#im putting this here instead of my oc sideblog beacuse reasons
some ko thoughts written out. ko info [x] (rated m)
To Ko, there was nothing really morally wrong about seducing someone for intel. Yes, she was playing with her targets feelings a little, getting them to trust her so she could take what she needed from them, but she wasn’t stealing, she wasn’t harming them, they weren’t injured or killed, in fact, Ko took pride in the fact that she gave all her targets a good time at least.
Before she passed their secrets on to whoever had employed her.
Certainly, that was not the career path either of her parents, as short as they had been with her, had thought of for Ko, and guessing by the occasional reverse summonings to Mount Myoboku, neither did the old Toad and his descendents. 
But Ko was good at what she was doing and she took additional pride in her success. It was good money, good experiences and if she was lucky, good fun too. Sometimes it was drag obviously, when the partner was dull or arrogant or violent, but she could brush those things off.
Something that helped her immensely during her missions was her good eye for a perfect target - at least if the exact target wasn’t provided by the client. With a little asking and teasing and observing eyes she quickly could find the weakest link, the place in the wall that had tiny holes in it, and ready to exploit those. She was proud of that too. 
She was proud of that, her excellent judge of character. She revelled in it and lifted her head even higher than it already was. Nobody could lie to her.
When Naruto invited her to Konoha, her first instinct had been to say no, mostly because she didn’t know this Naruto-boy, no matter how insistent he was that her father had trained him. She didn’t trust him, Ko didn’t trust anyone that she didn’t know well, which wasn't many people. If this Naruto had trained with her father and then with the Toads on the mountain, why had no one ever mentioned him to her? She was sceptical.
But then a large sum of money was suddenly offered by some anonymous client, some sort of cultist, Ko couldn’t care less, to go to Konoha and bring information about sharingan users. Ko didn’t have much experience with the Uchiha and their descendants, mostly only knew them from stories as there were very few of them now, but fine, she was going to go to Konoha to see what was up (and make a ton of money). 
Konoha’s hokage had an Uchiha wife, his student was an Uchiha who had Uchiha sons, his former squad member from Anbu was an Uchiha who had Uchiha children too. Ko just needed to get to someone close to the Hokage to find out all about them.
Approximately three seconds after the enthusiastic and grinning, but very dull and distracted Naruto introduced Ko to his friend and “little brother” Sarutobi Konohamaru, she knew that she’d chose him as a target.
Not only was Konohamaru a Sarutobi, which was a big, connected clan in the village with its own main house and side houses, he was also in contact with the Hokage several times a week for mission assignments and above all, he was the kind of guy to blush and stammer if you made him a compliment. He was perfect.
Naruto had suggested that they spend time together, mostly because Naruto himself was busy doing this and that, mostly on missions, in training, or with his partner. Ko was fine with that, following Konohamaru around through the village, one hand of hers lightly laid on his back as they walked.
She knew the exact things to say, the buttons to push to get him there. 
“That is so interesting.” She moved her hand into his neck appreciatively. He turned red from neck to forehead in an instant.
“You did? Wow, that is so amazing of you.” She cooed and he turned his head away defensively.
“Oh, I’m sure people were so scared! Glad you were there to help them.” She reached for his hand which he did not pull away, but he could not look into her eyes clearly anymore as she held it.
Despite it all, Konohamaru seemed like a tough nut to crack. While he clearly was affected by her constant praises, when she first asked him if he wanted to come into the tiny apartment Naruto had provided for her, he cleared his throat and stepped backwards.
 “No”, he said, surprisingly formally. “I should not do such a thing. Brother Naruto would not approve.” Then he offered his goodbye’s and said they could meet again in the morning.
Ko decided to become a little more aggressive. 
They went to the training grounds together and while Konohamaru explained the way Naruto had taught him the rasengan technique, Ko sat by his side and listened attentively. 
It wasn’t hard to pretend to be interested, because he was genuinely a good speaker and she teased him about what a good teacher he’d be someday. He blushed, like he always did when she complimented him.
She often left her skirt in such a way that her shorts beneath were visible enough. She caught him looking several times, but when it came to going back with her to her apartment, the answer stayed “no”. He was not to be persuaded.
In a way, that just made her more excited to finally break him.
Targets who fell for her too easily were boring, the hunt was the most exciting thing about it. Once they were trapped in her little net, the targets just led to endless boring dates and one dimensional sex. Rarely did Ko enjoy herself past that point. 
Which meant she was not angry that this time it took a little longer.
Eventually she mastered the rasengan technique and when she told Naruto, who now insisted she call him brother, he was very excited. Apparently he had learned the technique from her father and Konohamaru from him. “And now you learned it from Konohamaru!” He turned to the other man. “I always knew you’d pass it on someday.” Which just made Konohamaru blush- again.
Naruto in general seemed to have a massive influence over Konohamaru, and his overt sense of duty seemed to keep him away from giving in to other urges he might feel. It drove Ko wild. She grit her teeth and shook her hair. She had to succeed so she would succeed.
The opportunity finally arose one evening when he had finally agreed to go out drinking with her for the first time. She had seen him drink a couple of times with other same-age friends, but whenever she had offered to go, the answer had just been another no.
“I behave weird when I am drunk” he had said. “And I’d rather spare you of it.”
“But what if I want you to be weird?” Ko had replied with a wink that made him blush once again.
Konohamaru hesitated for a moment before saying: “No. If it is you, I would rather be myself.”  The honesty of which shocked her to the core.
But now he had finally given in, maybe because she had insisted that Naruto would not mind. “Big Brother would be happy with us hanging out if we are not training”, she had said. “He introduced us to each other after all.” And though Konohamaru had squirmed a little undecided, he had agreed after all.
Two, three, four beers down Ko felt adventurous. With a wide smile she placed a hand on his leg just so, laughing as she did at something he said, so it looked as natural as possible. He must have noticed, his eyes clearly twitching down and back up, but he just laughed it off and continued talking.
Good, Ko thought. Finally this was going somewhere.
Usually alcohol changed people and showed their bad sides, at least in Ko’s experience. That was really why she did not trust anyone that seemed nice on the surface. They were all just hiding deeper secrets.
Konohamaru however seemed to get more honest with drink, if that was even possible. He talked his heart out about his absent parents, the fact that his grandfather had meant so much to him, his companionship with Naruto and his friends. 
“I like hanging out with you, you know,” he finished. “I think you are smart and - beautiful.” The little hesitation before the last word had his eyes avoid hers.
Ko moved closer to him, ever so slightly as if it was natural, her hand still on his leg. He did not move away, he did not mind that their heads knocked into each other from time to time. She was now firmly in the driver's seat. Only a little bit more.
When they finally left he offered to walk her home as usual. It was night in Konoha,  a rather beautiful star light night. It had rained so much in Amegakure that Ko had rarely seen the sky as bright as it was that night. She was almost too fascinated by looking at the sky, forgetting her task completely until she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Konohamaru was watching her.
“Is there something on my face?” she asked sweetly and the red on his ears deepend. He shook his head.
Ko saw her opportunity and faked a stumble so that she could fall forward and hold herself on his arm. She stumbled a little too much and actually fell over her heels right into him.
Konohamaru turned around to catch her and their heads bumped into each other. She was just slightly taller than him, maybe a centimetre or two. He hitched a breath once they were so close together. 
Weirdly enough, Ko did too.
“Are you going to come home with me today?” she whispered, her voice becoming steam in the cold air. 
He hesitated. It felt like half an hour that she just looked into his blue eyes while he considered his reply. Ko tried to help him along by leaning close into him, letting her breath fog against the skin just under his scarf, showing off her cleavage a little.
Clearly Konohamaru couldn’t decide if he was going to actually go for it.
But then he did.
Quickly he put her chin up so that they were the same height again and they kissed, hot and eager. Ko grabbed his shoulders and crawled her nails into it. In her head the celebratory fireworks were going off.
Finally, finally!
Now that he had given up his stance on not spending the night with her, Konohamaru seemed surprisingly impatient to get to the point. There was no moment on their way home that he did not touch or kiss her in some way. Ko couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed, they were in public after all.
Up in her apartment they fell over each other like hungry wolves. She had assumed he must have been a virgin of some kind, blushing away at every innuendo she ever tried with him, but Konohamaru seemed to know what was doing and soon she figured out that she actually enjoyed what they were doing.
It was always great when a target turned out to be good at listening to her commands and needs and as it turned out Konoahmaru was exceptional at listening and following orders.
Not intimidated by her size or her demands he did exactly as she told him, from start to finish, figuring out what she liked most quicker than any other person she ever met. If it was experience or just the fact that he was following like a lapdog, she did not know, but she enjoyed herself. 
Usually Ko threw targets out overnight so she could have her sleep in peace. Being vulnerable in front of someone she was trying to spy on seemed like a bad idea, so she often came up with a lame excuse or two to sleep separately, that was how she operated.
When she woke up the next day she realised Konohamaru had stayed the night. They must have just fallen asleep after. He had his arm wrapped around her torso and his head half buried in what was left of her ponytail. 
Ko stared at the ceiling wondering why that aspect didn’t bother her too much and came up empty.
Looking back on this first night much later Ko would think that she should have stopped doing it right then, when she started breaking her own rules, to avoid the chaos that would eventually follow after.
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