#im rewatching vinny play through the ending and GOD
zekkopunks · 2 years
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amaiimerodii573 · 6 years
For the Masked Edgy Pizza Shit
i said id fuckin deliver a compliment bomb to you didnt i Split? didn't i? wELL HERE YOU FUCKING GO COPY PASTED FROM A GOOGLE DOC I JUST FUCKING COMPLETED
With that out of the way, this is what I mean. Split, my dude, the fuck who plays Vinny, the fuck who is the net brother to Kristen, you sir
Are great. Amazing. Actually friendly. Well meaning.
Why? Easy. How you treat those you care for. Yeah sure you're a little arrogant sometimes, but despite Bro thinking lowly of himself and believing he offended the entire world, you refused to judge even so. You can easily joke with someone even though your humor differs and makes you seem like a prick.
You know what Queen and Kikyo said? That you love everyone unless they do something to REALLY piss you off. Tell me, is caring for people and treating them like family as you make crude jokes with and about and for them, making you an asshole? No.
Yes, you act a little arrogant sometimes, yes you’re not necessarily the biggest on showing affection, but you're anything but a prick. Yeah I know we've never talked personally but god dammit I’d bet you that if we had, I can tell you right now the same things as I do now. Maybe more.
At the end of the day, you’re just as wonderful as everybody else. I'm certain everyone can confirm this too. Just let me fuckin’ prove it.
RosesWereRed: Split is a genuinely great guy. Never had the pleasure of  meeting him, but I've heard that he's a wonder to talk to. But even still, he is one of those people that always makes me smile. Whether it's in a skit, or in DMP or anywhere else, he's amazing. His singing voice is stunning, and I could listen to it for hours. It's wonderful. The way he takes on the role of Vincent is amazing. I rewatch his awakening over and over again because it's just so powerful. It's one of those things I know I will never forget. I'm honestly proud to say that I look up to  him. He's a big inspiration to me and others. If I could tell him only one thing it would be that I am proud of everything he has done and know that he is going to go on to do great things.
Back to me: See?! Even Rhodes gets it!
Okay real talk. You're honestly somebody I look up to, and would love to speak with, and just generally I can see through that shell of yours that you really can be wonderful, that you are a great guy. I'm happy that in an injoke, I'm your bootleg edition you get in the dollar store, because honestly, I think that gets me a step closer to showing you that you're all but a douche.
Thanks for being a lovable pizza shit and being somebody who can make me laugh or smile no matter the situation. Somebody who can just make me feel any sort of emotion just by your ability to act, and your truly wonderful personality. I could care less about whether or not you seem a little rude, but you're honestly and truly somebody I look up to. Thanks for being the pizza shit you are, Split.
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carterhaughs · 7 years
GOD BLESS SARA GOODMAN, i loooved damsels, i'll have to rewatch it soon but cass immediately choosing to go with tulip/look out for her was So Good. also him asserting himself as more than the idiot sidekick, and the way he asks if tulip wants company when she leaves at the end aaaaahhh. also tulip like..lowkey trying to tell jesse whats going on but never getting it out killed me and cass respecting that even if he disagrees AND im really happy they showed what really happened between eugene and tracy that was so heartbreakingly sad wtf :(
YES she knows what we’re about!!! Monster Swamp was my favorite for all the reasons I discussed in my recent podcast about it - it encapsulates the existential horror and fundamental injustice of Annville as an entity ruled by white patriarchy and really lays out the mechanisms by which it operates, it gives us our first Julip flashback and great insight into Jesse’s morality in the Jesse/Quincannon Alamo scene, and ofc Tulip and Cassidy have the best meet-cute/meet-gross I’ve ever seen. 
Damsels is very interesting - I’m still picking it apart but the theme of the foibles of thinking of yourself as a hero in search of a reward/validation run through it - we see that in the scene with Eugene and Tracey which devolves into absurd tragedy and in the scene with Jesse and Featherstone where she plays him by preying on his need for validation (especially re: his mission to find God) and his weakness for playing the hero and the gentleman for those he considers vulnerable. And then there’s Tulip who is also no traditional damsel and despite the fact that she’s in distress won’t accept help from anyone, though she ultimately relents and tells Cassidy what’s going on. It’s hard for me to analyze her reticence much without knowing what exactly it is she did to incur Viktor’s wrath, but according to Ruth the reason she has trouble telling Jesse is bc she’s afraid he’ll shame her for it - we saw how awful he can be about that in s1 ep8 “He Gone.” She comes close to telling him and Jesse does reach out to her but Tulip isn’t able to trust him with whatever it is she’s afraid of sharing - though she does ultimately tell Cassidy. 
I’m confused about the scene at the end - did she go out to get caught on purpose? It’s hard to tell, but whatever the reason she certainly accepts her fate at the end there (also I love how Viktor sent like 12 people after her - they know how resourceful she is!). From previews I think it’s clear she goes a long way towards getting herself out of the situation (and fights that one Vinny Vega-looking guy), and I kind of wonder if Jesse uses Genesis on Cassidy to get him to tell him where Tulip might be (accidentally bc he’s freaked out or on purpose bc who could blame him, and also Cassidy may just tell him himself) and then they go to help her but she’s already on her way out and possibly then the SoK shows up and shoots everyone lol....and later we get that scene of Tulip punching Cassidy for telling Jesse probably - they seem to be dressed in their clothes from that episode (Tulip’s incognito hoodie outfit and Cassidy in his yellow polo). Poor boy - just trying to protect and help everyone as best he can. :( Obviously he and Tulip will work it out though - I think in the next few episodes we’ll probably get that blood bag scene and we’ll lose our shit lol
It was great to see Cassidy asserting his usefulness to the group (like he did last episode with Jesse) and his right to know what was going on as he’s been made party to all these secrets. It’s easier to keep Tulip’s secrets than it is to tell Jesse about them bc telling Jesse would hurt both Tulip and Jesse whereas just keeping the secrets leaves Jesse blissfully unaware so at least one party doesn’t know how they’re being harmed by the secret. But on top of all that, it’s clear he has Tulip’s back and cares deeply about her - when she leaves bc of her “sharp, grabby feeling” he wants to make sure she’s ok because he knows in that moment that emotionally, she needs his company more than Jesse does, but he also reassures her that it’s best to tell Jesse because he loves her and he might respond positively to hearing about her “troubles” - to which Tulip replies that doing so would only make things worse. And there’s the way he knows what’s going on with her emotionally because of personal experience - you can tell that in particular when he says “you’re afraid of someone” with such heartfelt sympathy. 
oh man this episode was SO MUCH. I’ll have to include all of this in my review (working on the episode 1 review rn). btw did you listen to my podcast on the first two episodes? how did you like it?
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