unlocked and opened her door, the sound of enid’s light snores enters the hallway. you turn away and pretend not to notice the loving smile on the addams girl’s face when she sees her girlfriend.
day 72. the spring formal was something larissa had been planning since she finished planning the rave’n. the theme, decorations, food, drinks, everything was carefully curated and tucked into a binder sitting on the shelves to the right of her desk. you knew the plans were in there, in her office, in her handwriting. you psyched yourself up for the walk in, you hadn’t been in there yet. you’d avoided this hallway the entirety of the semester thus far, but with the formal a month away, it was necessary.
her office was the same it stood that morning, just with a thin layer of dust across the surface. slowly, you step in, shutting and locking the door behind you. you rounded the desk, just staring at everything. raven still perched behind cracked glass, reading glasses folded neatly off the side next to her favorite pen. it writes so well! darling, look at this. my penmanship has never been better! to the left of her lamp, a photo of the two of you stared back. wide smiles and crinkled eyes, her lipstick on your cheek, your hand gently cradling her face. there was so much love in one picture.
bitter tears welled in your eyes. eight years wasn’t enough time. eight decades, centuries, millennia, none of it would’ve been enough. nothing would ever fill this gap left behind by her. she’d taken your heart with her and left your soul in this wasteland that you called life. but this wasn’t a life, not without her.
it wasn’t until a droplet landed on her desk that you noticed your tears. your shaking hands angrily wiped away your tears, only making your face more red in the process. you moved to find the binder, you’d spent many nights watching her work on this formal, giving your opinion when asked, dragging her to bed when you were too tired and too stubborn to sleep without her. i’m just in the other room, sweetheart. it’s cold without you, my angel. how you wished you could pull her back now, bring her to your room and never leave. just you and her, no one and nothing else.
hastily, you grab the binder and leave the office. you wipe the last of your tears before heading back to your own office. your quick steps raise the attention of a couple staff members in the hall. when they saw where you can from, their eyes darted down as they pretended to be busy with whatever was in front of them. pity the widow, everyone’s new favorite game, you thought with deep resentment.
day 93.
it’d been six years since she proposed. you don’t leave your room. vlad left breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside your door with a knock. each time he came to collect the plates, they were in the same place, untouched. he felt defeated but he wouldn’t push, not today. tomorrow he will. he’s not watching his best friend dissolve into dust in front of his eyes.
day 100.
spring formal was a welcome distraction. you’d spent days preparing decorations, gluing, taping, stapling until your hands ached. every single minute detail larissa noted, even ones she decorated with question marks in red ink. you’d become quite good at lugging the ladder around to hang the floral decorations. you’re only change was swapping jasmines for pink lace azaleas, they were her favorite. were, were, were.
this dance had a darker color theme than the last. the tables had black cloths, the only source of color were the flowers draping across every beam, table, column. the lights matched the colors of the purple wisterias and lisianthuses, blue bom dendrobiums, gently placed forget-me-nots, and larissa’s azaleas.
the students were happy, smiling and dancing and chatting. they’re happy. they’re safe. the gates are locked, entrances are being watched. nothing, not even a normie, is ruining this for them, for you. you look to vlad an hour in, he knows you’re already in need of a break. he gestures to the door, silently allowing you to disappear.
your long black coat keeps the light chill of the spring night off your skin, but allows enough in to feel something. the docks call your name, and you sit with your legs dangling over the water, laying on the dock and staring into the stars to find constellations larissa had taught you. syphilis? that’s a dreadful name for some stars. you could still hear her hearty laughter. you know damn well i said cepheus, you menace!
sometimes you wonder if she’s watching you from the stars, watching you miss her. could she see how your face had hollowed and your eyes had sunken in? you hoped she couldn’t, you hope she missed every night you lay awake staring into the darkness until the sun peaks through cracks of the drawn shades.
“i love you,” you speak into the night, letting your words rise to wherever she is. “every night i wish to fly to you, but i can’t find the strength,” you’re ashamed of your own words, but you continue, “gods, larissa. why did you have to leave me here? i don’t want to be, not without you, it’s not fair. ” your hands cover your face, willing yourself not to cry. you had to return eventually, and you didn’t need more attention than you already got.
after some time, your tears settle and all that’s left behind is the pain in your head and the lead in your heart. your sit up and stare along the water, following a leaf flow across with assistance from the wind. a boat for fairies? she had giggled. i’m sure they enjoy taking the scenic route time-to-time! you’d defended. i guess that could make sense… to a child. she was playing to win, and she did. fuck, you missed her. she haunted your every thought and memory, like your mind was trying to convince you she was right there.
you finally stand and turn back to nevermore. you hadn’t been gone too long thankfully, but you’re sure vlad would’ve let you irish goodbye this without any problem. you start to think you should, because you just feel like someone’s staring at you. but they always are, maybe it’s just your mind again.
day 109.
tonight’s inability to sleep brought you back to the docks, lantern in hand and book tucked under your arm. you had to introduce this book to the class soon and a refresher would be nice, at least that was your excuse your reading instead of trying to sleep. you sat with one leg dangling over the dock, the other tucked under you. the lantern was carefully arranged to provide as much light as possible to the pages. opening the book, you skip the preamble and head straight to chapter one, reading aloud to yourself.
by chapter four, your eyes were beginning to grow tired. in the middle of chapter seven, the hair on the back of your neck stood on end. your eyes scanned the lake, pine trees, water lilies, not out of the ordinary. the persistent feeling of being watched only grew more intent, closer even. you picked a leaf off the ground and placed it as your bookmark, grabbed the lantern, and rode to your feet.
even with the ‘don’t be a horror movie first girl and look around’ feeling ringing through your mind, you felt as though you had to. you mindlessly trailed around the lake, finding no signs of anyone else, not even an animal. i’m finally going mad, you thought to yourself. with a heavy sigh, you walk back towards nevermore with your eyes on the ground.
halfway back to the dock, your eyes catch a glimpse of indents in the soil. two rounded triangle with a dot a few inches below each. you stared for a bit, eyes squinting and turning your head for new angles. as you put your own foot next to it, it dawned on you. high heel marks, facing the dock you’d been sitting at.
day 110.
tonight you went to the docks earlier, only a lantern this time around. you’re determined now, no matter how crazy you think you’re going. you find where the heel prints had been last night. nothing was there now.
how this was your final straw, you don’t know. a guttural scream leaves your throat, echoing across the black water. “you said you wouldn’t! leave me! you said forever at that altar, you lied to me,” your words come out hoarse, thick with tears. taking deep breaths, your fingers unconsciously played with your wedding band. “i’ll forgive you for leaving if you just come back,” your tears fell to the ground where the footsteps once were.
for the next hour, you sat against the tree behind you, staring into the lake and following its ripples. the feeling of being watched returned, your ears were warming from the attention. this time, you confronted the feeling.
“i know you’re there,” you spoke loudly, “i don’t like this game anymore. show yourself,” your tone was nearly a growl from the anger and sadness boiling within your heart.
day 117.
six hours and thirteen essays later, the school day was done. as you stretched your arms about your head, you caught a glimpse of red ink dyed your finger tips. packing your bag, fast clicking in the hall caught your attention.
your door swung open and the cause of the clicking was revealed. the front desk assistant, clea, was heaving in her place. you quickly ran to her, hands gently on her shoulders.
“clea… clea! breathe, deep breaths. what’s wrong?” you hoped the stroking of your thumb on her shoulder would help her focus her breathing.
“the office door was open… i was checking to see if you’d gone in,” her voice shakes, “most definitely not you.”
your eyes are hard, “clea. if you are not straightforward with me within five seconds, i won’t fire you, but i’ll think of something.”
her eyes widen with fear, “she’s in the office.”
and you’re running. you’re pushing yourself off the walls to turn, not risking slowing down for even a second. the north hall was just within reach. the administrative hall, her office, seconds away. you slammed into the wall near the door, scrambling for the handle. a deep breath in, and you open the door.
staring out the window in all white, she was right there. silvery dress and overcoat. her hair down, she was facing away but it was still her. you’d know she was there if your eyes were closed.
“mon ange?”
when she turns, her eyes find yours. big, blue crystal eyes staring back, tears flowing over her lashes and down her cheeks. you both slowly step toward each other, your hands finding her face, smoothing over her jaw and cheekbones. she was here, in tact. larissa evangeline weems, your wife, the one you’ve mourned for 117 days, is alive. rage. red rage.
“what sort of sick, twisted joke do you think your playing?” you push her away from you, “you’ve been here the whole time, haven’t you? watching me? you’ve seen everything and didn’t come back? let me think you’re dead?” you’re screaming at this point, something larissa never saw from you in eight years.
her hands reached out, you wearily allowed her hands to hold your face, “i- baby… i couldn’t move for so long, i was shifting beyond my control for weeks. by the time i could move again, so much time had passed.”
your hands wrapped around her wrists, “so much time you thought i’d not want to see you? that i wasn’t waiting for you for all three months, three weeks, and five days? i’ve watched that door every day, every single night i’ve sat there waiting,” you hands move to her face, “waiting for you.”
she’d never been more beautiful then she was in this moment. right here, with you. her hands grip your cheeks, pulling you into her kiss. one hundred and seventeen days you’d waited for her, waited for her lips and hands on you. you pushed her back until the back of her thighs hit the desk, biting her lip in the process, making her gasp lightly.
pulling away from her lips, you keep your eyes shut as you speak to her, “if you ever put me through that again, i will kill you for real. then bring you back to kill you again,” you nose nudges against her cheek, “understood?”
her lips press to the skin under your eye, “i understand,” she says with a chuckle, “i won’t put up a fight.”
you allow your eyes to open slowly as your fingers trace her face. she’s real, she’s alive. she smells the same, tastes the same, touches and feels the same. she’s your wife, your larissa. fingers trace down from her face, down her neck, shoulders then down her arms, grabbing her hands.
“can we go home?” her voice is so soft, the way it had been the first time she kissed you.
“i’d like nothing more. we can talk more in the morning,” you kissed her knuckles.
this had a very different ending originally but i decided to be nice. this time :D
tags: @gwendolinechristieiscute
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witchersmistress · 1 year
Grief and Rage
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hello my darlings!! im back!! woohoo on with the show, this was done by Mr. Grey XD, this is more of a filler chapter
trigger warnings: violence, rage blood, grief
word count: 1.2K
August’s pov
I stood there with the keys in my hand like I had done countless times before, the monster in me wanted to burn it down and move on from her. She was a Darling snake, she was meant to destroy me and my brothers. Slipping on the cool leather gloves, I open the door to her home. With some bribery and persuasion I was able to purchase it in full from the bank. She won't be back but I couldn't let this go.
Stepping into the foyer, she had her shoes in a shoe rack by the door, the right side opened up to a living room, lined with bookcases, stuffed with various books and different trinkets. She had a book flipped upside down on her glass coffee table with papers spread all around it. Leaning down to examine the papers. It was an application to become a CIA agent. Releasing a low growl, the monster  grumbling his disapproval, he very much wanted to destroy the house, but I couldn't bring myself to light the match and set it ablaze. Moving through her house, my footsteps echoing through the empty space. This was once her home but now it's a shell of her.  Making my way into her office on the lower level, I saw her desk in the center of the room. I saw her sitting in that chair with her red laptop and colorful keyboard typing away at a million miles an hours, the words just pouring out of her and she could barely keep up.
The calendar on her desk was annotated with so many notes, visits home to her family, her grandmothers and brother's birthday, family events she planned to be there for but I ripped it all away, because I was a selfish coward. I could have let her go, run her out of town but no i let the monster win and i let my brothers rape and kill her. Catching the faint smell of her, my monster just lost control, ripping past the barriers. Flipping her desk over, and roared as he pulled one of her bookcases off the wall and sent the books scattering everywhere, tearing the family pictures off the walls, the frames and glass crunching under my feet, swiping a bottle of dark colored liquored from the kitchen to continue my rampage, of the lower level of her home, drinking the bottle as he continued on the mission of destruction, into the living room next as his rampage continued. 
I could hear her laughter echoing off the walls and her footsteps dancing along these empty halls. Seeing her sitting on the couch, curled under a blanket with her book and a bottle of wine, grabbing the blanket that was sitting on the couch, my monster dragged it to his nose and inhaled deeply, her smell deeply embedded in the blanket. Chucking the now empty liquor bottle at one of the white walls and watching it shattered. Walking among the broken glass and scattered stories of her life, I come across one picture that will haunt me forever. It's a picture of Harper, her long hair hanging down in waves on the right side of her head and neck. She had her signature triquetra necklace and her gemstone moon pendant choker, sitting in front of her was a baby boy, blonde hair blue eyes, smiling at the camera. He had to be about 6 to 7 months old. He had on red pajamas with dark navy blue stripes and a white dump truck on them, she was holding his legs at his knees, like she was bouncing them. Her black nails and thumb ring sticking out at me.
What have I done??The monster faded and went back to his cage, leaving me to drown and suffer alone. I took away that little boy’s aunt. Hurt her and left her for dead. He'd have to grow up and hear the stories of what an amazing woman she was. Grabbing the broken picture and the last bottle of amber liquor, I slid along the wall till I was firmly on the floor, staring at Harper and that blue eyed boy I robbed her of. Laying her blanket along my lap and banging my head into the walls as I drank. I drank to kill my feelings, to kill any sympathy left behind, but mostly I drank to forget and to kill the monster that robbed Harper of her life all because he couldn't let her go.
“August” I heard a voice call to me. “Harper?” my voice cracked as I drew back to consciousness. “August” the voice and face became clearer, it wasn't Harper, it was my brother “Duke '' I questioned as he pulled back from me. I saw red looking at him, I sprang from my  position and tackled him to the ground, punching him over and over in his stupid face. “Why did you come here?” question after question I bombarded him but never gave him a chance to answer as I hit him in the face. He finally grabbed my wrist to stop me, one eye was swollen shut, his nose bleeding “ I’m here for you” climbing off him, I pushed myself off the floor , her scent haunting me everywhere in this house. Looking back at  Duke I yell “Don't get blood on the floor” snatching her blanket from the floor and leaving her room. I walk down the stairs into what was left of her dining room and living room. Going to the kitchen, I pour myself another drink as I hear the duke make his way down the stairs, “Did Baron send you?” I asked  as he moved the island in the kitchen, grabbing an ice pack from the freezer. I tossed it to me to put on his face, his nose turning purple from hits, and his nose was packed with toilet paper to stop the bleeding.
His voice sounded slightly higher than usual. “Baron doesn't know where either one of us are”
I nodded as i looked around at the destruction i caused “ I miss her too you know” i crossed that kitchen so fast and grabbed him by his collar “What the fuck did you just say” i seethed. He looked me in the eye “ i know what we did to her but i didn't want her to die, I hoped we could scare her off, but she didn't back down and she changed you'' releasing him and shoving him back “She changed you August, for the better whether you choose to admit it or not.” watching him walk away, he opened her front door “I won't tell Baron where i found you, but i will tell you, him and i will be leaving to go to New York for a few months'' he gestured to her house “Do what you will with it” shutting the door as he walked out the door. I watched him get into his Hummer and drive away, slamming my fist into the wall and punching through the drywall. I was angry at him, at Baron and the stupid Darling family for not letting me have this one girl, who ruined everything, including me. With one last look around her home, I hired a cleaning crew and repair company to fix the house. Shutting the door, leaving it in the past and her ghost behind me. 
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lauraashley93 · 4 years
Another try at fanfiction. I debated for a good minute about posting this because I don’t feel like it’s as good but eh. Here it is.
Halloween scare
Reader and a couple of the Mayans are coming over for Halloween fun when things start getting a little spooky!
Warnings: none? Swearing?
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It was Halloween night and Coco, Letty, Ez and Angel were all going to your house to watch scary movies and eat popcorn all night. You had spent all day decorating. You had all the lights off. Candles lit everywhere giving off that spooky feeling. Those silly wine glasses that looked like they were being held by Skelton hands filled with everyone’s drink of choice, big orange and black bowls filled with everything to chips and dip, popcorn and candy. You literally researched every “piss your pants” scary movie known to man to make sure there were no boring ones to slip through. You were dressed in your super fuzzy and soft pumpkin pajama pants with your over sized black shirt that had a ghost on it. To say you were completely extra was an understatement but you were excited and couldn’t wait for everyone to get there.
Soon enough everyone arrived. Letty was admiring all your work and Angel laughed and shook his head.
“Y/n you really have an obsession. There’s gotta be like a Halloween anonymous for you to attend.”
You narrowed your eyes and stuck your tongue out. “Very funny Reyes. Halloween is literally the BEST holiday. We WOULD be finding haunted houses to attend but SOMEONE is a party pooper.”
You rolled your eyes at Angel who just waved you off.
“Those are lame. Not even worth the money. They aren’t even scary. I have to look at Coco every day, now that, that is scary.“
Letty shrugged. “I don’t know. Sounds kinda great to me! Being scared is fun.”
Ez laughed. “It’s alright guys. Angel is just scared he will piss his pants in front of everyone. “
Angel scoffed at his little brother as Coco laughed
“Yeah Angel. Wouldn’t wanna embarrass yourself in front of” coco nodded to you and Angel elbowed coco before he could finish his sentence and shot him a glare. You were too busy laughing and putting in the first movie to notice the little exchange though.
“Okay okay, settle down children. Let’s get this party started!!” You said excitedly as you clapped your hands together.
You sat on the end of the couch followed by Angel. Ez sat on your recliner while Letty and Coco sat on the mess of blankets and pillows you had on the floor. You turned on the first movie and the marathon began.
Three movies later as you’re engulfed in the movie the conjuring you hear a noise in your attic. You furrow your eyebrows together and pause the movie.
“Hey! What are you doing it was just getting good!” Coco shouted in frustration.
“Hush! Didn’t you hear that?” You whispered a look of worry covering your face.
Ez rolled his eyes. “Y/n, you’re just being paranoid. Calm down and watch the movie. “
Angel laughed “yeah mami quit being such a scaredy-cat!”
Letty looked at the guys “no, I heard it too! What if it’s a ghost! Or a killer?!”
Angel rolled his eyes. “Really? Three movies in and you guys are already being ridiculous. And you think you could make it through a haunted house?”
Ez laughed “look, it’s probably just the wind. It is pretty windy out tonight. Just relax. If there is anymore noises I’ll go check it out to ease your mind.”
You pout and snuggle to your blanket and replay the movie but your attention isn’t quite on the movie anymore. Your paranoia is getting to you and you realize that as soon as Letty moves to stretch and you scream because the sudden movement startles you. Everyone is looking at you and you laugh nervously.
“I think I’m gonna go get more beer. Anyone want anything?”
Letty shakes her head. “No, but I’ll go with you.”
You both walk into the kitchen as the boys continue to watch the movie coco turns his attention to Angel.
“So, Hermano, when you gonna man up and make a move on y/n?”
Angels eyes grow wide as he looks at Coco. “What are you a fucking girl? This isn’t a slumber party and we ain’t gossiping so suck a dick bro.”
Ez laughs “come on Angel why so defensive? Why not just go for it?”
“Because dumbass. She, she isn’t into me. Besides, we’re best friends. ”
Ez rolled his eyes “oh quit being a pussy and ask her. You aren’t scared of ghost and goblins but when it comes to a y/h spunky girl, you freeze up. “
Ez and coco laugh as Angel stares daggers at them as y/n walks back into the room.
“What’s so funny you stooges?”
Ez smiles and shakes his head “not a thing mami, not a thing. “
Coco looks around and furrows his brow. “Where’s Letty?”
You look around and shrug. “I don’t know. I thought she came back out here. Maybe she went to the bathroom?”
Right then you all heard a loud scream. Coco jumped up and ran to the back the three of you following close behind him as you start flipping on all the lights.
“She’s probably trying to scare y/n” Ez says trying to relax everyone.
“Letty, leticia! Where are you?” Coco yelled
“Come on Letty this shit ain’t funny” y/n yelled.
The lights start to flicker until they completely shut off. Everything goes quiet for a few moments as the lights turn back on. Angel looks around making sure he sees you first a sigh of relief seeing you’re safe. You smile and grab his hand you look at Coco and grab his hand next holding on tight as if they’re going to disappear.
“Where’s Ez?” You ask.
Angel looks around “EZ? Letty? Yo quit playing your stupid game. It’s getting old and I wanna finish the movie.”
Y/n whispers “you really think they are just playing a prank??”
Angel nods “pff yeah. All that talk about haunted houses not being scary. Probably just trying to pull a fast one. The shit is stupid.”
Coco nods. “Yeah, well shit ain’t funny no more. Leticia get your fucking ass out here or you’re grounded.”
Y/n raises an eyebrow at Coco, trying not to laugh at his attempt at fatherly demands.
“Grounded?” Angel asks the humor in his voice clear as day. “She would beat your ass before she let you ground her papi coco”
Y/n laughed but quickly recovered as Coco glared at the two of you.
“Aye she knows I ain’t playing. We got a mutual respect of things. And making me think a ghost fuckin snatched her ass is grounds for grounding.”
Coco went to go say something else as the lights went off again this time you hear glass shatter and felt Coco’s hand being snatched out of yours as he starts yelling.
“Aye get the fuck off me. I ain’t the one Im gon’ fuck you up. “
“COCO!” Y/n yells
It’s quiet now. Nothing but the sound of the clock ticking as you wait for the lights to come on and you hear Angel sigh.
“So he’s in on it to? Come on guys. You’re gonna have to try harder than that.”
You’re shaking at this point as you’re holding on to Angel. “I don’t think this is a joke, Angel. I’m scared.”
Angels heart races as you hold him tightly and he wraps his arms back around you.
“It’s okay y/n. I gotchu. They’re just trying to pull a Halloween prank. ”
The lights come back on as you look around. The crashing noise had been a vase and Coco was no where to be seen. Angel was getting annoyed.
“Alright shit heads games over. Come out.”
The lights flickered again your grip tightened on Angel and there was a noise behind you. You both turn around as the lights flicker there is a figure at the end of the hall. It’s black shape and white face staring back at you. It slowly raises its hand Pointing toward the two of you.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Bravo guys. “
Angel speaks out to the figure and the lights turn out again. You hold your breath as you hear the floor creak. Gripping on to Angel so tight your hand start to hurt. You can swear the creaking gets louder and closer until... it stops. the air is thick and you can swear you hear angels heart rate quicken. A few seconds feels like hours until.. the light pops on and BAM the figure is right there you scream as it grabs ahold of you and drags you back like it’s simply floating quickly across the floor. Angels eyes go wide
“ANGEL! HELP ME.” You scream. Desperate to get out of the grips of whatever has a hold of you.
Angel takes off running as the lights turn off again. He stops, breathing heavily. Continuing to slowly walk forward.
“Y/n where are you??” His voice is shaky.
He hears something behind him and he turns around quickly trying to see through the darkness. “Y/!n? Coco? Letty? Ez?”
He continues to walk until he feels like he hits a brick wall. He stops, swallows hard and looks up just in time for the lights to come on. He backs up to take in the full picture. A big man in butcher like clothes with blood all over them. A face that looks like it has been cut and rotted? Glossed over eyes, almost zombie like... but zombies aren’t real..are they?
His mind is spazzing as he finally looks down seeing him drag something by their hair, no not something, someone, Letty. He screams and goes to turn around and he turns right into three people in white masks and he stops and drops to his knees screaming so high pitched it might have been mistaken for a girl. Falling to his knees he covers his eyes waiting for his demise but instead he is met with.. laughter? He peeks up seeing coco, you and Ez take off the masks. He turns around seeing Letty getting up laughing. The guy in butchers clothing peeling back the latex on his face revealing Gilly as the culprit. Everyone is laughing except Angel. He slowly stands up and his once scared face is now annoyed as he starts walking toward your back door. You stop laughing “oh no, did we go too far?”
Coco laughed again. “Nah. He will be okay. Just mad cause we got the best of him. “
Ez wiped the tears from his eyes caused from his laughter “yeah, don’t worry about him.” He turned to Gilly, “thanks for the help man, he definitely didn’t expect that. “
Gilly laughed “I’m happy to help. How did you all get it to look like y/n got pulled down the hallway?”
As Coco explained that they had Letty get dressed and put a belt and rope around her and had her stand on a old skateboard so ez and coco could roll her back one they grabbed you, you made you way to the back yard where Angel was out smoking a cigarette.
“Hey” your voice was quiet as you walked up to him. “Don’t be mad at them. It was my idea. I didn’t think you’d get upset.
Angel rolled his eyes. “Upset? How would I not be upset at the thought of the love of my life being taken away and possibly killed?” Angel stopped talking as his cheeks for red as he realized what he just said. You eyes grew wide as his words sank in.
“What? What did you say?” You looked at up him. Angel just stared at the ground and sighed.
“Look, I’m in love with you y/n. I have been for awhile and I didn’t know how to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin anything and I didn’t want ruin what we did have because I can’t stand the thought of you not in my life.”
Y/n is now smiling at his rambling and shuts him up by slamming her body to his and kissing him fast and hard. Angel wraps his arms around you and kisses you back urgently. Feeling intoxicated by your taste. You finally pull back to catch your breath with a smile on your lips.
“Angel Reyes, you sir are an idiot. If I knew all it took was someone trying to kidnap me to get you to tell me I would have done this a long time ago. I love you, too. I was just waiting for you to grow a pair and come claim me. “
Angel smiled at that and pulled you closer. “Well consider yourself claimed mi amor. You are mine forever now.”
You both smiled kissing each other again as you could hear shouting and “finally’s” coming from the house.
“It’s about damn time. Now , get your asses in here so we can finish this movie.” Letty explained as you and Angel laughed following her inside to continue your movie night. Halloween is always amazing for you, but this will always be your favorite.
@angelreyesgirl @auroraariza @spookys-girl @trulysuccubus @stunning-shitz
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