#im projecting because i really like the smell of cigarette smoke because it reminds me of my grandfather so i think itd make her think of
good-beanswrites · 1 year
Heyo!! :D uhh I was just thinking about prompts!! I have two that I've just been thinking of! You can do one or the other, I don't mind ^^ Yuno with Blanket (if you havent done that yet :o) and Muu and Yuno with Honesty :D
Thank you so much :D!! Your writing is so funky I love reading it, it's like my daily newspaper abejfncjcn
Hi Mug :D thank you so much aah!! I really loved these combos, that's so sweet for both of them ;-; Here's Yuno and Blanket -- something lighthearted from the beginning of t1, with a bit of her unfortunate people-pleasing habits.
“Requests are in!” Mikoto’s voice sang from down the corridor. The prisoners perked up from where they’d been lazing about. One would have thought he'd announced a jailbreak with the amount of energy that rippled through the room. Yuno leapt to her feet.
"You seem excited," Kazui chuckled as he stood. "What are you getting?"
She suddenly felt a twinge of shame for her reaction. Things weren’t bad in Milgram by any means, but the atmosphere was beginning to creep under her skin now and then. There was an old comfort she’d been dreaming of the past few weeks. It felt embarrassing to say to someone as concerned with his maturity as Kazui. 
"Oh, nothing much,” she said. “Just something that reminds me of home, like the cigarettes you ordered." She didn’t know him well enough to say so, but she was secretly grateful for his request. The smell of smoke was familiar to her as well. "But mostly it's something new around here -- isn't the whole thing exciting?" 
It was the first time they’d received a delivery, and everyone was eager to see if they got what they ordered. Though Yuno found the system surprising, it made sense. Milgram allowed more unique freedoms than a normal prison, given it also inflicted more unique restraints. 
She joined the group heading down the hall, all chattering in anticipation. 
"Yuno!" Mahiru waved her over. The woman had talked about the products and creams she'd requested, in the hope of keeping up her skincare routine. Yuno would be following suit soon, though she wanted those things to keep herself feeling refreshed rather than looking a certain way. There was no one here to impress. With her looks, that was.
Mahiru’s eyes gleamed. "What did you order?"
Yuno knew she wouldn't satisfy her appetite for gossip as much as Shidou testing his luck with medical supplies or Amane’s taste in high-level study materials had. 
"Something real cute~" was all she needed to say to get her giggling. 
Es instructed them to line up in front of their room to distribute everything. Yuno found her place behind Haruka. 
"Hey, hey! What are you getting?" She wasn't immune from that same gossipy curiosity…
His cheeks immediately reddened. "Uh, well, I h-hope I can get some c-candy. It -- I mean, it's kiddish, I know."
"Don't worry, some might think my request is childish, haha! Plus, I think Muu ordered sweets, too."
This seemed to calm him a bit as he walked ahead. Fuuta nudged her from behind.
"Oi, what did you ask for?"
She'd overheard him and Kotoko discussing what would likely be caught as a tool to escape, and knew her answer would disappoint him.
The bright smile she’d given Haruka angled into a more jaded smirk. "Eh, just something to get me through the night, you know? A practical comfort."
Fuuta grunted, respecting the choice. 
Her attention returned to the front of the line, where Haruka was returning with loose treats spilling from his hands. She took his place in Es' doorway.
"Prisoner 002," Es scanned a piece of paper. "For you… ah,” They read it again. “Just a blanket? Was that all?" 
She beamed. "Yup! Just a blanket." 
“You strike me as the kind to ask for a lot…”
“Mmm, you’ve read me well, Warden! Not this time, though. Gotta start small, then see what I can weasel out of you!” She winked. As usual, Es pretended to be unimpressed. Yuno knew she was wearing them down, bit by bit.
She offered a bouncy bow as Es handed it over. She hadn’t given many specifications, but it certainly looked as big and fluffy as she had hoped. Milgram had gone with pink -- the same shade as some of her uniform accents. 
The prisoners' excitement died down fairly quickly afterwards. Amane began reading in silence. Kazui retreated to the smoking room alone, though Shidou and Mikoto promised to join him after the next round of requests. Haruka had nearly finished eating all of his candy by nightfall. Kotoko sat by herself to jot things down in her new notebook. Yuno’s good mood lasted much later. 
Once the bell had rung and silence fell onto the prison, she could feel the usual chill start to creep into her cell. It had gripped her with fear the first few nights -- that unshakable coldness that reminded her why she was here in the first place. Sometimes, when her body jolted her awake with the feeling of falling, she'd blame it on the temperature rather than a universal human experience. It brought up too many painful memories to be something so ordinary, after all.
But not tonight. 
Tonight there would be no falling, and no chill. No stepping into bed with enough skin showing to make her shiver. No more crafted conversations or flashing certain expressions.
A goofy grin spread across her cheeks. Yuno unfolded the blanket with a flourish. She swept it around her body, then flopped down on her bedding. With nothing more to worry about, she sank into the cushy blob.
‘Just a blanket’ her ass. This was the warmest she’d felt in a very long time.
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punkascas · 7 years
@iamalwaysaslutforcoffee and @amirosebooks tagged me for the thing! ❤️❤️
1. Are you named after anyone? my second name (małgorzata) is after a sea shanty about a young girl who takes care of an old, mean dutch sailor even tho he’s mean to her. because my dad is a sailor and named all my sisters (there are seven of us) after things to do with the sea. i actually got the most normal name, despite the absolute strangeness to me of my feminist mother being like YEAH WHAT A GREAT MESSAGE FOR OUR DAUGHTER WHAT LOFTY GOALS TO ASPIRE TO. my third name (irena) is my grandma’s. 
2. When was the last time you cried? about a week ago. i was just elected to the board of a professional society i belong to, and i got an email from the incoming president in response to my request for disability accommodations about how “disappointed” in me she was and that she would need to find someone else to fill the role if i couldn't do it without accommodation bc as we all know disabled people can’t do the same jobs as well as non-disabled people. soooooo. who knows. i might get fired bc i revealed that im disabled. maybe i should tell them that im gay next.
3. Do you like your handwriting? nnnnnn, i have no thoughts on this?? i don’t generally write things by hand. i do, however, write in all caps and this is a thing i picked up from one of the brothers who taught at my high school (i went to catholic school) who always wrote in all caps on the blackboard. 
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? turkey
5. Do you have kids? not yet. future baby daddy and i are planning to wait a couple more years. BUT SOON. THEY ARE COMING. TO END THE WORLD. they will be just so fucking blonde. (he and i were both white blonde as children, and also had terrible, terrible judgment or decision making abilities until about the age of 25. at least for me. even at 31, his decision making prowess is debatable. so they will be blonde and stick their fingers into every single light socket ever.) (also side note: but it is so fucking weird to me that he’s 31, ALMOST 32, because i have known him since he was 16 and the photo of him that comes up on my phone is him at 16, all acned-up, flicking me off and smoking a cigarette, sitting on the railroad bridge behind our high school. so anytime i see him in person i keep being like, JESUS YOU GOT OLD???) 
6. If you were a different person would you be friends with you? idk??? it depends i guess on the new person i was. 
7. Do you use sarcasm? ABSOLUTELY NO NEVER
8. Do you still have your tonsils? yup
9. Would you bungee jump? would, and have. prefer skydiving tho. 
10. What’s your favorite cereal? meat
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? it depends. one pair of combat boots has zips, so i can just unzip them. but one pair is just eight thousand laces so i have to unlace them to get them off. 
12.Do you think you’re a strong person? yes
13. What’s your favorite ice cream? engelblau. not to eat; i’m just really happy that it exists and it reminds me of cas. 
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people? if they view mockery as a form of affection
15. What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? well that’s a depressing question. stomach?? height, maybe. 
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? i am wearing purple and navy boxers with tiny dancing polar bears on them. and im barefoot. 
17. What are you listening to right now? take that - the flood 
18. If you were a crayon what color would you be? cerulean 
19. Favorite smell? MINT LEAVES. like seriously if you give me fresh mint i will just sit there and huff it for like. hours. 
20. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? one of my project managers
21. Favorite sport to watch? high school basketball or track and field in the olympics
22. Hair color? silvery purple-blue that looks like the colour of a dead squid
23. Eye color? green
24. Do you wear contacts? t-technically? but i almost never actualfax wear them
25. Favorite food? tea
26. Scary movies or comedy? documentary
27. Last movie you watched? hidden figures. WHICH WAS GR8 BTW. A++++ do recommend.
28: What color shirt are you wearing? green. it has a t-rex trying and failing to do a push up. 
29. Summer or winter? summer
30. Hugs or kisses? kisses, i guess. i don’t generally do hugs. 
31.Book you’re currently reading? ugh no im not going to list it it’s for work and it’s corporate and ridiculous
32. Who do you miss right now? @plays-with-shadows, @amazinmango, someone who won’t talk to me rn, my dog samsa
33. What’s on your mouse pad? a grey hoodie and some fur. (i was using my dog borys as a mouse pad when i had to uninstall the mouse drivers on my laptop and needed to use an external mouse to reinstall them.) 
34. What’s the last tv program you watched? orphan black
35. What is the best sound?  the roo-roo-roos of my dogs when i come home
36. Rolling stones or The Beatles? stones
37. What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? uhhhh. idk. i’ve been to 48 states in the us, and most of europe, and now nicaragua. 
38. Do you have a special talent? i can fold my tongue backwards??
39. Where were you born? the barren north
tagging: @culumacilinte, @pecanpiedean, @isaksredscarf, @writtendark, @destielsimpalatardis
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